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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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jack the gripper.. wayne gretzky.

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do we really think gretz is going to use a stick with a colour scheme made for gays and little girls? pink? good singer but horrible colour. lets get real.

still not buying it

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Back in the 80's my local rink in NH use to carry game used sticks. Gretzky's Titans usually had the Jack the Gripper handle on them.

The guy making all of those fakes has been doing this for a long time! ;)

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THey last a while and don't kill your gloves.

I would still use them if I could find them. I used to cut the knob as well.

I prefer just a light layer of tape for my grip (no butt end). You're saying you can just cut the knob with a razor blade and it will work the same way as it was intended?

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I picked one up at Monkey the other day....I tried it without the tape and ended up ripping it, so I pulled it off and cut it down a bit and used their tape/hot soap water method. When it was all said and done, it's just way too thick for me, and I got the "wrap" one which is apparently their thinnest.

I may try to take it off and just use the hairspray method that someone else mentioned in the other thread.

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