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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing runners

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Yeah, I am serious...haha. I got the toe in as much as I could but there's still a half inch or so hanging off the front and a nice gap on the back end. And no matter how much I hit it with the mallet it won't go. I even had a buddy here trying to do it and he couldn't get it either.

I dyed the holders - is there a chance they shrunk or some shit? ;)

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Yeah...it still won't budge. I'm just going to see if James at Anaheim ice can do it. I have to take them to get mounted later anyways. I've already sliced my hands up too much to keep going....heh.

Thanks for the help, JR.

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The holders can seriously shrink from dying them? I was kidding when I asked that....if I knew that was a risk I wouldn't have done it!

I'm pretty sure I'm just not doing it right. We'll see.

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We had a big problem with some of the LS and LS2 not fitting the steel right, it just wouldn't sit in the groove. Maybe that's what the issue is?

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We had a big problem with some of the LS and LS2 not fitting the steel right, it just wouldn't sit in the groove. Maybe that's what the issue is?

They fit in before, they don't now...

The holders can seriously shrink from dying them? I was kidding when I asked that....if I knew that was a risk I wouldn't have done it!

I'm pretty sure I'm just not doing it right. We'll see.

Yeah...you heated them up and it wasn't in a mold.

I hope not, because it's really easy to put them back in. Don't know why you're having so much trouble.

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Yeah, they were fine before I took them out and dyed them. I wish I would have tried to get them back in before dying just to rule out the shrinking possibility.

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my first time switching the runners on the supreme70s was a pain. i was trying to do it without feeling like i was going to break it. fianlly got them close but didnt fit snug. Got frustrated and just try pushing them in with my hand while tightening them. after some bleeding i went and found a rubber mallet. still hate doing it.

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Not an uncommon problem.

Last month I replaced the steel on my older pair of XXXXs. It was a royal pain in the ass to get the steel in. In fact, I had that issue getting some LS 2.1 steel back into the pair of One95s they cam with (replaced them with LS2, but sold them and put the original steel back in). The same problem every time: the toe would have about a1/8" gap between the steel and holder. I had to bang the ever loving s**t out of it to get it into place. I popped it in toe first, and then insert the heel end. I then had to knock the toe end against a rubber mat.

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Yeah, they were fine before I took them out and dyed them. I wish I would have tried to get them back in before dying just to rule out the shrinking possibility.

I dye em with the steel in...I was running into similiar problems till I did this.

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You guys could try using a vise to push the steel in. You have to be careful, but a small push in a couple places with the vise pops the steel right in.. You may need a sharpening after, unless you use a soaker.

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Yeah, they were fine before I took them out and dyed them. I wish I would have tried to get them back in before dying just to rule out the shrinking possibility.


You're welcome. Took about 8 min. And I shall quote Uncle Elroy in Next Friday - "That's why they call me the KING around here!"

Had to shave down the tracks a little, then used a rubber mallet and beat on it like it owed me money.

One thing that I will warn y'all about doing this to your holders is that they are very soft once dyed. That LS2 holder has the same stiffness as a Tuuk C+ now - I compared it.

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i went to my lhs a few days ago and asked about dyeing them and they told me it wouldn't look good and that the holders had to be new.. just wondering if thats true? and also how you did this?

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