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Tall Sticks?

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Does anyone know anything where i might be able to buy long sticks. im 6'6'' and play competitive hockey but am always breaking my sticks ive tried one pieces and pro stock. what i really need is something that like Chara uses. I prefer the 2 piece shafts but will welcome any suggestions at this point. Any body with any ideas or suggestions.

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Cyclone Taylor has pro stock Ultra Lites that are longer than usual. I'm an inch shorter and do well with just random pro stocks and a buttend.

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What length and flex are you currently using?

How are you breaking your sticks?

Contrary to popular belief, Chara doesn't use some obscenely high flex, only mack does.

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Uh, Chara uses a 140 flex. Last I checked, that was stiff.

Montreal and CCM are longer than normal. Warrior is making an extended legnth 100 and 110 flex AK-27 as well.

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There was an ultralight or cyclone on ebay a while ago that was 120 flex and the shaft was like 60"


That's how their 120s end up working for the most part. All my Grip Lites are longer and don't require a long buttend to be put in there, so that's why I directed the guy to Cylone Taylor who I think still has those longer ULs.

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The RBK 7K pro-lite's are 3 inches longer than normal TPS and Easton sticks.

I'm 5-11 1/2 and I wish I could cut mine 3" off but then they'd be too stiff for me.

If you could buy a stiff or x-stiff 7k, a 3 to 4 inch addition should be ok for you. Check ebay or pro-return hockey

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Uh, Chara uses a 140 flex. Last I checked, that was stiff.

Thought some of his pro-returns on ebay were only 120?

I think Montreal is offering a 120 in their senior sticks, which are what, 64" or 65" retail? You can't extend them any more than that (non-standard inner hole of the shaft), though I'm not sure you'd need to.

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Uh, Chara uses a 140 flex. Last I checked, that was stiff.

Thought some of his pro-returns on ebay were only 120?

I think Montreal is offering a 120 in their senior sticks, which are what, 64" or 65" retail? You can't extend them any more than that (non-standard inner hole of the shaft), though I'm not sure you'd need to.

montreal has 110 flex (red) and you can extend them if you like

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personally the montreal i just got is the longest stick i have seen to date, im 6'2'' and cut off atleast 5 or 6 inches, mind you i use an obnoxiously short stick, but i think it would be more then enough for you.

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Like mack said cyclone taylor has pro stock ultra lites 62" 100 flex. cant beat that.

something makes me suspicious that those are misprints, and they meant 48" and 52"

It's been changed on their site now to say 48" regular and 52" Extra Long.

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