habsfan87 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 I was watching An Inconvenient Truth this morning and it had me thinking. Now I'll start by saying I'm Canadian but realize America runs the world in most regards. I was fairly young at the time but remember it to some degree, the year 2000 when AL Gore lost a Florida Vote to George Bush. Again I'm not american and do not wish to argue about the war going on or the oil fight that George Bush has been a huge part of, because I'm just not knowledgeable enough. What had me thinking was how different could this world be if Gore happened to win and he became president. Whats clear to me is that Bush's main fight is that of oil, and well the burning of fossil fuels, whereas Gore is fighting a much different fight in my opinion. I'll state by saying I definitely agree that we need to start taking care of this problem soon and in a big way, and maybe if the leader of America was the voice for it, well maybe more would listen. What's your opinion? do you think it'd be naive to think it'd be any different today? would this issue take more concern over that of oil, terrorism? what's your opinion on that of global warming? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hattrick74 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
habsfan87 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?I'm neither for nor against Bush, I know there are alot of people that do think his fight is about oil but im not knowledgeable enough to discuss that. you do raise a good point, dont get me wrong i believe what bush did with 911 was great and whos to say gore would/wouldn't have done the same. all I'm trying to say is that if the leaders voice was that of one trying to fix the problem of global warming, i have to believe more people would give a shit about it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 See: Snake Oil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shooter27 116 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?Let's be real, Bush's main interest in Iraq is oil. If this was all about terrorism then he would have put the resources he put into Iraq into Afghanistan and found Bin Laden when he had the chance. I also tend to think part of the reason he went into Iraq was to clean up his daddy's mess of never having gotten Sadam in the first Gulf War. If this was all really about the war on terrorism then we would be in Afghanistan and looking for Bin Laden and his henchmen, not in Iraq with the oil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DCott 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?solid point, but the "post-9/11 world" would be wayyyyyyy different without Bush's war: maybe Gore wouldn't have taken such extreme measures to prevent terrorism (or at least say thats what the Iraq war is for). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?Let's be real, Bush's main interest in Iraq is oil. If this was all about terrorism then he would have put the resources he put into Iraq into Afghanistan and found Bin Laden when he had the chance. I also tend to think part of the reason he went into Iraq was to clean up his daddy's mess of never having gotten Sadam in the first Gulf War. If this was all really about the war on terrorism then we would be in Afghanistan and looking for Bin Laden and his henchmen, not in Iraq with the oil.If the war(s) were all about oil, why is oil still so expensive? Wouldn't the purpose of the war be a steady, cheaper supply of oil? Its pretty well known that Bin Laden is in the mountains of Pakistan (if he is still alive), and the US doesn't want to invade there right now. No sense starting another war with a turbulent country with nuclear weapons to stop a guy from not doing anything.another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?solid point, but the "post-9/11 world" would be wayyyyyyy different without Bush's war: maybe Gore wouldn't have taken such extreme measures to prevent terrorism (or at least say thats what the Iraq war is for).Who is to say that it's only "Bush's" war? How do we know that Gore wouldn't have done something similar? Of course Gore would obviously deny it, but its not like Bush wouldn't do the same if roles were reversed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? another question is how different would the world be today if Gore was the one that dealt the post-9/11 world?Maybe the better wording is Bush highly favors oil interests because of his history in the industry.Regarding post-9/11, I think any President would have had a tough time botching the public sentiment. This country was fired up for retribution, and only the pacifist of all pacifists could have screwed that up. That said, polls have shown that Bush has managed to throw away most of the goodwill he had won, because Iraq has turned into a quagmire -- one that has appeared to fuel terrorist sentiment against us, while Bin Laden survived our initial foray into Afghanistan.If the war(s) were all about oil, why is oil still so expensive?A few reasons. We're not the only country buying oil; Iraq is not the only country selling oil; and Iraq's post-war infrastructure is not adequate to produce enough oil to influence OPEC's prices to go down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thejackal 46 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 i for one think that gore would not be as environmentally proactive had he been elected. he only became REALLY vocal about the issues after 2000, and no doubt big industry would have "paid" much more attention to him had he won. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ronnychencharik 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 If there is one thing that I have learned in my 20 years, it is to never discuss politics or religion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 He's had more of a forum to pursue this agenda, but he was raising the topic of global warming long before the 2000 election.However, you probably are right that he would have been as environmentally proactive if he had been elected, because political realities intervene."You'd like to cut chloroform emissions by 17%? Sure, we can do it, but it will cost X trillion dollars, plus cut Y jobs, as well as decrease our GDP by Z percent."I'm making that up, of course, but just because Gore would have wanted certain policies, it doesn't mean he would have had the political strength to push them through the a Republican-led Congress.If there is one thing that I have learned in my 20 years, it is to never discuss politics or religion.That was before message boards were created. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 If there is one thing that I have learned in my 20 years, it is to never discuss politics or religion.That was before message boards were created. ;) Hockey message boards?Now more people get their news from John Stewart and Steven Colbert than they do from actual news sources. