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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe


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I've just gotten back into the comics side of things. Its costing me almost as much as hockey gear because I got addicted to a series called Fables.

A great read! Full of action, funny characters, sexy times and great development in both the story and characters.

Im about to finish off Y:the last man as well, thats been an amazing book.

Do any of you read Comics? Can you recommend some stuff outside of the norm, I try to shy away from "mainstream" titles like Batman, Xmen, Spiderman etc.

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Outside of The Watchmen, I can't really recommend non-mainstream comics, since I had always been a DC or Marvel continuity buff.

My daughters and I have been checking compilations out of the library, since reading the entire line of those two companies probably would be over $400 a month. I'm not sure when The Big D will find that to be a good use of the family's finances.....

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I've always been a fan of Bagley, who do they have on the title now?

Also, I know you said you want to stay away from the mainstream, but I've always thought Astonishing X-men and the New Avengers were good reads

Ex Machina is about a former super hero who becomes the mayor of New York, the books are fun reads. Brian K. Vaughn uses flashbacks to the protagonists' old super hero days to tell the story. Its one of the better written books I have read lately.

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dude, i'm a comic book junkie.... i probly spend about $85-125 a week on comics. if your a marvel fan, you have got to be getting into secret invasion right now. if you like indie stuff, y the last man is about as good as it gets other than alan moore. and dc is kinda lame right now. they're having another crisis....

more indie stuff to note... "rocketo" is really good. "madman" is back. and image just finished up "scud: the disposible assassin". let me know what your interested in, and i can probly think of like 20 titles that you could read.

p.s. did you know watchmen is now required reading at some colleges?

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I've heard of Machina and Civil War, what are these titles like?

Civil War is one of those big Marvel crossover events. I'm about halfway through all of them and it's really good. Thought provoking and good action.

And I never knew Mary Jane was so damn hot.

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dude, i'm a comic book junkie.... i probly spend about $85-125 a week on comics. if your a marvel fan, you have got to be getting into secret invasion right now. if you like indie stuff, y the last man is about as good as it gets other than alan moore. and dc is kinda lame right now. they're having another crisis....

more indie stuff to note... "rocketo" is really good. "madman" is back. and image just finished up "scud: the disposible assassin". let me know what your interested in, and i can probly think of like 20 titles that you could read.

p.s. did you know watchmen is now required reading at some colleges?

yeah Bagley was amazing on Ultimate Spider-Man. The new artist is Stuart Immonen, and quite frankly, it's a no go so far for me. I'll still read em, but...

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Wolverine Origins (The original series) is a good series. It's only about six issues long. It did a good job of telling Wolverines beginning. Marvel Zombies was different, Civil War was really good except you want to keep buying all of the crossovers and it starts to get to be alot.

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Punisher, ghostrider, and moonknight. Loved spawn when it first came out. Actually I think spawn thirteen was the last comic book i bought.

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I picked up FLIGHT the otherday, looks like a good title, but read some crap reviews in Amazon.com. Has anyone else read it, I trust hockey players more then random internet douchebags. *insert irony*

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I used to read/collect spawn comics. Still have a lot of them as well. They've been hanging on my wall for a long time.

I just eventually lost interest in the comic thing. Trying to track some of the issues down was a pain sometimes, so I gave up. lol

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I currently read:

Ultimate Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man

Punisher (MAX)

Fables- the best title in comics period for the last few years




Detective- Paul Dini is having a great run on this

Daredevil- Brubaker picked up where Bendis left off, nice and dark

Ex Machina is too preachy, I dropped it. Y: The Last Man was excellent, but now it's over.

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Anybody read, or are currently reading 100 bullets? I just read the first graphic novel and am kind of on the fence. Is it worth getting into more?

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Anybody read, or are currently reading 100 bullets? I just read the first graphic novel and am kind of on the fence. Is it worth getting into more?

Yeah, it's one of the best out there. I'm going to get the trade paperbacks, I read it issue by issue for a while, but it's too in depth to do that. Sitting down and reading each arc at once is much better.

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Anybody read, or are currently reading 100 bullets? I just read the first graphic novel and am kind of on the fence. Is it worth getting into more?

I bought the 1st trade, read the 1st two stories and was dissapointed. The chap in the LCS (local comic shop) told me it was as good as Fables. Nuts to him!

In other words I didn't like it, especially the over the top ghetto dialogue.

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Just finished Y: the Last Man trade 10, final issues of the series. A great book, a little dissapointed at the end but the writer always was abit weird.

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Gonna bring this back for some big comic news.

So, they are killing off the Human Torch, and the Fantastic Four is no more.

They are replacing him with Spider-man, and everyone is getting snazzy new white suits with black highlights. I guess in the grand scheme of things it makes sense seeing the past between them. I always liked the human torch, so i guess i'll wait and see how the story works out.


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