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5MM Heel Lift in footbeds of 1200C's

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Got my Synergy 1200C's as recomended b Kovalchuk71. Fit like a dream. The question I have for the gurus is this: The shock doctor footbeds that come with the have a built in 5mm heel lift. I felt more on my toes the first time skating in them then on my 8K's w/grey superfeet. This is due to the 5mm heel lift? It wasn't bad, just felt wierd. Would it be more what I am used to to throw in some superfeet? Or is the holder and runner on these more of a "on your toes" profile? Am I making any sense? Help me guys!

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5mm lift is going to make it feel like you are on your toes...pull it off if you want to try it without. The eastons arent all that agressively forward skate like a graf would be. Try it with and without.


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From what I have seen on the s15 bed they are just attached to the bottom of the footbed, and can just be yanked off...or at least thats how I remember it, can anyone verify?


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I've never tried it (I doubt that my buddies who skate in the S15s would be terribly thrilled with me after ripping their footbeds apart), but that's the impression I got, as well.

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From what I have seen on the s15 bed they are just attached to the bottom of the footbed, and can just be yanked off...or at least thats how I remember it, can anyone verify?


yes, co-worker took them off.

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I sold my synergys but I remember the black "platicky" lift on the bottom of the footbed being pretty flimsy. I don't know if i'd recommend ripping it off yourself but I feel like it could be done.

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The Lifts in my synergy's were like plasticy-foam things that pretty much just fell off the bottom of the footbed - which footbeds do you have? Mine were orange, and like i said the lifts were barely evn held on with a little dab of what looks like hot glue...

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the original shock doctor footbeds had more foam on the bottom of the heel to give that 5mm heel lift, so you couldnt remove it

i personally disliked that footbed so much, as it ate up all the volume of the skate

ive been recommending to people i sell that boot to that they put another superfeet in

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Sorry to bump an old topic, but I just recently got fitted for a pair of Easton SE10 skates.

The heel lift is attached (stuck with glue perhaps, not attached as in a part of it) to the footbed.

The footbeds themselves are pretty thin. I skated on the skates, and love the feel of the heel lift, it's been great. But I wanted to put in a more supportive insole, I had used shock doctor, so it would either be that again, or superfeet.

How much difference, density wise is there going to be with the heel lift on a thicker insole. It's a 3mm lift, and as of now, it's perfect.

If it's going to change too much, I'd prefer to skate on the easton insoles until they become too painful, but so far, they are fine.

Any advice on how to keep the same feeling now, with a more supportive insole.

If I'm not making sense, I apologise

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i pulled the heel lift off of the easton footbeds and put it into the skate then slide my superfeet on top. thats what works best for me and i find it to be the most comfortable as well

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i pulled the heel lift off of the easton footbeds and put it into the skate then slide my superfeet on top. thats what works best for me and i find it to be the most comfortable as well

They didn't shift at all? I was wondering if I should glue them to my new insoles, or just place them there.

Also, worried about how the volume will affect it. Did it take long to get used to for you?

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no i just tilted my skate back while i put my foot in, it has never shifted on me once so far, in around a year of doing it

didnt seem to change the volume at all for me, i just made my heel sit higher in the heel pocket of skate, and it felt perfect since the first time out

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Does the 1500c's have a different footbed because this past year i have been in two easton skates. I never really noticed but i have had easton for 3 years straight,(800c's two pairs,1500'cs two pairs).

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I've always removed the stock insoles in my skates and replaced them with superfeet. Tried the stock insoles in my Eastons and hated them. They just didn't feel right, too much forward lean in the newer models. Currently using superfeet in my Vapors and Synergy 1300C's and feel just great.

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The stock insoles are nothing more than a cheap piece of foam with Easton advertising on them. Get the yellow super feet, I've been very happy with them.

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