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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thanks for the warning!

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Id like to thank the guys that warned me the other day. Greatly appreciated. Obviously what I said had some truth behind it, because it hit a soar spot. Veeeeeerrrryyy Niiiiiiiice

...if you're going to chirp...at least spell right pal...its "sore"...not "soar"

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Id like to thank the guys that warned me the other day. Greatly appreciated. Obviously what I said had some truth behind it, because it hit a soar spot. Veeeeeerrrryyy Niiiiiiiice

You realize a MOD added the warning right? You know, the same guys who decide who's allowed to post here and who isn't? The same guys who pay the server costs etc? The same guys who get nothing but respect from the long time members?

If you don't want to play by the rules then leave - you won't be missed.

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i think your mom is fixing you milk and cookies. you better run downstairs before she catches you on her computer and tells your daddy... what a tool

like i always say duct tape is silver but silence is golden.

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You realize a MOD added the warning right? You know, the same guys who decide who's allowed to post here and who isn't? The same guys who pay the server costs etc? The same guys who get nothing but respect from the long time members?

not to mention respect from the less-longterm members/lurkers (me)...

the mods do a VERY respectable job here IMHO

everyone has a few ridiculous posts in their history (Mack's the exception :blink: ), but not making them a habit is the key

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i agree with you guys. Im not trying to stir up any trouble. I just get really upset when someone makes a comment about a semi-pro or junior player, that isn't warranted. We need to respect the sport, because those guys are playing at that level for a reason. It takes alot of hard work and dedication to make it professionaly, and all the guys that dont realize that and dont respect the guys that do it, wont get my respect in return. Thats the point I was trying to make. I was lucky enough to get an invite to a Bruins rookie camp, two years ago and until that point I didnt realize how much work some of these guys put in. How much they care about the sport, and how much they want it. And how much it takes to make it to the NHL. Let's just respect the guys that do it, that's all im saying.

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I got warned too...it gets taken away over time..

creating a thread in a totally unrelated forum, and sounding sarcastic is only gunna make it worse...man up and just take the warning.

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i agree with you guys. Im not trying to stir up any trouble. I just get really upset when someone makes a comment about a semi-pro or junior player, that isn't warranted. We need to respect the sport, because those guys are playing at that level for a reason. It takes alot of hard work and dedication to make it professionaly, and all the guys that dont realize that and dont respect the guys that do it, wont get my respect in return. Thats the point I was trying to make. I was lucky enough to get an invite to a Bruins rookie camp, two years ago and until that point I didnt realize how much work some of these guys put in. How much they care about the sport, and how much they want it. And how much it takes to make it to the NHL. Let's just respect the guys that do it, that's all im saying.

You flipped out over a comment that was so over-the-top sarcastic that it shocked even me. No one was calling AHL guys hacks by any means.

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Id like to thank the guys that warned me the other day. Greatly appreciated. Obviously what I said had some truth behind it, because it hit a soar spot. Veeeeeerrrryyy Niiiiiiiice


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