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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Neck/wrist protection

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I find the normal High-School mandated neck protection to be bulky, but wonder if there's some sort of turtle neck UA out there that might offer at least some protection.

Mission had some, I didn't look to see if they still have it this year.

Mission improved the offerings in the Performance Protective Apparel. that said i did not bring it up so i could plug our stuff, so much as to raise awareness. it seems there is alot of misinformation out there. on certain models we put Kevlar in the wrists and the neck- this is indeed for SLICE PROTECTION. just over a month ago a goalie in San Jose had a player skate over his wrist after he lost his trapper. bloody mess for one and once tendons are severed they are never the same. when i was a kid the neck protection was bulky and uncomfortable, but now there are more than a few different options out there and they are sure alot nice than what was available when i was a kid. like i said earlier i just wanted to help raise the awareness of this type of injury. i was watching the game as it happened and it was just awful. i hear so many guys say it would never happen, but like i said earlier... there are just too many factors out there beyond your control. big ups for the Bufalo training staff getting out there so fast. you guys forget that NHL players survive this kind of stuff because, they have the best help available-- what kind of help do you have at your rink when time is of the essence?

Zac, is there somewhere we could see the neck protector that Mission makes or even purchase it online?

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Well I'm going to take a look at those Itechs tonight. If it doesn't look too bad, I'll give it a shot. Better to spend $50 on something like this than another hockey blade.

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Well I'm going to take a look at those Itechs tonight. If it doesn't look too bad, I'll give it a shot. Better to spend $50 on something like this than another hockey blade.

Wow. It's finally nice to see someone with a sense of what's important.

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It's not unheard of for people to get cut in the neck during hockey...I've known of a couple people at our local rink who have been cut there, but not deep enough to hit any of the main veins or arteries. Of course in NHL games they are all moving incredibly fast, and the guys are pretty big, so something like this would be more likely. I read that Zednik was cut 1.5 inches deep and that his carotid artery was "hanging on by a thread" when they stitched it back together. Sure makes you think twice about neck protection, even if the chances of it happening are very low.

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i might be thinking of another related fiber..

edit: nope... did some searching around.. there are better fibers for resisting cutting and slicing. Though, there are some modifications to improve the cut resistance. At any rate, dunno how good it would do...

i am not trying to create a pi$$ing contest here. i am trying to raise awareness about something that the rest of the hockey world has caught on to, but for some reason there is no mandate for youth hockey in the states. at any rate our shirts are BNQ certified and will protect against cuts/slices. i hope it never happens to you, but if it does-- hopefully you are protected. once you are cut... with your heart rate elevated.... you do not have much time. i pass on what i know because, i have been to our labs in Montreal and i see how we test our product BEFORE it even goes out to be certified.

oh no, not trying to get into a pissing contest... solid product testing is a plus for sure. thanks for the info

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Yeah, and freak accidents can always happen. A guy at our local drop in just got his lip sliced all the way up to the nose by a stick. Wearing a visor, didn't do him any good.

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Yeah, and freak accidents can always happen. A guy at our local drop in just got his lip sliced all the way up to the nose by a stick. Wearing a visor, didn't do him any good.

Same thing at mine. A cut lip and knocked out the two front teeth. No visor, and that probably wouldn't have done anything but the guy should've been wearing a mouthguard at least.

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Ok, I saw the Itech shirt online and I also saw what I think is the Mission one that's been talked about. After looking at them though it doesn't look like they go high enough to fully protect the neck. Am I wrong or don't the pictures really show what they actually fit like?

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Ok, I saw the Itech shirt online and I also saw what I think is the Mission one that's been talked about. After looking at them though it doesn't look like they go high enough to fully protect the neck. Am I wrong or don't the pictures really show what they actually fit like?

I've heard some concerns about how the shirts might only deflect the skate blade to the upper part of the neck, and how some organizations are waiting further testing before mandating or recommending them.

I still figure something's better than nothing, especially if I can find something with wrist protection as well.

Anyone else care to chime in?

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Why doesnt USA hockey just make it a rule you have to wear it?

It sounds like alot of other nations have.

Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't USA hockey require the use of a mouth guard? If so, I think a neck guard would be sufficient too. Canada is backwards on that aspect. No mouthpiece but a neck guard.

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Ok, I saw the Itech shirt online and I also saw what I think is the Mission one that's been talked about. After looking at them though it doesn't look like they go high enough to fully protect the neck. Am I wrong or don't the pictures really show what they actually fit like?

Stopped by a shop on they way home to look at these shirts again. Earlier this season they had a whole lot of them. Since this latest incident, they've had a run on them and ran out of my size. I got one of the regular neck protectors, and it feels like someone has a hand around my neck. I'd rather take a pass on it, but house rules dictate me wearing one now (my house, not the league).

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i bought the Itech "Ultimate" shirt today. i had doubts about the collar not being long enough to cover my neck but once i tried it on i was pleasantly surprised. this shirt doesn't have wrist protection though. it is pretty comfortable too, i didn't feel like i was being choked.

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i will see if i can get some pics up guys. remember that some shirts have the wrist protection while others do not. the Itech Ultimate will have wrist/neck/clavicle and the new Mission UL600 will as well. as you go down in price you lose some features like the wrist protection and the grip darts for elbow pads etc etc. you should be able to see the product in the mfg catalogue section for Mission under Performance Protective Apparel. i have been wearing the Mission shortsleeve version from last year. it has the really cool vented back ( like on the expensive UnderArmour shirts ) and it is very comfortable-- different at first, but after a session or two i didnt even notice it. if you guys need more info... please pm me and i am happy to help. like i said before- if not MIH then at least look at other options.

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Is there any chance of getting a group buy going? Perhaps not direct from mission/itech but one of the suppliers (or better yet, shop owners on thiis board)?

I placed an order from here while they still had adult large to try out. I'm currently using a long sleeve puckskin and while I think it works fine, I'd really like to give a under shirt with better ventilation a go.

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Why doesnt USA hockey just make it a rule you have to wear it?

It sounds like alot of other nations have.

Correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't USA hockey require the use of a mouth guard? If so, I think a neck guard would be sufficient too. Canada is backwards on that aspect. No mouthpiece but a neck guard.

Your correct, right now i feel like a neck guard is more important. I'd rather take a concussion then a skate through the neck.

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Last I heard USAH was going planning a study to see if they were effective before making any further decisions on neck guards. There are at least two cases of kids wearing neck guards and still being cut. I believe the final report on one of them was that the neck guard deflected the blade up and severed the artery completely. Had the neck guard been a mandated piece of equipment, USAH would have some level of liability for requiring it.

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It's getting there. The only consolation for the beer leagues is that most guys' skates are dull as shit anyway - then there's always the idiot who gets the deepest hollow he can find and can't skate on - his blades spend a lot of time int he air...

I had to wear it in junior hockey when I was a kid - I hated it...big bulky-assed things that choked you. I still have that problem with them, since my neck is too big and it is hard to find any that don't fit too tightly - I guess one of these shirts is an option.

I switched to a full combo last year and went back to a half visor, only to get a puck in the face last week. Now I am going back to full face and a neck guard. I'm glad Zed is doing well - I heard on HTM he is upgraded in condition and should be out soon. It's too damned bad - he was an impact player for the Habs before that concussion - I wonder how he'll respond to this. He's a good guy too - I taught in a school on the south shore that is in an impoverished zone - he donated a pile of money to buy food for these kids in my class so they could get breakfasts every day. Anyway, I guess his injury will smarten me up - discomfort is easier to deal with than bleeding to death.

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I am using a ITech JP510.

In my experience the neck guard has not been a bother or irritant. It did feal slightly tight when I would initially put the suit on but, once play began, I never noticed it.

Now, might it be a bit more protective if the neckguard went higher? Possibly, but I do feel that some protection is better than none at all.

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Ive been using the Bauer TNP Bib neckgaurd for about 4-5 years now. I honestly cant even tell I have a neckguard on. If anyone sees one in a shop in a M or L let me know please Ive been looking for a couple new ones, but they are extremely hard to find since Bauer discontinued them acouple years ago.

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