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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Successor" to the XN10?

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Hey, is the XN10 stick, any similar to the XN10 shaft? I'm not sure if your talking strictly about the shaft or both. I've got my eye on a close to new yellow XN10, I'm considering picking it up.

Never used the OPS, but the R2XN10 shafts I used were awesome (sadly they were the wrong flex for me). If the price is reasonable, I'd scoop one up in a heartbeat. If you don't, I'm sure someone on here would be psyched to buy it.

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Hey, is the XN10 stick, any similar to the XN10 shaft? I'm not sure if your talking strictly about the shaft or both. I've got my eye on a close to new yellow XN10, I'm considering picking it up.

I believe that most say it is the same thing. If you buy it and break the blade, word has it that the blades can be taken out and leave you with a perfect shaft as well.

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Hey, is the XN10 stick, any similar to the XN10 shaft? I'm not sure if your talking strictly about the shaft or both. I've got my eye on a close to new yellow XN10, I'm considering picking it up.

Tapered shaft and OPS were the same.

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I didn't like the blade on the XN10 OPS, it was super stiff but not great in the "feel" department. If it counts for anything both XN10 OPSs I've used broke in the blade.

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I wouldn't say "very whippy" but more whippy, yes. They break in a lot too.

Just noticing in the last game or two that my tapered One95 shaft has broken in well. Originally purchased the 87 and cut it to the 96, knowing that you said they play whippy. I thought it still felt rather stiff, more so than a 96. But I forced myself to use it over my regular RLXN10 for a couple practices. During the last practice, it felt to be coming around nicely. And during this past game, I felt it snapping pretty well during some wristers. I even remarked on the bench that I thought I may have broken it because it was flexing more than normal. I even got a small amount of whip out of it on a quick backhand shot (that went far post and in :cool: ).

Came to find that after it broke in a little, it is perhaps the perfect shaft for me. Incredibly light (when combined with my SE16 blade and taped, is still only 428 grams), rounded shaft shape that I love, is stiff enough for heavy shots, and still whippy enough to let me load a little. Hence why I bought yours. :wink:

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Came to find that after it broke in a little, it is perhaps the perfect shaft for me. Incredibly light (when combined with my SE16 blade and taped, is still only 428 grams), rounded shaft shape that I love, is stiff enough for heavy shots, and still whippy enough to let me load a little. Hence why I bought yours. :wink:

That's really light. How much does the shaft weight...sub 270? The blade's weight is listed as 130 grams, but I'm guess it's a few grams heavier. The tape job will probably add another 25 grams.

My two piece 51.75" XN10 shaft(converted from OPS) combined with a 7K tapered blade & taped was 471 grams. The blade is listed at 145, but it was 161 grams on the scale. My tape job added another 25 grams.

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Picked up a brand new old pro-stock XN10 last night! Regular flex, Sakic clone pattern. Will need to chop off an inch or so. Really wish I didn't find this, my stick stable continues to grow :(

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