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good mid range shoulder pad?

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Just started playing ice, and I'm looking for shoulder pads. You can gauge somewhat by price, but some have to be better than others. I'm looking to spend about $50 US give or take a bit. Also, I assume it would be a given with the lower price, but I don't need them to be overly protective and bulky. I did search, but there doesn't seem to be a topic on this yet. Thanks.

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I ran into the same problem when I tried to find new shoulder pads. I wanted something lightweight and low bulk with some protection. I tried the Easton Ultra lites but they were pretty bulky. I ended up getting a pair of Koho SP4420's. They were like 35.00 and are the lowest end model but they are really light, not bulky at all, had decent protection, and fit really well. It felt strange paying so little for them since most of my equipment is high end but I like them a lot.

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It's all about jofa. I find them light weight, great mobility with lots of protection and not bulky. You might want to look into finding a pair. I know hockeygiant used to have the 8800's for $50.

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I have the Itech Techlite shoulderpads, they weren't that much and offer great protection, and are quite light. I really like them, although they may be a little more expensive than the others posted.

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Do they still make the Hespeler split chest ones? I have one with the ties in the middle and love it. Cheap and very light.

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Do they still make the Hespeler split chest ones? I have one with the ties in the middle and love it. Cheap and very light.

I still have a pair of the Classic Lites in the closet, probably four years old.

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I have Classic Lites too, I really liked them. Also if your in a non-checking league, Ferland makes old-style pads that lace up in the middle and are extremely light, but at a major loss of padding. But if your playing in a non-checking league it shouldn't be a big problem.

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Guest phillyfan

Jofa makes a nice shoulder pad, heck they make a nice selection of protective equipment in general. If you can find a mid-range model of 2003 JOFA's, they'll more than likely be dirt cheap with the 2004 equipment bound to come out soon. Only thing I recommend is to make sure they are not too big, JOFA shoulder pads have bigger than normal shoulder caps from my experience, and serverly hinders your shooting ability if you wear a caeg.

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I'm tempted to go the Shanny/Ned Braden route and get those rugby pads that I've seen East/West hockey put on eBay. Anyone try those at all?

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Guest phillyfan

Can't comment on rugby, but I've had a friend switch up gloves and shoulder pads with lacrosse and hockey once. He did it once. I'll leave it at that.

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I'm tempted to go the Shanny/Ned Braden route and get those rugby pads that I've seen East/West hockey put on eBay. Anyone try those at all?

I have them in stock, Mack.

I also have the Itech SP50 that came in today. Even more minimalistic than the SW. In fact I like them better.

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I still use my old Easton Z-Airs, the black ones with the red writing and air bubbles in the shoulders and on the back. I love them.

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