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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Game Preperation

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Stretch/Warm Up A LOT, Get dressed....stickhandle Smarthockey ball...and be quiet...and of course a nice dump/piss before i get dressed.

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Well, I don't speak for the entire ride to whichever rink we are playing at. I get to the rink about 90 minutes before warm-ups. Then I usually just sit around and listen to alot of very loud, angry music to put myself in the mood (alot of music I wouldn't normally listen to, like Korn). About 45 minutes before we get the ice I bust out one of my SmartHockey balls and pass that around with my teammates. After ten minutes of that I find a corner somewhere and stretch out by myself (I have found it to be bad luck when I stop and stretch out during warm-ups). I do that for about another fifteen minutes and then I sit down in the dressing room and slowly get myself dressed, making sure that everything is as comfortable and as tight as it can possibly be.

Throughout this entire process, you would be lucky if you heard me say ten words. I get very nervous before games; it's common for me to hurl before a playoff game.

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I drink a ton of water. Eat good, like 3 or 4 hours before a game. Stretch a little in the day and listen to alot of music. I also kind of visualize what to do in a game. Then I get to the game 90 minutes early (In the car I don't talk, I just listen to music. Usually Linkin Park or Story Of The Year). Drink 2 more bottles of water. Stretch alot, warm up, and play around with a golf ball (usually while listening to more music). Tape 2 sticks. And sometimes drink a Monster. I pee alot (probally becaues I'm nervous). Then I get on the ice with the team and warm up to play.

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Show up

make fun of Carl

pass out the skates I sharpened for the guys

collect cash for said sharpenings

tape up my current #1 stick

figure out who's missing

try to put together lines/d-pair

make fun of Ron

get dressed

make fun of Carl

Carl arrives

head out on the ice

minimal skating, lots of shooting

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Right now during summer league-

Get to rink about an hour early

Figure out who I'm playing

Tell guys to go after my friends on whatever team we're playing

Sit back and listen to jokes/whatever/get dressed

Find out who I'm playing with

Usually skip out on stretching/warm ups

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Show up 60-90 min before the game

Hang out with brian

Maybe watch a bit of whatever game may be going on/Check out the latest grossly overpriced stuff in the pro shop

Take a crap if I didn't before I left the house

Stretch out a bit

Put my gear on well before gametime (I hate how dry equipment feels so I like some moisture to seep in before I get on the ice).

Once I have my stuff on, I generally avoid everyone until I get on the ice.

Once I get on the ice, I do minimal skating. I just crank slap shots for the 5 or 10 minutes they give us. I find it helps me get into a rhythm better than skating in laps would.

Besides insisting on being there early, I have no real ritual.

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I read the first 3 posts to this thread and I didn't read the rest of everyone else's posts for the sake of not being further grossed out while I eat my 5:27 AM breakfast.

For me to get ready for a game, I am at home in my work out room and I do a little bit of a warm up hop to Reptile Theme off of Mortal Kombat and I then put on Training Montage from Rocky IV for about 2 minutes to get inspired then I put on Touched Wit It by 3 6 mafia and I flex all my muscles and go absolutely f***ing nuts.

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I have no habits like some of you do. My routine: Drive to rink, put on gear, go on ice. Usually in that order.

Even when I was younger playing 'more serious' hockey I didn't get too wound up or nervous. If you know your abilities and your opponents, what's the worry? Get out and play the game.

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I have no habits like some of you do. My routine: Drive to rink, put on gear, go on ice. Usually in that order.

Even when I was younger playing 'more serious' hockey I didn't get too wound up or nervous. If you know your abilities and your opponents, what's the worry? Get out and play the game.

Some people aren't cut out for hockey like you are. They're are many things that make people nervous. Like thinking about getting hammered by the huge D on the other team, losing obviously, being the reason your team loses and so on..

Anyways, my routine.

I like to get there first, but it's almost never the case.

I always wait as long as possible before I get dressed, I don't know why.

Half way through getting dressed I usually have to use the piss-pot.

We don't have music because the coaches don't want any music with swearing in it, because the coaches are worried about our reputation, but I think it would add a much needed boost that we were missing last year.

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I have no habits like some of you do. My routine: Drive to rink, put on gear, go on ice. Usually in that order.

Even when I was younger playing 'more serious' hockey I didn't get too wound up or nervous. If you know your abilities and your opponents, what's the worry? Get out and play the game.

Most of mine is just what happens, not a planned out ritual.

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Even when I was younger playing 'more serious' hockey I didn't get too wound up or nervous.  If you know your abilities and your opponents, what's the worry?  Get out and play the game.

I would say it is a preparation mechanism. I "get up" for the game by getting real tight, and quiet, and focused.

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Depends on the game. For teams that suck, or if I got messed up the night before and don't feel like playing, there isn't really a ritual for those kinda games. But for serious games where I want to win, I'll eat about 3 hours before the game and have two big glasses of water, I'll nap about an hour before heading to the rink, get there nice and early and drink plenty of water. The team will usually go for a run about an hour before game time, then we'll do our stretches and head back to the room. Play some good solid rock tunes to get us goin, sometimes rap too (depends on who's workin the cd player). Try to focus on the game and what I'm gonna do in it, get myself sorta pumped up. Get dressed putting on all my right side stuff first. Tape the sticks and give them a nice wax job. Sit and try to relax a bit, focus on the game.

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For tournaments I:

Don't sleep the night before; never have, never will...

Eat a breakfast burritto first thing in the morning

Cold shower

Check the stats for the other team online

Do pushups, situps, and pullups then stretch

Get ride to game and try to fall asleep, only to fail miserably

Get to game an hour early, check out other teams playing and visualize

Listen to lots of rap and start working myself up into a frothing frenzy

Dump and piss

Gear up 30 minutes early, try to sweat a little

Rip on everyone in the locker room- it goes all around

Crack every joint in my body

Piss again

Scope the other team, especially goalie, in warmups

Pray in front of the net and tap all the posts before the opening faceoff

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