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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stealth and synergy skates

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As everyone knows the toe caps on easton's composite skates fall apart after a short amount of time. This is seen as a deterrent by many to purchasing easton skates. Is it possible that just putting some of that toe protector on the toe caps could solve this problem or would it mess it up worse?

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If you're a gram whore, then it is absolutely unacceptable!

Otherwise, go for it. Did it with my S15's. No problems.

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As everyone knows the toe caps on easton's composite skates fall apart after a short amount of time.

well - not "always" - on my 1500C it held up for a year. it doesn't look good but works just as new.

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As everyone knows the toe caps on easton's composite skates fall apart after a short amount of time. This is seen as a deterrent by many to purchasing easton skates. Is it possible that just putting some of that toe protector on the toe caps could solve this problem or would it mess it up worse?

That problem has been exaggerated. It has not been an issue with the stealth/synergy skates we have sold at the LHS I work at.

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Theres no problem adding toepro, one thing i would say is do it in loads of tiny layers, because the material seem to absorb it for the first few. on my second pair with that toe, i made sure i slightly went over the edges(masked it off to make a seal on the carbon so the water cant get under and soften the glue holding the material on. Main thing to rememebr is that altho it looks like none is on, persevere and put on lots of small layers

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I've heard mixed reviews on the 1500's and S-15's. Some guys say their great and have good durability overall including the toe cap, and others who claim the skate fell apart in a year and a half and was unusable. I guess it depends just how hard you are on them and take care of them. Just about any skate on the market will deterioate quickly if you play five to six times a week but will last longer playing twice week. You may want to get some insight of someone like J.R. who would actually get more feedback on this kind of information and has a thorough knowledge of the product.

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I've heard mixed reviews on the 1500's and S-15's. Some guys say their great and have good durability overall including the toe cap, and others who claim the skate fell apart in a year and a half and was unusable. I guess it depends just how hard you are on them and take care of them. Just about any skate on the market will deterioate quickly if you play five to six times a week but will last longer playing twice week. You may want to get some insight of someone like J.R. who would actually get more feedback on this kind of information and has a thorough knowledge of the product.

I take great care of my 1500's, completely let them air dry after every use, use the skate bags that come with them, wipe them down after games, and mine after a year are almost un-usable. About 1/4 of my eyelets are either completely gone, or severely bent, the side textile on both boots is separating from the carbon shell, and the toe caps are both pretty much gone (however its just the fake suede material, the protection of the carbon is still there).

I love the fit/feel of these skates, enough so that I'm thinking of getting another pair even knowing the shoddy build quality, and they are amazingly light, but knowing that they will only last a year is kinda depressing when you spend so much on them..

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I also take really good care of my S11's and after 7 months of skating twice a week, they're pretty trashed. I don't care too much about the cosmetic stuff, but the liner of the left skate by the top eyelet is completely worn through and it's starting to go on the left skate. I really like the feel and performance of the skates, but there's no way I would buy or even recommend them.

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I take great care of my 1500's, completely let them air dry after every use, use the skate bags that come with them, wipe them down after games, and mine after a year are almost un-usable. About 1/4 of my eyelets are either completely gone, or severely bent, the side textile on both boots is separating from the carbon shell, and the toe caps are both pretty much gone (however its just the fake suede material, the protection of the carbon is still there).

I love the fit/feel of these skates, enough so that I'm thinking of getting another pair even knowing the shoddy build quality, and they are amazingly light, but knowing that they will only last a year is kinda depressing when you spend so much on them..

I'm second to this - eyelets bent & falling out + separation on the side has occured to my 1500c as well

but the toe cups (though scratched & cut in a few places) are still OK

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Judging from the number of negative comments we're already receiving I have to concede that we have a durability problem here. As much as I like Easton skates, buying skates that show the lack of durability these skates have shown would be insane. I too love the feel and lightness of these models but they're much to expensive to be buying a new pair every year. Seems it may wise to avoid these models and consider others or even other manufacturers skates.

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it seems as though the easton skates have good and bad batches. my first pair of S15's started coming apart after the first couple uses, so I sent them back for a new pair, which has held up remarkably well. toe cap included.

I skate 3-4 times a week. I wipe down and air-dry my skates 99% of the time. My skates take a fair amount of abuse. A tiny bit of me skating hard, but mostly hacks/whacks (as well as crappy passes from teammates.. haha) :)

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I would agree with the good and bad batches. I had mine from August of '06 until Oct. of '07 skating 4-6 times a week. They didnt start breaking down until Oct. I took amazing care of them. No bent eyelets or anything. The inside of the skate just got nasty

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