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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Want a great all around curve

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Right now i'm using a Naslund on my 30 lite, an Iginla on my Stealth and I tried out a Forsberg blade on my 2 peice.

With the naslund I feel like I can't shoot low, I send everything high, but I like the length of the blade

With the iginla I feel like I can shoot anywhere but the blade is so damn short that I hate the stickhandling with it

With the forsberg I love the stickhandling but the shooting, not so much.

so I guess what i'm asking is what is a curve thats going to allow me to do basically everything well.


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Then why are you bitching about your curve. the change from an iginla to a forsberg shouldn't be enough that you worry about it.

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Your looking for the same thing as me....

A neutral face sakic. (and in my case a 5 lie)

Alas there's isn't any retail curve that fits that bill, and I haven't found it in a prostock curve yet.

You could get it made custom from either ballistik or christian in wood/composite.

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Try the #5 from christian. Ever so slightly longer than an iginla when I compared.

Recchi is like a more neutral face mid/mid toe curve, worth a shot.

TOo be truthful i suffered the same thing as him, and I went to a recchi and I love it so far, a little tougher going shelf from in close but nothing worth worrying about

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Well somewhere down the line you'll have to compromise.

i'd look at the Robitaille curve...it's not as flat as an Iginla, but it's longer. Or look at the Nash, a lot of people think it's got a bit less loft than the Sakic.

Personally I'd love a 3/8" mid curve with the profile of a Forsberg, but that won't happen.

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CCM Recchi X 3.

I just got one; good all around mid curve: longer blade, curve not too deep, blade face not too open, lie is 5.25. I'd give it a shot.


lie is a 6 on the v10

Nope. I have a Vector 10.0 and it's definitely a 5.25. HM lists it as a 5, but it's slightly more.

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Right now i'm using a Naslund on my 30 lite

Wow that's some douche-y slang for the XXX Lite.

Vapor XXXX = Vapor 40

Vapor XXX = Vapor 30

XXX Lite = 30 Lite

as for recchi I thought about that which is a shame that easton and bauer don't have something comparable to it because those are the two I have right now and I love them.

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Warrior Robitaille. 1/2" mid curve slighty open, but not as much as the Sakic, 5 lie. Best curve on the market for me. Sundin/Brendl/Afinogenov is similar, just a bit deeper.

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Try Harrow sports, go to hockey and custom sticks and blades. There's a form to fill out, and you have to buy 6 blades. Fill out the form for exactly what you want, and there you have it your custom stick blade that has everything you want.


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