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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kynetyk Hockey?

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Love how the Facebook guys are jumping all over that guy's product. Whores in every sense of the word.

IMO, looking at his sticks, what's-his-face's sticks look 12k better than Kynetyks.

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Got the warranty replacement for the Surge that I had broken. The owner upgraded me to a Reflex without charging me anything. He said that it would hold up longer. I got it on the ice for shinny that night, and really, really like it so far. It is incredibly light (one of my friends was surprised as hell when he tried it). The feel for the puck is also great.... as good or better than anything I had used. The puck rockets off the stick for shots, too. I can't really explain it well (but I'll do my best), but it felt like I had to work a little less hard to get the same or better kick on my wrist shots than with my other sticks - had been rotating between my Montreal Nitro 8500s, Vapor XX, WinnWell g500, Mission Fuel and TPS Redlite XN10 shaft/blade combo that I had found cheaply on eBay. The Reflex had the best feel, kick and balance of the bunch... It's really not even close in terms of shooting/performance. I had mostly been using the Montreal Nitro 8500... mainly because I've used Montreal Blades with that pattern for about 20 years and because the things are beasts.

I broke the Surge quickly and innocently. Perhaps it was a just a bad stick or bad luck. The Reflex feels a little more robust than the Surge. The 100 flex on this one felt a little stiffer than the Surge, but still less than some others. I don't generally like grip textures on sticks, but this one's pretty easy to get used to coming from a non-grip stick. In response to the comments about appearance, the Reflex is a lot less "looky-here!" than the Surge and Enforcer, for sure (a good thing for me).

Anyway, my first impression is very, very good. I'll update on the stick's durability a little later. If this thing holds up well, I'll keep using them for sure.

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Just a quick update, in case anyone is even reading this. The Reflex is a damned good stick and is holding up quite nicely. I've taken a lot of slapshots with this one and it has held up through some bad slashes, too. No concerns about durabilty. Seems like I've had it for just under a couple of months. I'd buy another Reflex when I run out of the sticks I got for Xmas, no doubt.

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Just a quick update, in case anyone is even reading this. The Reflex is a damned good stick and is holding up quite nicely. I've taken a lot of slapshots with this one and it has held up through some bad slashes, too. No concerns about durabilty. Seems like I've had it for just under a couple of months. I'd buy another Reflex when I run out of the sticks I got for Xmas, no doubt.

Sweet dude! Thanks for the update!

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It broke after about 2 months of beer league use (no contact, not many slapshots, not many hard slashes or blocked shots). Like my Surge, my Reflex broke on a faceoff.

In terms of performance, it's still my favorite stick of all time (although I generally buy squality tuff that's a year-plus old and on sale).

The durability is better than the CCM one pieces that I've used, and somewhat less than the others (I haven't used the g500 for long enough yet to really compare durability. The g500 feels more robust). If you're hard on sticks, this might not be a great choice. If you aren't, and are looking for something super-light with top-end feel, balance and kick, I'd recommend the Reflex. For perspective, I'm 6'1, 240 and break sticks very easily. Probably should be sticking with 2 pieces, but like the extra kick too much. This would be a good stick for a scoring/finesse winger or a center who doesn't mangle sticks on draws.

For me, I'd buy another at some point (as I'm only playing beer league now.) If I was playing in a rough league/full contact (and was paying for them myself) I'd have to go with something else.

If you're interested in a Kynetyk stick, for my 2 cents, the Reflex is worth the extra 20 bones over the Surge.

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Love how the Facebook guys are jumping all over that guy's product. Whores in every sense of the word.

IMO, looking at his sticks, what's-his-face's sticks look 12k better than Kynetyks.

I agree on the looks, and I had both in my hand and the kynetyks felt cheap in comparison. Yeah, they are light, but the kynetyks felt really pingy and hollow to me.

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Got one of the new reflexes, used it for the first time last night and liked it. First slapshot i took was great, felt like it exploded off my stick compared to my last stick. gotta use it a little more then ill update more

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Just ordered a Reflex Sakic 85 flex to try out. I'm excited about the low weight. Hopefully shipping doesn't take a million years.

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i used to use the kynetyk reflex, i think it was a 85 or 90 flex, it broke after a few games. I was going to take a slapshot and it broke where the blade meets the shaft and the blade went further than the puck on my shot. Dont like Kynetyk. Im a Warrior guy

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I am not much of a slapper guy, so I expect it will last longer for me.

I received a tracking number, so I just have to wait for uber-crappy USPS to get it to the border and let the much faster Canada Post take over.

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I am not much of a slapper guy, so I expect it will last longer for me.

I received a tracking number, so I just have to wait for uber-crappy USPS to get it to the border and let the much faster Canada Post take over.

How much are these sticks going for in CDN$ with shipping and taxes?

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How much are these sticks going for in CDN$ with shipping and taxes?

$110 USD - Use whatever the exchange rate at is at the time of your order to figure out what that is in CDN.

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Hey guys, I did some research and finally found that Kynetyk do a Zherdev clone pattern, but how do you get in touch with these guys to order one? I've tried sending them an email through their site, but havent go anything back, and I've sent them a message on their facebook page, again nothing back though. Anyone know how you go about ordering a blade from these guys?

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