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Soulder separations and the pads that can help

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I have just recently suffered my second shoulder separation, a grade 3 on the left shoulder. My Other shoulder I separated about 4 years ago. I don't wear shoulder pads, but now I have to. I'm getting a little older, but still playing a high level. Another separation would cripple me.

Soooo... Does anyone have any suggestions as to what shoulder pads I now have to wear to protect my weakened shoulders from further injury.

My guess is they have to be big with big shoulder caps (my football days, shoulder pads were great), but hoping I can get protection and a smaller pair to not make me look so damned ridiculous...

Any suggestions and links if posible would be great.


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I would suggest looking into a shoulder brace. At least that would help in controlling your range of motion. My right shoulder suffers from subluxation( obviously much milder than a grade 3) and a brace did the trick. IMO shoulder pads are only one part of the solution. Maybe a combination of both may be a possible solution.


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that brace looks like it would limit movement. if i were you i would look to FARREL shoulder pads. so comfortable, and so protective. you can also move around the shoulder caps

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that brace looks like it would limit movement. if i were you i would look to FARREL shoulder pads. so comfortable, and so protective. you can also move around the shoulder caps

Bad idea.

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that brace looks like it would limit movement. if i were you i would look to FARREL shoulder pads. so comfortable, and so protective. you can also move around the shoulder caps

Bad idea.

elaborate please

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i hurt my shoulder twice. i wore a soft brace, and wore easton 700 shoulder pads afterwards. its tough to come back from that kind of injury 100%. Nike bauer's vapor XXXX shoulder pads are very nice. i would look into something like that.

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Farrels would be my last choice to protect an injured shoulder.

monty have you ever tried on farrels you feel like your being dryhumped by the michelen tire man

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If you are looking into shoulder protection but don't want something too bulky I would suggest something like the old jofa 6500, good protective caps but not excessive body protection, for new pads I would go with the RBK 5k or 3k or maybe even the Easton S1 but that might be a little too low end. The important thing is that it's got a good cap that wraps around the shoulder. Personally I would really look into any pad that has the jofa ASD design.

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My advice Jofa/RBK or Nike/Bauer top end models. My personal opinion is RBK is the best for protection even if they are a bit bulky. I use the RBK 6K and the Nike/Bauer Supreme 1/90 's and both give me great protection and flexability.

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Does Douglas still make hockey shoulders? I remember seeing a few Douglas pads around and they were like smaller football pads with bicep protection.

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I have tried them on and was very underwhelmed.

i have seen them and in all honesty i liked them. the beauty lies in the simplicity. in all fairness though i am not sure that any shoulder pad is better at preventing shoulder separation. perhaps that is something our designers can look at, but from a legal standpoint i do not think you will find any mfg willing to put themselves out there with such a product. part of getting older is knowing when to push and when to take your foot off the pedal.


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getting a compression wrap that helps hold the shoulder together is going to do more to prevent dislocations than most shoulder pads. That said, given the severity of your situation, you will need something to help dissipate as much of the impact as possible. I would try on a number of high end pads and see what feels best after getting a compression wrap.


I am not a doctor, I only play one in Vegas

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Farrell is a horrible choice, there is no structural rigidity to them at all. Go to hockeyworld and do a search for douglas, jones, or tps flexor. Christian used to make a sick hardshell sp, flak too.

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I have just recently suffered my second shoulder separation, a grade 3 on the left shoulder. My Other shoulder I separated about 4 years ago. I don't wear shoulder pads, but now I have to. I'm getting a little older, but still playing a high level. Another separation would cripple me.

Soooo... Does anyone have any suggestions as to what shoulder pads I now have to wear to protect my weakened shoulders from further injury.

My guess is they have to be big with big shoulder caps (my football days, shoulder pads were great), but hoping I can get protection and a smaller pair to not make me look so damned ridiculous...

Any suggestions and links if posible would be great.


Well I think this depends on how old you are and if you play in a non-contact men's league now. I have separated my right one twice and left one once (both were only Grade 1). This was in a non-contact men's league and I was wearing decent shoulder pads. I think most important is you are more prone to injuring them now and the best thing you can do is not band-aid the problem just with shoulder pads but do strengthening of the surrounding muscles--that will be your best protection. Go see a good PT and ask them which exercises to do.

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