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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What retail curve is this?

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That looks a lot like the Ribeiro V-Hex I bought from you... Closest retail I could find was the Rafalski (Sakic clone)... I'll put up a pic of the 2 side by side tomorrow.

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More heel than Sakic and more consistent loft. I wouldn't say it matches any retail curve, though the Ovechkin is probably closer than any others. The shafts in the second pic are at different angles, those appear to be different curves.

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Looks similiar to a CCM Lemieux. The blades that I have of the Lemieux are basically Sakic's with more heel, which is what this seems to be.

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Concerning the first picture, I'm going to say that thing looks closest to a Drury.

Holy blurry second picture batman! Im working on my 42inch plasma at work right now and that is a bad picture on a big screen, which means your picture sucks.


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