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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaft/blade combo

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i have a 100 flx synergy grip shaft and i alternate between my iggy n lidstrom wooden blades.

i wanna get either a whip tri core, whip red lite, 300flx 1100 or novius paired with a drury wooden blade if they made them

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I think there's a topic on this somewhere within the last couple months, but I'm game....

Current 2-piece combos in use at the moment are:

Mission M-2 w/Easton Z-Carb

Mission L-2 w/ same blade

Inno Novius w/Easton Z-Carb or Inno Comp

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Countless ultra lights, zbubbles, etc.

Of those i like the Redlite Xn10/PTC the most. Lightest and has the best feel of any combo/OPS i've used

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Easton A/C 7100 with my Nikes

Easton Grip Lite 120 with the same.

Are those the custom nikes you took a picture of awhile ago? If so, would you sell any to me?

And my favourite combo(not that I've tried many) is a Lidstrom Z-Carbon with a inno novius, the balance is incredible.

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i've been using griplite 100's with bauer woodies for a while now. however, tongiht i picked up a synthesis sicore blade to try out, and put it in my broken xn10, wasnt bad.

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Are those the custom nikes you took a picture of awhile ago? If so, would you sell any to me?

I would if I didn't use them but I keep going back to them over OPS.

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I have:

Hull Shaft (Painted UL) w/ Vic Naslund blade

Z- Bubble w/ Poti

Synergy w/ Drury T-Flex

Vector w/ Sakic Synthesis

I'd love to try out an M-2, or RL Xn10 with some Druryish blades of the Si-Core FF, PTC, Inno or X1 nature.

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Poti and Afinogenov Z Carbs had been on eBay before. Hull shafts can be found at many online stores as well as eBay.

Vic Naslund is a retail blade from ~4 years ago.

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- Mission Flyweight w/R2 Comp Tucker

- Easton Ultralight w/Z-Carb Sakic

- Xn10

The Fly is my main stick...nice light stick with good snap.

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I have:

70 Cyclone w/ sakic hybrid

Vector shaft w/ Nash X1

'02 Grip w/ bauer linden woody(recently broken) or old shanny ultra graphite.

I want:

R2XN10 w/ wood R2 Nash/ hybrid sakic sythesis

Synthesis w/ wood R2 nash/ hybrid sakic synthesis

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Synth Grip 100 w/Iggy Si-core

R2 reg w/Iggy Si-core

L2 100 w/Hull L2 (just received yesterday and very anxious to use tonight, this combo is the lightest I have)

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Are those the custom nikes you took a picture of awhile ago? If so, would you sell any to me?

I would if I didn't use them but I keep going back to them over OPS.

Ok, Pm me if you ever want to let any go.

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