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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best way to make black spray paint not to chip.

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I spray painted the bottom of all my Ops's black, but after a couple of games, all most all of it has chipped off. What should I put on it, after or before I spray paint so it will not chip? Thanks.

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I would sand of the paint, put on a paint primer, then paint, then put a clear coat... but thats jsut me. A clear coat will help for a little while, but it will eventually chip

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I tried using spraypaint also, but had the same problem. When it was all chipped off i decided to use Toe Protect, the product made for the toe caps of your skates. The result has been much better then anything i have tried to protect my blades.

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Guest phillyfan

Like everyone else said, spray a clear coat over it, or just re-spray it every time needed be.

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Like everyone else said, spray a clear coat over it, or just re-spray it every time needed be.

well obviously he can just re spraypaint, he dosent want to do that

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I tried using spraypaint also, but had the same problem. When it was all chipped off i decided to use Toe Protect, the product made for the toe caps of your skates. The result has been much better then anything i have tried to protect my blades.

doesnt that make your stick wicked blade heavy?

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Guest phillyfan

If it does affect the balance, it shouldn't make it noticably de-grading or shouldn't affect the performance. May feel a tab heavier, but no different than adding a layer of tape to your shaft or whatnot.

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I tried using spraypaint also, but had the same problem.  When it was all chipped off i decided to use Toe Protect, the product made for the toe caps of your skates.  The result has been much better then anything i have tried to protect my blades.

doesnt that make your stick wicked blade heavy?

Actually it doesn't. I can't even tell the difference if it's spray painted or not. I am sure it makes it a couple grams heavier but nothing noticable.

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I tried using spraypaint also, but had the same problem.  When it was all chipped off i decided to use Toe Protect, the product made for the toe caps of your skates.  The result has been much better then anything i have tried to protect my blades.

doesnt that make your stick wicked blade heavy?

Actually it doesn't. I can't even tell the difference if it's spray painted or not. I am sure it makes it a couple grams heavier but nothing noticable.

Im talking about toe pro

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