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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mourning the loss of JR for the rest of tonight

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Our friend JR has asked me to inform everyone that he is doing well. He has lost power and doesnt think it will return for a couple of days. He says that it got pretty nasty down in Orlando. He lost part of his fence and some shingles but all in all everything is okay.

So I guess since he's not going to be around for a bit, we're free to say what we want about him!! :D

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We usually say whatever we want anyway, he's way down there. I'll have to call Dorothy and make sure he has his ruby slippers and dog.

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As long as he has his rum he will be alright...

And his doritos and the little dog that was kissing him in his old display pic.

I suggested that he trains Chico as a servant-dog in case something happens. At least he has a drinking buddy ;)

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If you look on the canadian news you will see where I live (Edmundston, N-B), we got the rest of Hurricane Bonnie, we got 120 mm of rain in about 12 hours and everything flooded. A guy died when the road he was on gave away and his car flipped in the water and he drowned. Some people are stuck in their houses and just down the road here because of the watter running there is a 1m deep river. We are supposed to get a simillar storm because of Charlie. There is a river closse to where I live, it's normally about 1 foot deep, because of the storm, it was about 3 meters deep.

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Well I can see I'm sooooooooooo loved...thanks for the post, babe...

I just got power about 10 minutes ago. The storm wasn't too bad - as Kristin said, lost my fence and whatnot.

The problem with Orlando is that there are a lot of big trees, however, there's not much underground, so nothing really stays rooted. Huge oak trees are uprooted all over the place.

I'll hopefully have power for a while, so I should be here to stay. Thanks to all who were concerned.

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I was about to organize an airlift of cold beer and alpo (can't forget chico) but it looks like that isn't needed anymore.

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glad to hear that youre ok JR. i was visiting some friends in the oralndo area a few years back, and i was caught in a storm. scared the living daylights out of me.

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I'll bring the Sleeman, I know how much you like that shit. Should I grab the Cream Ale, the Honey Brown, or the Dark. Maybe I'll just go with the Party Pack. We'll get you hammered. Eh

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I'm sure Chico Dog would appreciate the gesture.  As would I.

I think a post-hurricane pool party is in order...

I can provide Tea and Biscuits, the perfect hangover cure.

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I'm sure Chico Dog would appreciate the gesture.  As would I.

I think a post-hurricane pool party is in order...

I can provide Tea and Biscuits, the perfect hangover cure.

Bring some Boddington's while you're at it.

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