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hattrick74 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 the one thing i find funny when people place blame of the war squarely on bush is that didn't congress unanimously vote to go to war? maybe i don't know my US constitution well enough, but Bush could not wake up one day and go into war without the approval of the senate and house, am i wrong here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDipper 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 I agree with Salming...as a canadian who recently moved to florida and obtained a green card honestly I couldn't give a shit about politics and I promise I will never vote a day in my life. However...the president is not a person..it's an institution. Any president right now would have "sucked". The US is..and always will be the big brother to the world and hold that status as the "leader". The oil argument is a good one...and a logical reason. But..funny how right now Canada statiscally is producing more oil than any other country in the world. Go figure. This argument could on for days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cxo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 This thread is a ticking time bomb is what it is. Ronny was spot on. We shouldn't be arguing about any subject in which we're all terribly uninformed or possibly misinformed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigDipper 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 Agreed...I'm out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
habsfan87 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 This thread is a ticking time bomb is what it is. Ronny was spot on. We shouldn't be arguing about any subject in which we're all terribly uninformed or possibly misinformed.I'll be the first to admit I don't know jack squat for politics and that wasn't my intention for this thread (as i know 75% of this board is under 21 more than likely so yes it wouldnt go anywhere). but after seeing this i just wanted to hear some opinions from people that do know more about the subject, learned some already. if anything i'd rather hear what people think about gore and global warming and his efforts, not critiqing George Bush's time as president. i'm not one for arguing i just like hearing peoples $.02, afterall there may be people on this board who do care and do know quite a bit about it. some people may actually be into reading a newspaper before they talk about hockey sticks lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cxo 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 This thread is a ticking time bomb is what it is. Ronny was spot on. We shouldn't be arguing about any subject in which we're all terribly uninformed or possibly misinformed.I'll be the first to admit I don't know jack squat for politics and that wasn't my intention for this thread (as i know 75% of this board is under 21 more than likely so yes it wouldnt go anywhere). but after seeing this i just wanted to hear some opinions from people that do know more about the subject, learned some already. if anything i'd rather hear what people think about gore and global warming and his efforts, not critiqing George Bush's time as president. i'm not one for arguing i just like hearing peoples $.02, afterall there may be people on this board who do care and do know quite a bit about it. some people may actually be into reading a newspaper before they talk about hockey sticks lol.Oh for sure, I wasn't trying to be a jerk. I'm on a lot of different forums though, and this subject gets brought up often. Usually it turns into ridiculous arguments, and the rest of the time it gets turned into a discussion on insane conspiracy theories. It just gets redundant after a while you know? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
habsfan87 0 Report post Posted January 26, 2008 oh i wasn't labelling you as a jerk at all, i understand i hate hearin about bush as much as the next guy. i just thought of how close it came to Gore being president and him being such an advocate to the global warming issue that maybe it would be a bigger issue today. the Bush administration themselves back in their first term, while trying to prove it was under control put a picture of a balance beam and on one side were gold bars or the economy and on the other side was the planet lol (seen in the movie) i just thought that was really stupid and alot of bigwigs in washington don't care and think of the economy first, and ignorance imo is the worst enemy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 Oil? Who's talking about oil? Bitch, you cookin'?why do you think bush's main fight is about oil? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 This thread is a ticking time bomb is what it is. Ronny was spot on. We shouldn't be arguing about any subject in which we're all terribly uninformed or possibly misinformed.Why? All we're doing is expressing our opinions. If people disagree, they can say why. If people don't like the topic, there are other threads for them to read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hattrick74 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 Let me first say I have not seen mr. Gore's movie, for those that have, how bias/unbias is it? Its a shame that in this day in age nothing can be taken at face value, one has toalways assume there is an agenda behind it (I am not implying this about an innconvient. Truth) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cxo 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 There's an agenda behind everything, it's what that agenda entails that you will almost never know for sure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 Life would have been great if the sourdough bagel covered in eggs and back bacon didn't make my sphincter spasm this much or make my ass feel like Mt. Doom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fleury2929 0 Report post Posted January 27, 2008 If the war(s) were all about oil, why is oil still so expensive? Wouldn't the purpose of the war be a steady, cheaper supply of oil? Its pretty well known that Bin Laden is in the mountains of Pakistan (if he is still alive), and the US doesn't want to invade there right now. No sense starting another war with a turbulent country with nuclear weapons to stop a guy from not doing anything.Have you looked around the world, the US has the cheapest gas in the world, well some of the cheapest!!http://money.cnn.com/pf/features/lists/global_gasprices/The war is about oil, for the most part. There is no WMD there, but there is oil!Who is to say that it's only "Bush's" war? How do we know that Gore wouldn't have done something similar? Of course Gore would obviously deny it, but its not like Bush wouldn't do the same if roles were reversed.Well you are living in the "could haves". I really find it hard to believe that Gore would have sent the amount of Troops that Bush did, he probably would not send any. He would have focused his army into Afghanistan, where it should have been!He wouldn't have the gun toting advisors there are in the bush adm. So they would have pushed Gore into another direction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites