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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your first love... the curve of your choice

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Modano/Forsberg. Other curves might go top shelf easier, or stickhandle better etc., but nothing does everything as well as this. Passes are beautiful, and slappers are nice and low. Pretty much heaven as far as 5 lies go.

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I'm a Shanahan man myself, I have a small stockpile of composite Shanny blades stashed away for use after the nuclear holocaust.

Recently I found a couple of curves that are identicle to the Shanny in a one piece... first it was the Gear Bozek curve, which was a match but the stick itself had a strange feel to it and I could never get used to playing with it. Its discontinued

Then I found the Bauer Gagne P10 which is just a great stick except it too is discontinued. I have a small stash of these as well. Hopefully they will come back.

I figured when Shanahan signed with NYR his curve would be re-issued, but alas it was not to be.

Koho Senior ABS was my old street hockey blade, tape for puck, no tape for ball.

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KOHO Hossa pattern was my favorite curve when I first started playing - couldn't explain what it was - mid toe but the face opened up quite a bit.

Sakic/P92 was my next favorite for a few years

PM9/Forsberg is currently my blade of choice

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no idea what the first curve was, but it was on a Bauer Supreme 3003. and from there it was

- Recchi

- LeClair

- Lidstrom

- and now the P92

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haha my first stick was the good ol' straight stick. no curve at all, those were the days.

this is kind of ironic, cuz I now use a yzerman curve....but I dont know how much longer iys going to last, trying to find some to stock pile.

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focus on sig: and when you are done you go back to elementary school and learn how to spell. j/k dude but i believe you spell dangle like this. d, a, n, g, l, e.

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First curve was the Coffey...what a banana!

to Shanny,

to Lidstrom,

now the Thorton...best square toe and toe curve.

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Everyone always says you can get harder wristshots (for the most part) with heel curves as apposed to toes or mids, is this pretty true?...I use a sakic personally.

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Everyone always says you can get harder wristshots (for the most part) with heel curves as apposed to toes or mids, is this pretty true?...I use a sakic personally.

I am sure PP plays some role, but has not been true for me. Wicked wristers with a toe curve.

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For me, toe and mid curves seem to put alittle more weight in my wrist and snappers. Heel has a bigger sweet spot for slap shots.

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I actually started with a straight blade ( titan tmp2020) until 6 years old , then gretzky until 15 or so . Went to Coffey for those uncontrolable wicked slapshots ! :lol:

Now Sakic/Draper

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First was Christian pattern #18, kind of Modano/Forsberg-ish....

I saw the Buzz Lightbeer post with the Bauer Desjardins, I liked them for a while.....even with those stupid f'n rubber thingys on them

Now I`m into the Drury/P91`s with a very whippy shaft

My first stick was a Victoriaville Bobby Orr with a straight blade, I was 6......

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My favorite is a Zubov pro stock. In retail, my current favorite is Sher-Wood's LeClair. I can get by with a Forsberg/Modano or P106.

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Pretty new to hockey but i am loving my synergy ST Forsberg. Don't have the funds to be messing around with different curves at the moment :)

That was/is the beauty of playing with wood sticks or at least wood blades in shafts.

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