JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 It was set in the 50s, Nazis were gone at that point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 I know it's an Indiana Jones movie, but I agree with Jason in that it just got too stupid. I mean, he survives a nuclear explosion by hiding in a refridgerator? Seriously, that's the best thing you could come up with for that scene?I forgot about that one. The car sped away at 70 MPH but couldn't outrace the blast, whereas Indy was thrown hundreds of feet and managed to hold the door shut and not get too sweaty from the heat.....But here's the thing. They didn't need that scene! What did it add to the character or the plot? I suppose it gave us an idea of the Cold War hysteria of the late 50's, but couldn't they have flashed on a couple of newspapers to accomplish the same thing, without having Indy survive a nuclear blast yet not turn into the Hulk? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fletch 219 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 Even if I had problems with parts of the movie I can't understand people going "aliens? wtf?" It's Indiana Jones. Aliens was the next plausible step in pulp from what he's done in movies. What, the Ten Commandments and heart-stealing bad guys was believable but aliens don't seem realistic?It's not that the Aliens thing was a "bad" idea - it was just poorly executed. Like I mentioned earlier - there was so much exposition early on that the climax of the film was missing that "wow" moment that the other films had at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwyren 0 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 It was set in the 50s, Nazis were gone at that point.I do understand this. However, since aliens were involved there is no reason that Nazis could not have been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 They would've been reaching even more at that point and would've made any sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fletch 219 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 Agreed.....the Nazis were long disbanded by that time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted May 27, 2008 Nit picking historical inaccuracies in this movie would be like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. I was trying to explain to a friend the other day what happened at the end of the movie, and I realized I couldn't even sum it up without sounding retarded. 'So, they retrieve a crystal alien skull in order to return it to a lost city of gold where it's missing from. The evil Russians steal the skull at the last second, return it it's rightful resting place, only instead of getting the reward of unknown power as per the legend and basis for the entire point of keeping it out of the enemy's hands, the Russians all get killed somehow by the alien skeletons. At this point Indy's party escapes and the entire golden city vanishes into another dimension/spinning UFO and is replaced by a lake.' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted May 28, 2008 It was set in the 50s, Nazis were gone at that point.I do understand this. However, since aliens were involved there is no reason that Nazis could not have been.It wouldn't have gone with the timeline since it was in the 50s. Russians were the new Nazi/threat to the US. I suppose we could have waited another ten years or so and made the Viet Cong the new enemy but that movie would have sucked harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RadioGaGa 162 Report post Posted May 28, 2008 Lots of movie errors (***AND SPOILERS***):http://www.moviemistakes.com/film7362%26no_cj_c=1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan6969 0 Report post Posted May 30, 2008 Some of those mistakes are a little forgivable since they were minor enough for most people not to notice. I do agree however, there were some plot holes that don't really add up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted May 30, 2008 Making me have second thoughts now about even seeing the latest one. I grew up on the Indy films, would hate to have them all ruined on the account of the new one. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted May 30, 2008 If you liked them, you shouldn't have a problem with the last one. I still don't get the hate for the movie overall since it's still very much an Indy movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted May 30, 2008 If you liked them, you shouldn't have a problem with the last one. I still don't get the hate for the movie overall since it's still very much an Indy movie.Alright.....I'm going to go out on a limb then based on your recommendation. Should it come out to be a total bust, it's your fault......and it's on like donkey kong!! ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted May 31, 2008 I will accept that test. The big knocks I keep hearing about it are the plot (and its "unbelievability") and having too much CGI. Too much CGI in a Lucas/Spielberg movie based on this stuff? People must have mistaken an Indy movie with an indie movie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegoDoom 0 Report post Posted May 31, 2008 mack, I said something similar to a friend who saw it before I did. It's more unbelievable than a guy reaching into a persons chest and ripping his heart out (while he stays alive until he gets submerged in lava)?But I have a different viewpoint after seeing it. Seriously... aliens? Nothing stood out as being too outlandish compared to the previous movies. But aliens? Certainly someone had a better story line. I wasn't too thrilled with the CGI, but it didn't bother me. The sword fight between multiple vehicles actually fit in with the other movies and I thought the last scene where the water filled in the temple was well done. The ants may have been too much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jason Harris 31 Report post Posted May 31, 2008 If you liked them, you shouldn't have a problem with the last one. I still don't get the hate for the movie overall since it's