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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What to do...

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Thinking over the past few weeks very heavily, and steady since tryouts in April, I'm beginning to get sick of ice hockey. The reality of possibly quitting ice hockey has approached me after this weekend. My current team, which is very bad by the way, we got outscored 24-3 in an A tournament of teams I know we could beat. It seems there is no ambition on this team.

I have really been thinking about giving it up. This is my last year, and although ice hockey has been my life for the past ten years, it's really beginning to wear on me. The travel, the 70+ games a year, the money my parents spend on practice times, hotel fees, etc etc. I haven't played a full season since Bantam year due to numerous injuries to my knees and hips.

I have thought about giving up ice hockey before to devote myself to roller hockey (it's my better side of play). But along with this, so much has been going on in my life. My aunt and uncle are getting divorced, my sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma on June 5th, I have the stress of work, picking classes for my freshman year of college, and so on.

Basically, has anyone else on here felt this way about hockey? And could anyone offer me any advice on what to do? Thanks a lot.

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Just do what will make you happier. Take a break for awhile and then see how you feel about playing again. Your parents, teammates, family should back you no matter what you decide to do. Play house instead of travel if you still have the desire to play ice hockey. When things are down in my life hockey has been my stress relief and you may find that it might help you with some of the things you're going through as well. Teammates become family and I hope you have a similiar connection with the sport and have people that you can talk to while you're going through all this.

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Don't "quit", just take a break. If that means not playing for a year or two it's fine. Your burnt out, it happens to EVERYONE. Playing that many games can cause a ton of un wanted stress. Unless your trying to make the NHL or something it's not going to hurt you at all. If you take a break, and maybe join a new team later on, you'll be more anxious to play again.

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I would go with the people who say to take a break, not quit. Try some open hockeys and rec leagues, find the fun again. Though I understand the situation you're in kind of takes the fun out of it to begin with, it might still help.

Most of all, make sure you have another hobby or sport. If hockey is your only passion long enough, you'll end up hating it rather fast. Regardless of how much your team blows :P

It's a common dilemma I think, but knowing several people who have played all through high school then quit going into college...they all regretted it for one reason or another. Number one reason seemed to be how many friends they made through it.

It's definitely something you have to think through, but you don't always have to play at the most competitive levels you can put yourself in. Just go play club or intramural college ice hockey or something like that. Still competition, but much less stress (for most people / schools).

Good luck.

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Im no where near the level you are at, but Im kind of in the same situation. I have just gotten over a joint injury/bout of the "monkey flu" I have been off the rink for a total of 2 months and really missed it. But what for???? I come back and our team sucks (a little less then before but we still suck) and no one on my team can do the plays that is required to make us jump up in the standings. To put it blunty we need depth BADLY and I feel very much alone.

Its beginning to shite me allot.

I know the solution that has worked before is... take a deep breath, relax and try to enjoy the game for what it is. So what if the ppl I play with are Melvins, Im not. So what if the ppl I play against are wankers who hook, interfere and thug their way to the finals, I don't. At the end of it all I just have to give my mind and game time. It will come back. Im not the type of guy who could "take a break" anyways, hockeyis just in my blood now and its too late to turn back now.

PS: I also play rec inline, great for that simple bit of "oh I just play this for shits and giggles".

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It's a common dilemma I think, but knowing several people who have played all through high school then quit going into college...they all regretted it for one reason or another. Number one reason seemed to be how many friends they made through it.

I did almost exactly that and have regretted it ever since (7+ years). I kind of had some family stuff going on and was a little immature (my reason for quitting was lame) so my senior year I just quit hockey. I hate not knowing what could have happened and kind of kick myself now. I was not NHL bound but probably would have played around in juniors for a bit so I could have at least hung onto the dream a bit longer and had that experience.

If you just honestly don't enjoy the game anymore then maybe it's time to walk away BUT if it's other reasons driving you away I'd say try to stick it out or maybe take an alternate route. It sounds like you'll at least have roller hockey to fall back on so it's not like you'll be leaving the game 100%.

