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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ribeiro rockin' One90s?

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Anyone else notice Ribeiro wearing One90s yesterday? I did a quick search and didn't see anything...

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he also ties his skates to the side..


look at the pic to see what i mean.

ribeiro wore bauer vapor 10s and a nbh 4500 with itech visor in his rookie season with the canadiens in 99..then wore a couple pairs of nike skates (flexlite/quest/ignite)until he went mission sometime in 05

9900 Season setup (rookie)


0102 Season Setup


0304 Season setup


0405 Season setup


0506 Season setup


0607 Season


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I'm curious as to why they're tied to the side, what lacing pattern is that?

my best guess would be to eliminate lace bite, it must relieve the pressure of the knot through a thin toungue.

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I'm curious as to why they're tied to the side, what lacing pattern is that?

my best guess would be to eliminate lace bite, it must relieve the pressure of the knot through a thin toungue.

Or if your shin pads come down low over you laces, it can be the only way you can see the laces well enough to tie them. With my 17" shin pads with the extra guard, my laces just naturally end up this way.

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