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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1500 broken boot after a weak shot.

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We won our first playoff game last night but my night wasn't that good. With a minute remaining in the game, i tried to block a pretty slow shot with my skate, i saw it coming a mile away... The toe-cap on my 1500s, which is composite material, just exploded. I mean... i didn't loose any pieces but i felt all the carbon splinters trought my toes and some guy on the other team went: "Haha dude, you broke your skates."

I know that's what i get for saving a couple of dollars and buying online but damn...i barely used them.

I tried searching but couldn't find anyone else who broke their boots. Since it's just the toe-cap, i'm thinking the skates will still be usable after i apply some epoxy or something. My main concern is that broken composite tends to spread to the rest of the unit, it does with stick. My other concern is if i receive another shot on the toes; it would probably hurt like hell.

Any thoughts?

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I would contact easton about this. It could fall under warranty, but it also could fall under normal wear and tear. Explain the situation to them and I am sure that they will help you.

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Something similar happened to my 1300 I also blocked a shot with the toe and needless to say it gave in and a dime size part is so now no longer stiff and soft to the touch...

I have been putting coats of A&R toe guard on it maybe like 20 coats by now...

skated on them once since seem fine however defiantly no were near as solid as they were before... so if you were to take another shot there it wouldn't be good.

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I know that's what i get for saving a couple of dollars and buying online but damn...i barely used them.

I meant i bought them on the auction site with no warranty.

And ZipLock... Did it spread to the rest of the boot? I mean those skates are made in one-piece of composite aren't they, you can't just change the toe cap.

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Pretty concerning as I was considering a pair of 1500 for my next skates as they fit like a dream. I always assumed they'd perform like tanks, its really concerning that something like a block shot has effected the boot the way it has.

Has anyone else seen this happen to say Vapor XXX's etc?

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There's a pretty big thread somewhere about the poor durability of Eastons skates.

A kid on my sons team had the toe cap of his Synergy's break like you described. Easton replaced them for him even though they were out of warranty and the new pair have literally fallen apart. Last weekend he broke a blade.

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Easton has been trying like hell to keep their S15 customers happy with their S15 skates that are falling apart. They are giving out return authorizations on skates way past the 90 day boot warranty. However, with your skates I am not sure if you have any warranty claim without some form of proof of purchase from an authorized dealer.

Personally, I wouldn't play in the skate if the toe cap is mush. A deflected pass on the toe cap could break your toes. That isn't worth it in my book.

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And from my experience... breaking your toes is no fun at all. If its just a smaller one you might get away with a big boot or something, but if its the big one or multiple toes you will be in a cast for 6 weeks and pt for about 2 months after that.

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I'll try to give them a call but the fact that i don't even know where those skates come from is kind of weird. They are mounted on Tuuks C+ is that a detail i should hide from them if i call?

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And ZipLock... Did it spread to the rest of the boot? I mean those skates are made in one-piece of composite aren't they, you can't just change the toe cap.

No... but i can fell the lose fibers on the inside and the harder i press on the damaged area the more of the toe gives in so i would say it would take some time for it to "spread" but the damage is already done.

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Ha ha, so last year my SyNergy skates cracked at the toe from an uber hard shot by a teamate, then this year in our final game, my S15's cracked on the side from another shot by an opposing team, but easton is lame and doesnt give you any contact info beside a phone number that doesnt help at all. If anyone has an email that is to a cusomter service rep, could you PLEASE post it, i would hate to BUY new skates without trying to contact easton before and explain my agrument.

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I emailed them through their website once. I wanted to know what size eyelets they used in their skates so I could buy some to re-do an older pair of skates. I included my name and address out of habbit....two weeks later theres a fed-x box at my house with enough eyelets to do 4 skates. All I wanted was info, ended up with free parts.

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And from my experience... breaking your toes is no fun at all. If its just a smaller one you might get away with a big boot or something, but if its the big one or multiple toes you will be in a cast for 6 weeks and pt for about 2 months after that.

I had a hairline fracture of my big toe last winter from a howitzer of a slapper. Not fun. No cast though. Only missed one practice. I don't recommend it though.

Composite sticks=good composite toecaps=bad

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no only are you not funny, but your an idiot too. good try though....

Hockey is fun. Amazed at how many people involved have no sense of humour. I had a laugh at that. I would have laughed if it was www.grafisjunk.net/antiques, as well.

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I can see some more of the Nike/Bauer boys are dissing Easton skates again. I've had my 1300's for almost two years now and I've taken some pretty decent slappers off of them. Didn't feel a thing and no damage, just a scuff where the pucks hit. The holders and blades have hung in there with no problems as well. Pretty good Easton crap if you ask me. Last shot I took off my Vapors I had a bees nest on my foot. Not as protective but I still like the Vapors regardless. If you ask me their both pretty decent skates just manufactured with a different concepts.

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I have to agree with the guys who say easton skates have durability issues. Holder and steel are fine but composite should not be used to construct skate boots, especially the toe box. I've probably Returned at least one fourth of the easton skates we get in since the composite boot was introduced. Unfortunate since they aren't a bad skate. Liked 'em when I tried 'em.

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