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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to Toronto

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Hey, I'm going to Toronto in July for the Weekend Warriors Hockey Camp, staying a few days extra to see the city. Aside from the big, well-known tourist attractions, any suggestions of cool hockey things or other stuff to see?

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what dates are you here ?

I guess if you coming down/up you might as well do a tour of the Air Canada Centre (where the Maple Leafs play). Also, maybe you can watch a Blue Jays baseball game, maybe the Rogers Cup.

Visit maybe the bigger hockey shops like Just Hockey, National Sports, etc.

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you got to go to the Hard Rock cafe. it overlooks the satdium that the Blue Jays play in, sick view from left field if i remember correcly. it has been a while (4 yrs. might have changed but not sure)

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Haven't lived in the area for over 14 years so not too familiar with what's trendy or what's still there.

Hall of Fame

Get a burger at Hardee's

1/2 chicken and fries at Swiss Chalet

Check out Casa Loma

Pay around $40 for a case of 24 beer

Picture in front of Maple Leaf Gardens, last of the Orinal Six Arenas still standing

Definately visit one of the local dancing establishments, support a single mom or help a student through college, Hell do both

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Pro Hockey Life @ Vaughan Mills is a pretty cool place to check out - they have pretty much everything made by everybody.

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Swiss Chalet, Hockey Hall of Fame, Maple Leaf Gardens, Just Hockey, CN Tower. I'd stay away from the clubbing district unless you want to meet drunk skanky girls or possibly get in a fight with a drunk guy who couldn't get the drunk skanky girls and it's probably good to bring a bullet proof vest (hahaha...I wish I was kidding). Seriously...lots to do here.

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I believe we are the only country in the world where the local franchise out numbers McDonald's in terms of locations. I couldn't argue against that either seeing how I can buy a large coffee from one location and walk to another while my coffee is still hot.

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Haven't lived in the area for over 14 years so not too familiar with what's trendy or what's still there.

Hall of Fame

Get a burger at Hardee's Dangerous Dan's

1/2 chicken and fries at Swiss Chalet

Check out Casa Loma

Pay around $40 $24 for a case of 24 beer

Picture in front of Maple Leaf Gardens a big, empty Loblaws, last of the Orinal Six Arenas still standing

Definately visit one of the local dancing establishments, support a single mom or help a student through college, Hell do both simultaneously


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Well, it all depends how old you are.

19+ is good, 21+ is even better.

Agreed, Lakeport Honey Lager is good, but the morning after is not so good. And at least no one has said get a 2-4 of Kokanee or Lucky.......

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24 for 24? i like lakeport honey lager.

and yes definitely hit swiss chalet.

make er a laker its a buck a beer.. :lol: best commercial ever.

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