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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior "the stroker"

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Here's a serious question: what would it take from them for you guys to take them seriously? I'm curious.

I think a lot of people do in fact take them seriously, but just do not like the names. It is a solid product.

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Here's a serious question: what would it take from them for you guys to take them seriously? I'm curious.

I know Warrior is big in the LAX world, and am glad to see them continuing their success in the hockey venue. But I think a lot of people are, well, Put off on How they came into the hockey business, rather than creating their own unique style and offering a fresh new face. Well, style's not the word I'm looking for, their style truly Is unique. The direction they're going, yeah, it's funny, and they do make some good stuff, but everyone knows it's not 'Their Own'. Sort of like Torspo, or maybe even how people hated on Nike by buying Bauer. With Warrior buying Inno, Mia, and now Montreal...they're just gobbling up niches instead of creating their own. And as traditional as hockey players can be, they're going to face a lot of resistance from the hard core players. Sure you're going to have people that like the flashy stuff, and crazy branding, and I'm sure a lot of their stuff really Is good equipment, but just the way they market and by marketing alone is not going to sway a lot of the avant guard in the beer leagues. I think to be taken serious, they have to be creative not just with their marketing, but with their Own equipment, and not just someone else's with a Warrior logo and a perverted name on it. If they can create equipment that is as edgy as their marketing, and push the envelope on protection and innovation, then and only until then will I think they can be taken seriously, especially from the brilliant people on this site that can see trough the marketing ploys. Just my two cents.

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Here's a serious question: what would it take from them for you guys to take them seriously? I'm curious.

I take their products seriously, and while I understand their marketing, etc.- I still like to poke fun.

Sure, shock value works... and the colors, and asthetics are as appealing to kids as Joe Camel. My biggest laugh is each time I see a product I think to myself "How low will they go?" and each new product, they set the bar lower (obviously not quality wise)....Like the original title says, What next?!? When you sit and compile the innuendo, and potty humor that you could apply to Warrior products... they're set for life.

I do find humor in it... and hey, it's a lot easier to remember names like "The Franchise" etc, than something 'vanilla' like "MB 22".

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Here's a serious question: what would it take from them for you guys to take them seriously? I'm curious.

I would say: continue to be cleaver with their marketing as they are but not act 12. Some of the names and colors are just a bit much. Shit brown and floresant green is just wrong. IMO

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Here's a serious question: what would it take from them for you guys to take them seriously? I'm curious.

Drop the childish marketing. Regardless of the quality of the product, I will not be seen racing up the right side of the ice gripping my stiff johnson with my left stroker.

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I've already mentioned it to you but might as well put it where everyone can see...

It's a shame that with the financial backing of NB that Warrior is devoting entirely too much time and money on questionable marketing tactics, instead of innovating(irony?) new technology. If they put out a good product I will buy it.

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I've already mentioned it to you but might as well put it where everyone can see...

It's a shame that with the financial backing of NB that Warrior is devoting entirely too much time and money on questionable marketing tactics, instead of innovating(irony?) new technology. If they put out a good product I will buy it.

AMEN MY BROTHA!!! Design an awesome product that looks good and you wont need all the childish marketing. A custom program like NBH wouldnt be a bad idea either. Why not bring the Novious back to life already. I have alway thought that if they were to make the Kronik With "full spyne" tech. it would be cool.

Example: Warrior claims that the current Kronik spyne tech is part of the entire stick design. I tend to disagree because a house is only as good as it's foundation and man is only as strong as his weakest bodypart. If you want to sell a $230.00 + stick, complete the design and add the total spyne which will fully strengthen the stick and shot.

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I'll tell you IF you promise not to buy these things.

Oh, I would never buy those horrid things. Ugliest gloves I have ever seen.

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If I'm paying $200 for a pair of gloves, they sure as hell aren't going to be that ugly.

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Stop using the thread as a sig tester. This isn't a pictures-allowed-in-signatures kind of message board.

I want to search for that post where he claimed to be super intelligent. But I can't remember how he butchered the spelling of the word.

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Modano's a 'Warrior' guy; so are those his new gloves? Will he be endorsing "The Stroker"?

Based on the gloves Easton recently made for him, no.

That was a joke.

Oh, I knew it was a joke. But I gave you an answer anyway.

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I want to search for that post where he claimed to be super intelligent. But I can't remember how he butchered the spelling of the word.

I took the time to find it for you. . . . amazing. . . .

Its because im not on ritilin lol its Standard testing week and sicince im in the top percent of my class I don't have to do them.

Very funny its based off standerdized tests. I am actually very intellegent I just have touretts and ADHD. So screw off.

Gives me a hangover type headache

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those brown jerseys are awesome. i wish my highschool team had jerseys that looked half that good. very sharp IMO

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Love the looks and like all the cool names of the warrior products. They make me laugh, and that in my opinion is a good thing.

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