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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Toy Drive?

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It happens around Christmas time. If you send them in toys, with a certain value which i believe is like $70 USD, then they'll send you a stick in return. I think this year it was the S17.

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It's done through the Easton forums on their site. It started around early-mid November and ran until December 15th. Details are on their forum.

Easton asked for $85 worth of unwrapped handheld electronic toys for children who were terminally ill/in the hospital over Christmas. As a thank you for spending money and helping the less fortunate they shipped your choice of S17 in the full set of retails patterns (Lidstrom, Forsberg, Iginla, Drury, Heatley, Sakic), hand and grip. The also had junior, and apparently choice of flex.

Max was 2 sticks. Some people got pro stocks, the first 20 who participated got an S9 pro helmet in their choice of NHL colors.

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Yes, Canadian residents are eligible.... and No, no other manufacturers have a toy drive that I know of.

Canadians are eligible, but no sticks have been received in Canada yet. Also the helmet isn't CSA approved yet so they can't ship the helmet to Canada yet, but I believe they are shipping some out to the first few Canadians who sent their toys in once they get the CSA.

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I don't suppose anyone knows when the Easton helmet is likely to gain CSA approval. I'm receiving one from the toy drive, but I'm not sure how much longer my beat to hell, cracked up BAuer 4000 can last.

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Canadians are eligible, but no sticks have been received in Canada yet. Also the helmet isn't CSA approved yet so they can't ship the helmet to Canada yet, but I believe they are shipping some out to the first few Canadians who sent their toys in once they get the CSA.

Don't feel so bad, I'm pretty positive there are plenty of U.S. residents that are still waiting for a stick.... myself included.

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Bummer for you guys. Mine are already collecting dust in the basement since the blades started going........and fast. The S9 Pro bucket is sweet, though.

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I know I'm bumping a super old thrread but did anyone else not receive their sticks? Anyone have any ideas what might have happened here?

I didn't get mine until late July. I had to make about 6 calls to their customer service dept. They had a guy call me back, and when I gave him my info (email address, username, etc) he had no record of my donation. I went through an inventory of the items sent, and offered to fax a copy of the receipt, but he declined.... took my stick request, and it was here 2 weeks later. I remember I spoke with a "Mr Hughes"...

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I'm still waiting on an S9 helmet, but I think that's because it's not even in the Canadian market place yet. I've talked to the person in charge of the program at Easton and from what he said I still expect it to arrive at some point. I'll check in again soon if nothing shows up in a few weeks. Anyone in Canada receive an S9 helmet?

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update on my situation...

I called the customer service dept at Easton yesterday and heres what happened.

I had sent my toys in in december, and still have the confirmation of its delivery etc. When the toys had arrived, i remember HKY GURU had posted that i had forgotten to include my shipping information to recieve the sticks. At that time, i had PM'd and emailed him to provide him with my information. He had also confirmed that he had recieved the info.

After waiting until now with no sticks, i figured i might have just been one of the people that were SOL, but i knew it couldn't hurt to call anyways. I talked to the guy who's name matched up with the name in the email i received for my shipping address, and asked him if there were still outstanding shipments in the Toy drive from last year. Nothing had come up under my name, but under my Easton boards username, he found the toys that i had sent in and also noticed i hadn't been sent any sticks yet.

He took down my shipping information again, and also let me know that he would "personalize" my sticks with my name and number and get them to me next week. He offered excellent customer service and was very pleasant to deal with in the matter, im just glad that im still able to receive some sticks.

Big up's to easton!

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They just did website revisions, and the link was quite buried before. Might have moved addresses or they forgot it. If there isn't a forum in two months, be afraid of no SE16s this X-mas :P

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The kids got their toys, everyone should be happy regardless.

Rule #1, right?

I gave somewhere over $100 worth, felt good about it too. I'd do it even if they raised the toy amount to the retail cost of the stick, and I will never buy an OPS anywhere near retail price. It's hard to find a charity that is really well run that you don't just give money to. I've heard some bad things about toys for tots and a few other organizations.

The look on my LHS owner's face when I brought in a Drury before the full release was priceless (all out of extensions at home, they do a better glue job anyway).

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At any stage did the people that have contacted Easton regarding toy-drive sticks not being delivered etc get anywhere by email? If so who did you contact? If you could pm me an address and the name of who I should speak to I would really appreciate it. If not no worries, I'd just prefer sorting something out by email rather than an international call. Thanks

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