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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Successor" to the XN10?

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I hope it's available as a shaft and not just OPS. Also, hoping there's a grip option. And most of all, hoping it is actually available somewhere and not just talked about. Almost none of the major retailers I see carry high end TPS shafts.. in store or online! Ugh!

No grip and OPS only according to what I was told.

Any chance that you heard what they're likely to retail for?

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I hope it's available as a shaft and not just OPS. Also, hoping there's a grip option. And most of all, hoping it is actually available somewhere and not just talked about. Almost none of the major retailers I see carry high end TPS shafts.. in store or online! Ugh!

No grip and OPS only according to what I was told.

Can pulled blades be used in other shafts? I dislike all of the TPS curves I have tried, I'd rather throw my own in there.

Knowing our luck, it's going to be $150-180 though.

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On the other hand, can they be easily pulled so that in essence, it would be just an XN10 shaft?

If so for those who have used them before, what is the preferred shaft blade setup that has been used in the past with the XN10?

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Aw man...I just got out of rehab for my glove addiction, and now I have to worry about the XN10 coming back?

Regular or whip flex, and if going to an OPS...a square toe and curve like the Morrow. Please tell me this is real!

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It looks like they still have some in stock. I can't spend $140 on a shaft, end up paying 2 bills total (blade anyone?) when the XN10 is going to be re-issued...

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There's a reason they have them in stock... If you really wanted a R2 XN10, you knew about those, they aren't THAT good. Although, I have to admit, I did consider it a few times.

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It is. Redlite is standard, R2 is tapered. I'm a tapered shaft whore. I have yet to buy a OPS over $130, let alone a shaft.

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Ah. When you said that they "weren't THAT good" I thought there was some implied critique of the R2 against the standard RL.

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before I joined this site I saw a couple new R2XN10s on ebay and went for them at $25 and $30 respectively. I stopped there because I didnt know enough about TPS sticks at the time. They ended up selling for about $5 over what I bid. Really wish I could go back in time now and snag those, knowing that I could turn a big profit if I didnt like them

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Someone notify Spree, he'll buy 2 dozen more :D

Not at that price I won't. ;)

However....it does sound like the "economic stimulus package" is going to be mailed out around the time of the new XN10's coming to market. Hhhhmmmmmmm...... :D

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When they get a W flex Modano type stick in stock, that will be the first new OPS I will have purchased. Great move by TPS (so long as they're actual XN10's).

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AHHHH. We need whip flexes!

Sounds like the blade is more of the R10 style and not RTM. That is dissapointing.

I don't know, from reading about it, sounds like the blade is super stiff and thin and light? Hopefully it's like a pro stock blade. I'm a fan of 100% graphite blades.

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