thefelixculpa 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Saw this on MSNBC tonight don't think I'm ready for Bush pt II yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPest19 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 thefelixculpa said: Saw this on MSNBC tonight don't think I'm ready for Bush pt II yet. Read more Do you want someone as a president who wants to give SSI money to illegal immigrants who havent put a dime into the system? Money that you and I as working americans put into with every paycheck and have since the day we got out first put check. If so vote for Clinton. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PWBIII 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Nothing makes me more flacid than a good ol' political discussion. But seriously, Bush part 2? Not even close. McCains views differ greatly from Bush's and the extreme right, thats why most Bush supporters (if any left) and conservatives hate the idea of him as the republican candidate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allsmokenopancake 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 KingPest19 said: Do you want someone as a president who wants to give SSI money to illegal immigrants who havent put a dime into the system? Money that you and I as working americans put into with every paycheck and have since the day we got out first put check. If so vote for Clinton. Read more This is what's wrong with politics in the country.If you believe that, then you are incapable of critical thought and prefer to be spoon fed your opinions by talking heads who prefer shouting to discourse. It's the same on the other side too.Your post should have prompted the thread to be locked, because when you hit the bottom of the barrel so quickly, the top is often out of site and there are gallons of shit to go through to even see it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJ Thompson94 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 McCain is the worst republican EVER!!! He is fiscal liberal and a social conservative, who WANTS to continue the war in Iraq.I'm a liberal republican, I believe republicans get it when it comes to money but don't have the slightest idea when it comes to social issues.a few things that I agree with McCain on is he is whatever on gay marraige (let them do whatever they want), he's not extremly relgous and he supports full funding of stem cell research (which is great)But... He wants to keep us in Iraq, he will not fix the ecconomy, he wants to abolish the 2nd amendment (gun control). He is very far from Bush, but he's not the answer. It's too late, but Ron Paul had some great ideas. But now I think Hillary is the best candidate for this country. But she's far from perfect in my opinion. PS:People need to realize that america needs to stop this socialist robin hood mentality "take from the rich and give to the poor". Espessially now, with this weak economy, people are losing jobs at an alarming rate. Ask your selves one question. Have you ever worked for a poor person? Probably not? Middle class or higher right? Well how is taxing these people and companies helping the the middle class? Now we should be giving large companies tax breaks as long as they keep their employees. (if they fire people, take away the tax breaks). Taxing the wealthy, only helps the POOR, the real POOR, and really hurts the middle class. I'm not saying don't help the poor, but a strong middle class is what made the american economy so much better than other countries for so many years. Most Americans are middle class. Why not help large corperations keep ALL their employees and help those employees not lose their money. They keep their money and they'll spend it, and keep the economy going. Doesn't that make sense, fiscal liberals only compound the situation and in their effort to help the poor. I feel bad for the poor, I give to charities and give my coats and canned food. But if you like living in a capitalist society, there will always be a poor a rich and middle class, if not it's called comunisium. We need to empower the middle class and taxing the employers will not help keep employees.We need to create more jobs and stop waisting money on a useless war in Iraq. And all McCain will do is raise taxes and use all that money to kill more American kids, like myself in Iraq. If McCain becomes Prez, he will only ruin this country more.Sorry for the ranting, I just need to get it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cxo 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Am I the only who gets that conservatism is separate from Republicans, and that liberalism is separate from Democrats? And also that, "poor" doesn't necessarily denote those needing to eat at soup kitchens and build houses out of cardboard boxes? This isn't a shot at any one particular person, but I see trends in these types of conversations, and it leads me to believe that we're using generalizations to base our opinions rather than facts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gxc999 7 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 8 years ago, I might've liked the idea of McCain for President, however now? He scares the crap out of me. When asked about the economy and his plan to fix the mess we're in, he said something like "Don't ask me, that's not my department."He is pro-amnesty and pro continue the war in Iraq until hell freezes over, therefore I am anti-McCain. Do I really like Hilary or Obama much better on issues? No, not much but I think Obama might actually help America internationally. But with that said, I'm seriously considering abstaining in the upcoming election. