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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX's from the outdoor game

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<a href="http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vaporxxxx1qy5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/807/vaporxxxx1qy5.th.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us" /></a><br /><br /><a href="http://img604.imageshack.us/content.php?page=blogpost&files=img229/807/vaporxxxx1qy5.jpg" title="QuickPost"><img src="http://imageshack.us/img/butansn.png" alt="QuickPost" border="0"></a> Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!


sorry, I can't figure out how to get the pics up......Delete this topic if necessary

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that looks ... odd... BUt Kinda cool... I don't like the "40" thought... I prefer the XXXX look or instead XL... the ACTUAL symbol for 40...

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Those aren't dyed holders, right? Judging by Race4LastPlace's pic, they look legit. I really wish NBH would make the lightspeed holders available in black (but durable this time).

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I wonder if they're more durable than the Bauer ones with the printed-on graphics. I shattered two of the left ones.....well, I mean they "shattered" on me when I got hit with shots there. Dammit.

Chadd, do you know if RIT dye will weaken a holder if you dye them that way?

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I wonder if they're more durable than the Bauer ones with the printed-on graphics. I shattered two of the left ones.....well, I mean they "shattered" on me when I got hit with shots there. Dammit.

Chadd, do you know if RIT dye will weaken a holder if you dye them that way?

No idea on the dye, never done it and never had anyone local that I know do it to a pair. I was getting black Tuuks from some of the wholesalers when I was running the shop, the supply has since dried up. I even got a pair of white Canstar Tuuks when I placed an order once.

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