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Metal goal-netting instead of mesh?

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Figured this belonged in the Roller section since no Ice players/rinks will ever experiance this problem.

One of my friends plays at a outdoor rink in the middle of rough neighbourhood.

They can't leave their nets on since it gets cut up or burned over-night.

But it's really time-consumeing to take the nets on/off every time their club plays (which is 5 days a week).

They've tried stuff like those clip-on things used in mountain climbing (can't recall the right word), but they get bent and almost impossible to get off due to torquing from shots to the net.

Their thinking about metal-nettings or something similar, ala Ghetto basket hoops, but besides that there are no ideas.

Does anybody have any similar experiances, and even better a solution for it?, there must be something that can hold up to the rigors of the sport and still be easy to take on/off in a hurry.

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Someone cut a gigantic section out of the top left corner in the local rink here. Took me a while but I managed to tie it up using an old lace. The net is just tighter now. People are annoying =\

It can be cut just as easily but it's a nice way to get rid of all those frayed tipped laces that lay around most peoples bags.

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At more than one outdoor rink around me, the nets have chain-link fence (which is also used instead of glass) on the nets. The nets get pretty heavy, but they're durable.

If you can get ahold of the smaller chain-link, it works better. I've had pucks get stuck in the "regular" size chain link, and they can be a real pain to get out of it.

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At more than one outdoor rink around me, the nets have chain-link fence (which is also used instead of glass) on the nets. The nets get pretty heavy, but they're durable.

If you can get ahold of the smaller chain-link, it works better. I've had pucks get stuck in the "regular" size chain link, and they can be a real pain to get out of it.

agreed. I know I have seen lacrosse cages made like this too. I can't get pictures for you, but that would be your best bet. Get someone who is very crafty with stuff like this and go for it.

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You could check with a contractor or company that sells fencing, maybe they could come up with some scrap that would fit the nets.

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They have contact to the right county department, "road & park" which is responsible for the condition of the rink since it's inside a park, where access to chain-link fences is not a problem.

But the county doesn't believe it'll be good solution, so if they can show them pictures of it in action, that would be perfect.

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Crap, I just played at the rink tonight but didn't see your reply until now. Next time I play will be Sunday. I'll snap a couple of pics with my phone.

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how about using an actual fence cut up to fit the goal? just a suggestion.

They started doing that to the futsal (street soccer) goals in Singapore... but the inline court there is crap and no one takes care of it.

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Crap, I just played at the rink tonight but didn't see your reply until now. Next time I play will be Sunday. I'll snap a couple of pics with my phone.

How was the game tonight? I got stuck at work.

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Me and a friend built a net out of chainlink fence and metal piping. worked like a charm, I would suggest it. I'll try to get some pics

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Me and a friend built a net out of chainlink fence and metal piping. worked like a charm, I would suggest it. I'll try to get some pics

i'd like to see those, I bought a $40 metal net at a sporting goods store to shoot pucks at(ice pucks) and I dent the metal every post shot.

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i'd like to see those, I bought a $40 metal net at a sporting goods store to shoot pucks at(ice pucks) and I dent the metal every post shot.

you have to use rigid piping, Al Macinnis couldn't bend it with his slap shot

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When I was little, my friend's dad made us a net using one of those orange plastic fences you see around construction sites.


It's been a long time, so I don't remember how he did it. I assume you'd have to cut off a few strips and overlap them, then just use plastic ties to attach it to the goal, and close up any serious gaps in the overlapping parts.

This would clearly take some work to do, but maybe not much more than restringing net however often you have to. However, it would be much cheaper to replace when kids mess with it. They might be less likely to mess with it if you use something kind of junky like this, because it's not as much fun to break stuff if it's not nice. Also, I assume a plastic fencing would be more forgiving if you fell into it than a chainmail net would be.

Other options:

I don't know if your nets are physically attached to the rink, but I have seen collapsible goals. Not just pvc that you take apart, but joints that can bend or be locked out, so that you can throw them together quickly.

I don't know what dimensions you're looking for, but the rink near me doesn't have nets, so I just bring one. I have a smaller pvc ccm goal that I just take the crossbar off of, and fold down the side posts. There's no "shelf" or even middle pole down the back, so it's really simple, even if I have to restring the crossbar everytime. It only take 3-5 minutes. The biggest trade off is that the goal isn't very deep, and the net just sort of hangs there.


The nets at the outdoor community rink where I grew up are also in lousy shape. It makes me bummed out to see it, but kids in that area just don't play pick up hockey much. Kids just turn them on their side and use them to skateboard on, or to lay in when they smoke weed. Kids these days, let me tell ya...

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When I was little, my friend's dad made us a net using one of those orange plastic fences you see around construction sites.

YOu can use that in the interim or for pickup hockey, but a couple of years ago the tournament in Singapore had that for the nets. Man, it was real crap... scored a few goals and zipped the puck thru the net. Refs can tell you that it wasnt a goal after that.

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i tried using plastic zip-ties on my net at home, and if you catch post or a medium hard shot in the corners, they'll break off, i think the metal bands would work better.

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I've seen some goals with the orange construction netting, and that stuff gets torn up worse and more quickly than using regular netting. If you don't want to be continually repairing the nets, metal is the way to go. It also makes it harder to steal the goals (yeah, we've had that happen too) as it makes them quite heavy.

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I went to the rink today. Sorry it took so long:




The Goal is just 2" pipe welded into a box, with the chain link attached with metal bands. They've held up very well.

Pete, I can't tell you the number of times that I've crashed into that net. I actually have dreams of that net chasing me around the rink. lol

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I went to the rink today. Sorry it took so long:




The Goal is just 2" pipe welded into a box, with the chain link attached with metal bands. They've held up very well.

Pete, I can't tell you the number of times that I've crashed into that net. I actually have dreams of that net chasing me around the rink. lol

haha, I can imagine someone falling into that.

That net is awesome by the way, makes me think of an idea for NHL STREET if EA would make that video game.

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