still very much an Indy movie.We had watched the first three last month and, as I had written in another thread, they actually hadn't aged well. So in that respect, I agree with you that this is still very much an Indy movie. However, I don't know whether this movie had more sequences of unbelievability or other movies have come out in the past 18 years that were in a similar genre but had tighter scripts.Maybe one way to look at it is to take the words "Indiana Jones" out of the title and call the movie "The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull." If this wasn't an Indiana Jones movie, what do you think the reception would be? I don't think there's any doubt that movie would be gone in a week. I think the only thing that's saving this movie is we all have such an affinity for the character.The truth is I'm not very discriminating about movies; I tend to like a lot more than most people. But that movie was disappointing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdcopp 1 Report post Posted May 31, 2008 my problem was the last 1/4 of the movie made me pissed that the first 3/4 was very much in Indy vain. You really get let down at the end, because A. the whole alien spin could've been done better and B. IT JUST FREAKING ENDS and they go along tra-la-la with a wonderful rest of their lives. No big surprises, twists, nothing. Just here's point A, point B is over there aaaaaand ACTION!I was pissed by the end I sat through the first 3/4 highly entertained and then had the shitstorm dropped on me at the end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted May 31, 2008 mack, I said something similar to a friend who saw it before I did. It's more unbelievable than a guy reaching into a persons chest and ripping his heart out (while he stays alive until he gets submerged in lava)?But I have a different viewpoint after seeing it. Seriously... aliens? Nothing stood out as being too outlandish compared to the previous movies. But aliens? Certainly someone had a better story line. I wasn't too thrilled with the CGI, but it didn't bother me. The sword fight between multiple vehicles actually fit in with the other movies and I thought the last scene where the water filled in the temple was well done. The ants may have been too much.I don't know, I can't think of anything off the top of my head (hence why I'm not a Hollywood writer I guess) but aliens seems like a natural progression for Indy. With the timeline it fits since they tie-in Roswell and the eventual Area 51. It does feel odd they went away from anything theology-related but again, I don't know what else they could have done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sleestack 0 Report post Posted June 1, 2008 I agree with Fletch 100%. This was perhaps one of the dumbest movies I've seen in a long time! It's too bad, b/c i was really looking forward to it. To touch on Fletch's points again: Ford/Indy: No he is not tough anymore. They actually made a complete mockery of the character by constantly referring to how old he is. The funny thing -is that Ford still seems in great shape and audiences would have believed anything he did. Also, one of the more appealing things of the character is that he is a teacher who is able to have these great adventures. Basically saying anyone is capable of anything. Here, they reduce him to being a bumbling fool and further mock him about being a teacher. (i hope i'm making sense)His son does nothing but rank on him and never seems in awe of his Dad (which he eventually he should have- he's Indiana Jones for God's sake!)Mac: I will get started w/ him. Yes, Ray Winstone is a fantastic actor, but I swear if u look quick you'd think it was Curly from the Three Stooges. He even has a scene where after he gets punched in the face, crosses his eyes and falls backwards. Slapstick? More like Slapdick! It was just plain stupid. And I still wasn't sure if he was a double agent or what.CGI: Can we please start to phase this stuff out for adult movie goers. It completely takes u out of the reality of the movie and actually caring what happens b/c u know no one is really in jeapordy. Lucas is just plain lazy at this point. The whole film seemed done on a sound stage. The skull in which the movie gets its name even seemed plastic.Plot: We've already touched on the whole alien thing. But it was just a potpourri of nonsense. There's a scene in a cemetery of some sort and creatures straight out of "The Wiz" or the old "Dr. Who" start jumping out of caves! We have no idea who they are or what they are doing there. Compare it to Indy getting chased by poisenous darts and u get what i mean. I swear I was more afraid watching Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video!Lebeouf: Not really a fan. It seems whenever they have a younger character in waiting, the actor seems like a panzie. (Think Terminator 3!) I don't think i would be interested in him as a new Indy. Secondly, I never really saw the transition of him liking or respecting his Dad. The Tarzan scene was embarassing.The Mom: Where did they dig her out from? Let's just say the years have not been kind. It seems she hasn't left the bar from the North Pole or wherever it was in Raiders. Has she done any acting since her last Indy flick? Yikes, just terrible. The on screen kiss w/ Ford was just painful to watch.Script: There really didn't seem to be one. To me, it looked like they made it up as they went along. They threw everything but the kitchen sink into this.GRADE: D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted June 2, 2008 I saw it last night and was very disappointed with iit. First and foremost I hate Shia and thought that he was terrible in it. Like everyone else the ending was too much. I understand that Indy movies all have a level of unbelievable stuff in them, but the aliens seemed like a cop out for a bad script. Its too bad kids are going to see this movie and think this is how Indiana Jones really is. I say its pretty close to Rocky V status. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites