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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick balance point

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I just put in a hickory butt-end extension and a tacki-mac (rubber) grip on my stick, and the balance point has moved upwards. It is now almost at the mid-point of the stick, whereas it used to be at the bottom third or so.

The stick seems better balanced for stickhandling; I'm still getting used to it, but I like it more so far.

I know it's mostly personal preference, but what kind of balance do you like, and why? E.g. some who like to shoot slapshots may favour blade-heavy sticks.

Would a blade-heavy or blade-light stick be better for receiving passes? At which point, roughly, would the balance point be too high?

I'm trying to get more educated about sticks.

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About the only thing I notice is if a stick is too blade heavy, it's a little harder to stick handle, and usually if a stick is too shaft heavy, it's just heavy in general and harder to use.

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What stick did you do that to?

I like the balance being at my bottom hand, less inertia on either side. Definitely not a fan of blade-heavy sticks.

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I did that to an R2XN10 shaft with a Si-Core blade. The balance point is pretty close to my bottom hand now, so there is less inertia on either side. I'm considering putting some lead into the butt-end.

IIRC, there used to be weights towards the top of some aluminum shafts to raise the balance point.

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I don't know if it's just me, but I've noticed that blade heavy sticks allow you to do one-handed reaching/sweeping stick checks with more force more easily. Gives you a better chance at disrupting your opponent's stickhandling when he/she is trying to go around you, assuming you can do it quickly and accurately, like a harpoon. XD

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I did that to an R2XN10 shaft with a Si-Core blade. The balance point is pretty close to my bottom hand now, so there is less inertia on either side. I'm considering putting some lead into the butt-end.

IIRC, there used to be weights towards the top of some aluminum shafts to raise the balance point.

Yep, a few used to be plugged.

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If you get the chance to play with a mid vs a low kickpoint shaft, you can tell the difference. I have had some serious issues using the XXXX...just don't like the low kick. I really like the mid kickpoint of the XN10 and the One90 shaft. The whip flex and 77 flex are awesome.

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If you get the chance to play with a mid vs a low kickpoint shaft, you can tell the difference. I have had some serious issues using the XXXX...just don't like the low kick. I really like the mid kickpoint of the XN10 and the One90 shaft. The whip flex and 77 flex are awesome.

Kick and balance are different. This is simply about the balance point of a stick, not the kickpoint.

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I don't know if it's just me, but I've noticed that blade heavy sticks allow you to do one-handed reaching/sweeping stick checks with more force more easily. Gives you a better chance at disrupting your opponent's stickhandling when he/she is trying to go around you, assuming you can do it quickly and accurately, like a harpoon. XD

I just played tonight, and I had a partial break. One-handed, the higher balance point affected the way the stick rotates during the arm swing for me. I usually put the puck just to the front and side of my right skate (I shoot left) and swing the knob to the midline of my body.

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I dunno why but if I'm really used to stickhandling with a blade heavy stick. If I use anything else it seems I go over the puck too fast and it just screws up.

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If you get the chance to play with a mid vs a low kickpoint shaft, you can tell the difference. I have had some serious issues using the XXXX...just don't like the low kick. I really like the mid kickpoint of the XN10 and the One90 shaft. The whip flex and 77 flex are awesome.

Kick and balance are different. This is simply about the balance point of a stick, not the kickpoint.

Yes, Chadd explained it better than I could. Side benefit from MLSman's reply, though; I thought that the XN10 had a low kick point. Now I know that it isn't as low as other sticks'. I might have to try using and staying with a stick with a lower kick point eventually (Stealth?).

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