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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why would they even come out with these?

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I can see a girl buying the fur gloves but the snake-skin is just plain hideous. Might be nice gloves if your teams mascot is the rattlers or vipers:)

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^^^ Looks like a paintball masks or something.

Neither the fur nor snakeskin gloves are THAT bad IMO... They'd be pretty funny actually. To be honest, I think pink gloves are worse!

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^^^ Looks like a paintball masks or something.

Neither the fur nor snakeskin gloves are THAT bad IMO... They'd be pretty funny actually. To be honest, I think pink gloves are worse!

id hate for you to see my summer team

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Oakley Jawbone

I have this visor combo and I'm going to be wearing it for inline this year. It's not as bad as the gloves but looking back it was a waste of 150$.

Does yours fog up as much as mine did? Cool Halloween idea but for hockey it sucked. IMO!

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