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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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second generation rbk 9k crosby o stick

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up until now the store i work at carried the 9k stick in four curves - datsyuk, modano, phaneuf, and bergeron. just yesterday we got a new batch of these sticks, a few more datsyuks and a few sticks with the new crosby curve. the datsyuk sticks were the same but the crosby 9k sticks had a thinner blade (similar to ccm vector sticks). does anyone know if this is a running change and will be on all the new 9k sticks?

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i know the whole sale price on all the RBK sticks has drop this year, so it could because they are made differently, or with different materials

yea they better have dropped. Now we need to get most other one piece sticks to drop in price.

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Because a few consumers willing to pay it doesn't necessarily mean great profits for the company. Person X buys one stick at 220 dollars...or Person X and Person Y buy one stick each at 170 dollars...get the picture? How many guys do you see rocking top end RBK sticks...not many here in Tampa at any rate. When I skated 4 or 5 times last trip to WNY, didn't see any there either.

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I asked my LHS owner, he hasn't sold a single senior 9KO, but he's sold out of juniors...

Because silly marketing ploys like holes in the shaft only appeal to kiddies, not us wise men :)

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Yeah i've been trying to find a 9k in a jr at my LHS but they have all sold out. I mostly just wanted to try it out so see if it's worth spending all that money for.

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Yeah i've been trying to find a 9k in a jr at my LHS but they have all sold out. I mostly just wanted to try it out so see if it's worth spending all that money for.

People who have to buy their own sticks probably wont spend $200 per stick on a regular basis. I'm sure kids with parents who have deep pockets or have the $200 but no other expenses will pay for them. Personally, I dont need the extra 45 grams of lightness to keep up with the Joneses I guess. I bought a TPS Respons2 OPS with an Afinogenov pattern blade and I'm happy with it. It is heavier than my RBK but its a durable stick and was only $40. I'm getting a new Torspo OPS next week for free..Maybe someone can demo it for me if I dont like the blade. I'd be more than happy to do that.

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More than "a few consumers" are willing to pay the cost of the high end sticks. Trust me, the lag in delivery to retailers proves this.

Any shop I've been in has been sitting on 9kO's for a long time.

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Almost anyone that has used a high end stick that goes in-store and holds a 9K aren't buying it. It's the most blade heavy OPS I've ever felt. Definitely the most blade heavy I've ever used(the guy chopped 3" off of it, haha). Neat idea but it seems like they forgot to thin out the layers in the "holes" to keep down the weight. Maybe the next batches they will fix it... And maybe they'll throw a non-RBK blade on it.

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Almost anyone that has used a high end stick that goes in-store and holds a 9K aren't buying it. It's the most blade heavy OPS I've ever felt. Definitely the most blade heavy I've ever used(the guy chopped 3" off of it, haha). Neat idea but it seems like they forgot to thin out the layers in the "holes" to keep down the weight. Maybe the next batches they will fix it... And maybe they'll throw a non-RBK blade on it.

Do you buy a stick on your ability to shoot/pass with it or weight?

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Do you buy a stick on your ability to shoot/pass with it or weight?

When it feels like a corked baseball bat, pretty sure it's going to throw off your game a bit.

I balanced an S17 next to 9KO when I was last at my LHS and asking about the sticks. The S17 was above the ellipse, a bit below where your bottom hand would be. The 9KO was at the top hole.

I though the Sickick OPS was more blade heavy, but I wasn't going around checking the balance of every stick.

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Almost anyone that has used a high end stick that goes in-store and holds a 9K aren't buying it. It's the most blade heavy OPS I've ever felt. Definitely the most blade heavy I've ever used(the guy chopped 3" off of it, haha). Neat idea but it seems like they forgot to thin out the layers in the "holes" to keep down the weight. Maybe the next batches they will fix it... And maybe they'll throw a non-RBK blade on it.

Do you buy a stick on your ability to shoot/pass with it or weight?

Not weight, balance. When the balance is off it throws comfort and mechanics off. Suddenly your touch passes require more touch. I played with a 9k, wasn't impressed. Feel was alright, shot was fine... but why play with something that feels like a battle axe and mess with mechanics when I can use something that has better feel, and performs better?

The Kronik is lightweight, didn't like that stick either, same with xxxlite. Now R8, quality. 10.0, quality. XN10, quality. Stealth CNT, quality. Hell, Compro Evolution E2X, quality.

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Almost anyone that has used a high end stick that goes in-store and holds a 9K aren't buying it. It's the most blade heavy OPS I've ever felt. Definitely the most blade heavy I've ever used(the guy chopped 3" off of it, haha). Neat idea but it seems like they forgot to thin out the layers in the "holes" to keep down the weight. Maybe the next batches they will fix it... And maybe they'll throw a non-RBK blade on it.

Do you buy a stick on your ability to shoot/pass with it or weight?

Not weight, balance. When the balance is off it throws comfort and mechanics off. Suddenly your touch passes require more touch. I played with a 9k, wasn't impressed. Feel was alright, shot was fine... but why play with something that feels like a battle axe and mess with mechanics when I can use something that has better feel, and performs better?

The Kronik is lightweight, didn't like that stick either, same with xxxlite. Now R8, quality. 10.0, quality. XN10, quality. Stealth CNT, quality. Hell, Compro Evolution E2X, quality.

I'm going to agree with TBL 100% on this one. Especially with his point on touch passes. I am not a gram counter, but extremely nit picky when it comes to balance. A lot of my sticks I have added 1-3" of wood end plugs in the name of balance. Weight means nothing to me, but for a playmaker my passing and touch is everything to me, and if my balance is off I am not effective with my style of play.

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I have 4 9ko's sitting in my bag right now (Robert Lang curve). I have been using them since june. I can tell you that they have been very durable from my experience. My are pro stock. I would never pay retail for them. I also just picked up 2 pro stock Kirk one 90's (Maltby curve). I used those last night. Those are very light. The 9k's are alittle heavy on the blade end.

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For what it's worth, I haven't seen a single 7k or 9k out in the leagues. I've seen a couple of the cheap neon green 5k's, and one guy on my team has an old blue and white 7k. That's it.

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So it will have the advantage of the crappy 9k shaft and crappy 7k blade?! SWEET!

If they were smart, they'd cut out some of the material in the bottom of the shaft and throw on the catapult blade.

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