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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Other sports?

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You were in bumper cars and had little plastic jai-alai things and had to flick whiffle balls into basketball hoops. 

It's Whirlyball. There's a place here in Chicago a few blocks from me. You haven't lived until you see a bunch of drunken gangbangers play that game. Hysterical is an understatement!

Besides hockey, I play Rugby, Softball, and Cycle.

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no no no it's not whirlyball it's wallyball and i cant believe no one knows about it.

I also bowl, golf, and if you go by ESPN standards i play poker and pool...

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I can only imagine how it'd be seeing drunks play. I was like 13 when I tried it and we just kept hucking the ball into other players' faces. I don't even know if anyone scored or not. Maybe it could have caught on more if it wasn't such a "bridesmaid" place since it was next door to the paintball warehouse.

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no no no it's not whirlyball it's wallyball and i cant believe no one knows about it. 

I've heard of Wallyball, most of the girls I've played softball with are Volleyball players and have played it.

Whirlyball is "basketball, polo, and hockey, played with a jai-alai type plastic scoop and a plastic whiffle ball the size of a softball."



I guess if cheerleading is now a sport, Whirlyball deserves some prime-time exposure to go with its National Championship! :angry:

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I play some baseball, soccer, pick up basketball, a little bit of motocross (if that counts) and paintball as well (if that counts)!

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Football in the Fall, Hockey in the Winter, Lacrosse during the Spring. Sometimes it scares me that I play the three major contact sports, but damn I love it. Lacrosse is a great sport to play during the off season, helps with co-ordination and vision and is great at keeping you in shape with all of the running it involves. We need more lacrosse/hockey players in this forum.

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Tennis, and i play goal in soccer once in a while. Tennis is like my second sports after hockey. I havn't been playing that long (3 yrs) but i can kick most people my age's ass in matches (except those who play tournements regularly). I entered my first men's tourny last month and lost in the semis, to the guy who would go on to win.

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Currently, I only play hockey and volleyball (beach and indoor). Used to play basketball competitively, but I had too many problems with my knees. Up until last year, I'd been playing in flag football tournaments with some friends. When the Nike one stopped coming around, we stopped playing. It sucks because that was fun as hell. Just started really playing golf this year. I haven't had much time to play and I still suck. I've been playing raquetball recently at my gym. Not competitive at all, it's just to get some more conditioning and quickness.

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In the summer, I usually play tennis once a day, sometimes only every other day. I also, golf once in a while in the summer. In fall I play football, and obviously in winter it's hockey.

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Kendo (Japanese martial arts, fighting with bamboo swords in short), and I just recently picked up golf as well, enjoy both alot. And also, if it's considered a sport, I enjoy sports fishing as well.

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Ball hockey, golf and fishing. Used to play alot of baseball and basketball but I quit mostly becasue of long seasons, I still play some pickup. Hockey is, and always will be numero uno in my books though.

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