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All the other posters here are right in what they've said. First off, make sure you have other hobbies. I became addicted to chess before I was heavily into hockey and it's now my #2 hobby. Also, playing less competitively or being on a better team might fix your blues up a bit. And hey, don't be afraid to play inline, it's probably going to be a nice break for you. And if you really want some time off, just take a break for a while, and say so be it. BTW, injuries make playing very frustrating for all players, so what I suggest to do is take a little time off and REHAB like a MADMAN. Then work your way back up and become one of the league's leading scorers :)

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i had the same feeling. i didnt want to go to the rink or play games. i really lost drive to do anything for a long time this year. but things just started clicking after awhile and couldnt be better. i think you just need time man. or a little break.

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There are a lot of good suggestions here. I wouldn't quit, I would take some time off for a while to clear my mind and deal with the other situations. Maybe you'll miss the game more than you think once you're not actually playing. If all the things that go into playing travel ice hockey is stressful and not fun, you could always look for a league that is still competitive, but more layed back and focused on the fun of the game. I hope you're happy with whatever decision you make.

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I couldn't wait for the end of the last season. I was so burned out on hockey I didn't want to even think about it. I didn't even step in the rink for about a month & a half after playing & coaching year round for nearly 10 years. I bought a new bike, met a new girl, enjoyed the nice weather, etc.

A couple weeks ago I got a call from the rink manager asking if I'd be interested in coming down that evening for an informal pick up game before they closed the rink down for repairs. Sure, why not.

God was that fun! Now the rink's closed, lol.....

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it seems that everyone is saying take a break. they are right. but you also need to remember what you play for. if you play competetive and are trying to make the pros than you may want to look else where to improve your game (hit the gym etc.) but if you are just playing for fun then remember that it is about having a good time with friends. who gives a shit if you lose? just have fun!!!! its a game remember?

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Be careful quitting. I did so after one year of high school, and it was twenty years before I played again. I regret it. Just take a break, and return to hocky fresh with perhaps a new perspective. Good luck either way.

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Yeah I think I forgot to touch on inline hockey a bit. Definitely a good change of pace sometimes. There's always a ton of people who play pickup inline hockey down the road from me on the outdoor rink (with a ball none the less) and it can be fun to mix it up. Sometimes I just want to go and rip a half rink slapshot and watch it twist and turn 3 feet high and 6 feet left and then go right under the bar =P It's like Mario Hockey! Man, what a great game that would be. Anywaaaaaay [/offtopic]

Do what you need to in order to make it fun again. But if you really don't enjoy it at all....then there's no point.

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Just like that Im back in it!

I played last night with a new twig, which tore the place apart. Really pulled me out of the hole of "Im so over hockey atm".

1goal 1assist; goal was lucky but still you never know until you put the puck on net. Just goes to show you sometimes you need to keep a strong upper lip, smile when on the rink and just keep doing the things you know are right.

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My recommendation is finish the season if you can. If you can't take a break for the rest of the summer. If you are going to college in the northeast, think about trying hockey just for the sake of hockey. Most colleges up north have rec, intramural or whatever else you want to call it. The university I went to in Ontario had a great intramural league that was even full contact, kept stats, had awards all kinds of crap. A great way to meet friends in your freshman year with similar interests, 1 game a week, beer and camaraderie afterwards. The games can be fun yet intense at the same time. I can guarantee that a year or 2 off can turn into 10 or more. You can't get those years back. I'm in Florida now and there are many of us who took time off after moving here, all of whom were drawn back to the rink for one reason or another. We all regret those lost years. I'm 40 this year play in 2 leagues and help coach my kid. I'm on the ice 3-4 times a week and love every minute of it, be it the hockey, the camaraderie or the beer. Just the smell of the moldy rink, sweaty gear, sound of the puck, excited voices.

If you do take time off, don't let it go to long. It's tough to get it back at the other end.

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I would say take a whole month of summer where you don't touch the ice, or do anything with ice hockey. After that month, see how you feel about it. If you are still undecided, take 2 months off.

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Unless you are at the major junior or D1 college level, there is no real reason to be skating this summer--especially on a team full of jamokes! And if you were at that level, you would have to be very careful to be skating with quality teammates!

Take a break, like other suggested. Play some other sport. Go fishing. Lie on the beach. Get a job. You need time off for physical (muscle overuse) AND mental (burnout) reasons.

If you are just burned out but still interested in progressing your skills, go find a figure skating teacher and have her show you some edge and balance work. It is a totally different pace from normal hockey.

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