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPest19 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Allsmokenopancake said: KingPest19 said: Do you want someone as a president who wants to give SSI money to illegal immigrants who havent put a dime into the system? Money that you and I as working americans put into with every paycheck and have since the day we got out first put check. If so vote for Clinton. Read more This is what's wrong with politics in the country.If you believe that, then you are incapable of critical thought and prefer to be spoon fed your opinions by talking heads who prefer shouting to discourse. It's the same on the other side too.Your post should have prompted the thread to be locked, because when you hit the bottom of the barrel so quickly, the top is often out of site and there are gallons of shit to go through to even see it Read more So Im not allowed to voice my opinion now? Fact is all politicians do is give lip service to those that vote them in. Once in office they do whats best for those that give them the most money not what the average person wants. In California I see it all the way down to the local level. Unfortunately very few of them live up to the promises they spew trying to get put into office. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 gxc999 said: 8 years ago, I might've liked the idea of McCain for President, however now? He scares the crap out of me. When asked about the economy and his plan to fix the mess we're in, he said something like "Don't ask me, that's not my department." Read more The government shouldn't have to/can't fix the economy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 In some regards you're right. In others (tax cuts, government spending) you're wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allsmokenopancake 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 KingPest19 said: Allsmokenopancake said: KingPest19 said: Do you want someone as a president who wants to give SSI money to illegal immigrants who havent put a dime into the system? Money that you and I as working americans put into with every paycheck and have since the day we got out first put check. If so vote for Clinton. Read more This is what's wrong with politics in the country.If you believe that, then you are incapable of critical thought and prefer to be spoon fed your opinions by talking heads who prefer shouting to discourse. It's the same on the other side too.Your post should have prompted the thread to be locked, because when you hit the bottom of the barrel so quickly, the top is often out of site and there are gallons of shit to go through to even see it Read more So Im not allowed to voice my opinion now? Fact is all politicians do is give lip service to those that vote them in. Once in office they do whats best for those that give them the most money not what the average person wants. In California I see it all the way down to the local level. Unfortunately very few of them live up to the promises they spew trying to get put into office. Read more Your opinion in this instance is way off. Remember, it was Bush, with the full support of McCain that wanted to legalize millions of illegal immigrants last year, but the plan fell on it's ass. That's where your tax money would have went.None of the candidates have a comprehensive, workable immigration plan, and all are as bad as each other with it.So to come in and spew rhetoric about if you want your money to go to illegals then vote hillary is not only an incredibly uninformed opinion, but it speaks to a lack of general interest in actual politics in this country and more to a "I don't care what happens as long as my guy wins" attitude.Which sucks, because it's everyday americans who end up getting shafted at the end of it all.Way to go Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Really from hearing Obama speak yesterday, all politics aside, I think you guys would be crazy not to elect him your next President. I think at some point you need to look past certain issues and just ask yourself 'who is going to be the best person for the job of running this country?'...and I really have no idea how anybody can ask themselves that question and not come back with 'Obama' as your answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 I don't understand how a reasonable American can put politics aside when choosing their president. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 kosydar said: I don't understand how a reasonable American can put politics aside when choosing their president. Read more Come on Kosy, it's not about credentials, responsibility, competency or anything of the sort, it's about who can sound convincing and look the best on tv. As long as the president can convince people that he cares about the issues they care about. I hear Mel Gibson can deliver a good speech maybe we should look him up? After watching braveheart how could anyone , politics aside, not vote for Mel Gibson? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 kosydar said: I don't understand how a reasonable American can put politics aside when choosing their president. Read more Because too many democrats right now are thinking to themselves 'who is the more electable candidate' versus 'who is the better candidate'. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cxo 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 mrusse01 said: just ask yourself 'who is going to be the best person for the job of running this country? Read more The answer to that is none of the above. Obama or Paul would be suitable, but neither are desirable.Everyone is basing their opinions on the assumption that any of these people are going to do a fraction of what they say. You'd think after 230+ years full of elections that we'd learn, but we haven't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 ^ well right now it's 'who of these three people would be the best person for the job'...and I think it's Obama. And I'm not basing my opinion on the assumptions that they'll do anything they campaign on, that's exactly what I'm talking about. People focus too much on campaigning and not enough on the character and capability of the candidate. That's how you got Bush II in there, twice!The fact that Obama wouldn't throw his pastor under the bus yesterday said a lot to me...the fact that even though I thought that speech was fantastic, it could very likely cost him the nomination, says even more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 But why is Obama the best person for the job? Because he is an attractive person who can give a good speech? Would Bush's approval rating be higher if he was good at public speaking? Most likely not. People base their opinions around policy. If someone votes for a candidate simply because of their character, completely ignoring their policy and politics, I truthfully think their vote shouldn't count. You say people don't focus enough on character and capability. Character (which Obama certainly has) is important. But capability is far more important. What capability does Obama have? What has he shown he can do? Give a good speech? At least with Hillary and McCain they both have shown they can handle politics over a long period of time. You rag on Bush (which I totally understand), but Bush had good capability. Being around national politics for a long period of time, as well as being the governor of a very diverse state help tremendously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allsmokenopancake 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 kosydar said: But why is Obama the best person for the job? Because he is an attractive person who can give a good speech? Would Bush's approval rating be higher if he was good at public speaking? Most likely not. People base their opinions around policy. If someone votes for a candidate simply because of their character, completely ignoring their policy and politics, I truthfully think their vote shouldn't count. You say people don't focus enough on character and capability. Character (which Obama certainly has) is important. But capability is far more important. What capability does Obama have? What has he shown he can do? Give a good speech? At least with Hillary and McCain they both have shown they can handle politics over a long period of time. You rag on Bush (which I totally understand), but Bush had good capability. Being around national politics for a long period of time, as well as being the governor of a very diverse state help tremendously. Read more I agree with everything but what I bolded.He had no capability. He had the eminent sleaze merchant to detract from his opponents in Karl Rove. He stocked the shelves with the good old boys from his daddys term, rummy, cheney, wolfowitz.Every business venture he ever embarked on failed and required bail out money.He had no capability. He had money, and a political name Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 You bring up good points, and maybe capability was the wrong word. Experience is better? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ital624 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 McCain for president? haha. McCain has the charisma of a doorknob, and a very LONGGGG senate record that will be taken, dissected, and beaten over his head with. He offers no new ideas for any change in any area (admits he knows little about the economy, and made the foolish mistake of saying we could remain in Iraq for "100 years" -- that comment will come back and bite him in the ass for the next 100 years.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 If it comes out to be McCain and Obama how exactly will McCain's senate record hurt him? Is it the fact that he has been there for four terms? Or is it the fact that he has a long record of working outside his party? Obama's one term has seen him spend more time campaigning than anything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 ital624 said: McCain for president? haha. McCain has the charisma of a doorknob, and a very LONGGGG senate record that will be taken, dissected, and beaten over his head with. He offers no new ideas for any change in any area (admits he knows little about the economy, and made the foolish mistake of saying we could remain in Iraq for "100 years" -- that comment will come back and bite him in the ass for the next 100 years.) Read more Who cares about charisma? We're not picking him to wheel cougars, we're picking him to run the nation. A smart man can admit those things he does not know and a smarter man is able to pick advisors who do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 chippa13 said: ital624 said: McCain for president? haha. McCain has the charisma of a doorknob, and a very LONGGGG senate record that will be taken, dissected, and beaten over his head with. He offers no new ideas for any change in any area (admits he knows little about the economy, and made the foolish mistake of saying we could remain in Iraq for "100 years" -- that comment will come back and bite him in the ass for the next 100 years.) Read more Who cares about charisma? We're not picking him to wheel cougars, we're picking him to run the nation. A smart man can admit those things he does not know and a smarter man is able to pick advisors who do. Read more I'd hit it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted March 19, 2008 Charisma is very important...the role of the President is largely that of a consensus builder, you can't be a dick and expect to lead the free world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites