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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook


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I joined a new gym that also has racquetball so I want to try it out. I'll sign up for some lessons, but was just curious if any of you folks swat the blue balls? Any advice for a rookie?

Also racquet suggestions for a beginner? Like hockey gear, I don't like to go top of the line, but prefer mid-level type of stuff that will last.

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Years ago, I played the girl I was dating. She absolutely worked me! Afterward, she let me know that I was swinging in such a manner that I was causing higher bounces back to her.

Because the ball is so bouncy, I believe the trick is you want to come low from the side whenever possible. It makes it much more difficult for your opponent to return.

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RB is a fun game to pick up and its a great workout in those sauna's they call courts (well that's how it is at the courts I play at). I'm a beginner myself but the people I play with say aim low and at the corners. Also, from what I learned having a little touch helps as well rather than trying to kill the ball every time.

As for racquets, I have some old racquet from the compay Head. Ektelon is another good brand, and a mid-level racquet should cost around 60-80 bones.

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I play with a buddy in the summer in the school sports complex.

Amazingly fun. I picked up a used mid to high level Ektelon on ebay for $25. Just play for the exercise and fun at first I would say.

There is a difference between rackets, I inherited one from my dad's college days and a $15 Walmart special my brother had- the Ektelon is miles better for control and finesse, though it probably needs a stringing now.

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All jokes aside, the balls make a difference. As a beginner, you may want to try a green or purple ball as they play slower than blue to help you learn your angles and shots.


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  Drewhunz said:

All jokes aside, the balls make a difference. As a beginner, you may want to try a green or purple ball as they play slower than blue.


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And then Ektelon has their red fireballz, which from what I'm told actually do play like lightning.

I started with blue just fine, I'm not sure something slower would be beneficial to hockey-playing adults as hand-eye and reactions should be pretty good.

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Hell, I started with squash and then moved to racquetball. That was an interesting transition. Felt like superman the first time I broke a ball.

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I've been playing for as long as I can remember. I put up a good fight at the rec every few weeks.

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ugh, friend of mines father has played Olympic Racquetball. I didn't even know that existed.

They have a court at their house and my buddy wanted me to play. I refused pretty heavily as I knew what was in store, but alas I was convinced....

and totally destroyed. And then his dad played and I was blown out of my mind that someone can be so damn good at Racquetball.

I'll never play again, horrible horrible memories, and the frustration was insane =P

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RB translates well to hockey, both build quick footwork and hand/eye coordination, not to mention the good cardio you get from playing. Watch out for the other guy swinging and low balls that can hit you in sensitive areas. It's a fun game once you get the hang of it.

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  chk hrd said:

RB translates well to hockey, both build quick footwork and hand/eye coordination, not to mention the good cardio you get from playing. Watch out for the other guy swinging and low balls that can hit you in sensitive areas. It's a fun game once you get the hang of it.

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I'm thinking the speed and cardio would be a perfect sport for puck crosstrain, glad my thoughts are backed up. I'd imagine dudes get hit a lot by balls and rackets and dudes, but it's all in good fun.

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I played a couple times with my buddy in the winter...Tons of fun, and I actually do well because I've played tennis all my life.

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  Doctor Hook said:
  chk hrd said:

RB translates well to hockey, both build quick footwork and hand/eye coordination, not to mention the good cardio you get from playing. Watch out for the other guy swinging and low balls that can hit you in sensitive areas. It's a fun game once you get the hang of it.

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I'm thinking the speed and cardio would be a perfect sport for puck crosstrain, glad my thoughts are backed up. I'd imagine dudes get hit a lot by balls and rackets and dudes, but it's all in good fun.

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I've actually yet to be hit. My buddy and I started our summer sessions again today. Rusty as shit, couldn't read angles well and I was hammering the ball into the floor when I was trying to snipe the bottom.

I pegged him twice today on accident. I went for the low wall power hit and he crouched in front of me instead of getting out of the way, second time was a no-look sweep to save it off the back wall.

Definitely a lot of fun. We don't keep score, just play for the hour of cardio a few times a week. In a few weeks time as you get the hang of it you start to string together long sets and it gets more physical and a lot of fun. Don't be discouraged if you just start out and an hour isn't winding you- that just means there are too many breaks from poor play.

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You really don't need lessons, it's something you can pick up pretty quickly. It's a lot of fun, but the echo is pretty annoying.

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I didn't take lessons, but I have taken tennis lessons my whole life so I can strike the ball pretty well. I hurts your tennis game though, if you get into the habit of hitting it as hard as you can and aiming low.

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  brettlynch11 said:

I didn't take lessons, but I have taken tennis lessons my whole life so I can strike the ball pretty well. I hurts your tennis game though, if you get into the habit of hitting it as hard as you can and aiming low.

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and to the corners. Experiment with spin too.

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Oh and lastly, we also have squash courts at this new gym. I'm more of a mashed potatoes guy, but who jocks squash and how's it differ from RB besides smaller balls?

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  TBLfan said:
  brettlynch11 said:

I didn't take lessons, but I have taken tennis lessons my whole life so I can strike the ball pretty well. I hurts your tennis game though, if you get into the habit of hitting it as hard as you can and aiming low.

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and to the corners. Experiment with spin too.

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Yeah I try to use slice and topspin in different spots for different bounces.

I think squash is pretty much the same other than smaller balls and smaller courts. I hear it takes more finese and skill than RB. I could be totally wrong though.

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The squash ball doesn't bounce anywhere close to a racquetball, so it definitely is more of a game with finesse shots. I haven't played in 30 years, but my memory is you can hit the ball about 6" above the floor on the front wall and it will bounce less than a foot away, then land a second time about another two feet later. Virtually impossible to return.

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  Jason Harris said:

my memory is you can hit the ball about 6" above the floor on the front wall and it will bounce less than a foot away, then land a second time about another two feet later. Virtually impossible to return.

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That's the low wall shot. Hit it hard just a few inches up the wall with top spin and it will just about settle on the floor right in front of the wall.

Hitting square into the corners just about kills all momentum as well.

Never took any lessons.

My best advice is to stay about at the service line the whole time and be sure to move your body in a position away from the ball -to the side or below- I kept stepping behind the ball and hitting with no power.

Keep your feet moving, if you're standing still and you need to cover the length of the court for a softie at the wall, you're screwed

Make sure you're wearing safety glasses. I hate RB goggles, I wear my Oakley M-frames with a sweatband and I can't imagine wearing bugeyes. Earplugs can help with the sound to a certain degree, but it doesn't bother me to be honest.

You can play just fine without power shots. Keep the ball in the sweet spot and it will return the length of the court, just slow enough to easily be picked up by your opponent.

The best serve I can do is a soft bouncer that just makes it past the server's box and sticks to the wall. Your opponent will most likely whiff hard for fear of biting the wall or bite the wall and whiff hard. I was getting it down to a science last summer to the chagrin of my buddy :lol:

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Borrowed a racquet and ball and just messed around on my own in the vacation-empty court. It's a lot of fun just swatting around, and I can see it being a good workout if you went all out. This seems to be the kind of sport that pretty much anyone can pick up to varying degrees of success.

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