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Gomez almost out of XN10s

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Yeah, I noticed a little bit of fumbling. After my V110s, I swore myself off of CCM sticks completely, but I don't even know what to think anymore. This whole "new sticks" thing sucks, but my AK27s are getting soft and I think I am going to want to try something new sometime soon.

The list of things I wouldn't do for a nice little supply of new XN10s is very, very, very short.

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If Gomez is going to keep giving these things out he needs to give some to me. Asshat.

is it possible they still actually make them for the pros?

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There are 2 Response stick that have "With XN10 Material" at my local Dunham's. The ones that are red on the top and gold on the sides with a crazy almost honeycomb design.

Stiff, Morrow, Control, maybe Armor can't remember. Marked down to $99.99

Way too light to be knockoffs.

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There are 2 Response stick that have "With XN10 Material" at my local Dunham's. The ones that are red on the top and gold on the sides with a crazy almost honeycomb design.

Stiff, Morrow, Control, maybe Armor can't remember. Marked down to $99.99

Way too light to be knockoffs.

Response Armor, grip version was Response Armor Control. They were the replacement for the XN10 and were import, not made in north america like the XN10 and Adrenaline.

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Response Armor, grip version was Response Armor Control. They were the replacement for the XN10 and were import, not made in north america like the XN10 and Adrenaline.

Ah, so not what people are looking for. I had no idea, I don't remember there being TPS sticks there and I saw the XN10 badge. They also had some Response R1 sticks, didn't look closely at those.

I was actually looking for a few pucks, but what they had wasn't official size and weight. WTF.

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i 2 loved the xn10. i have been having luck though finding sticks that shoot well. the problem is inding ones that last. so far the only stick that i have liked as much is the kronik. the adrenaline is pretty sweet 2. the kronik has a very stiff blade so its definatelt different.

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The kronik's blade is really soft. I don't know what type of kronik you are seeing but I've never seen one with a blade even close to a XN10 OPS.

The adrenaline was soo unbalanced and it was pretty unlively.

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The kronik's blade is really soft. I don't know what type of kronik you are seeing but I've never seen one with a blade even close to a XN10 OPS.

The adrenaline was soo unbalanced and it was pretty unlively.

The adrenaline I have now and the ones that I sold weren't unbalanced at all. It's essentially an XN10 with a layer of Kevlar for increased slash protection.

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Slightly OT: Any source for Adrenaline shafts?

my lhs has a ton!

but I don't live in North America so probably not any help to you...sorry :(

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Slightly OT: Any source for Adrenaline shafts?


you can just buy these and pull the blade, for $99 its not a bad option.

Thanks. Anyone know how long the shaft is and how the flex is on the intermediate XN10?

Edit: Should know better. Found a lot of posts that it's 48" and is about a 70 on Easton scale.

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What do you know, Gomez is using an XN10 this afternoon against the Canadians.

And he had a goal. Fancy that.

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I've seen them scattered around in the Perani's. Some Pro stocks, some retail, depends on the store. Try calling each individual location and seeing if they will ship.

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I just got my three XN10's in the mail and the closest thing to it, IMHO, is

th Adrenaline, so if you can't find an XN10...

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the store where i work still has a couple xn10s if you are a left. we have a stiff flex tkachuk and a regualr flex tucker. there might be more but those are the 2 i know off the top of my head. there 100 bucks. so just message me if you want any. ill look to see if we have anymore also...

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I just got my three XN10's in the mail and the closest thing to it, IMHO, is

th Adrenaline, so if you can't find an XN10...

It all comes down to personal experience. Loved the XN10 and thought the Adrenaline's were OK. Right now using some Pro Stock R8's (P31's with no grip) and for me the performance is similar to the XN10, but with better puck feel.

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I just got my three XN10's in the mail and the closest thing to it, IMHO, is

th Adrenaline, so if you can't find an XN10...

It all comes down to personal experience. Loved the XN10 and thought the Adrenaline's were OK. Right now using some Pro Stock R8's (P31's with no grip) and for me the performance is similar to the XN10, but with better puck feel.

It must be the long hosel blades because my R8 was a turd with the older R2 blades in it.

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