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Anyone else see Avatar? I saw it in 3D and I gotta say 3D has come along way, although I noticed it most during the previews. The story was a 6/10, visually 9/10.

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I was suprised to see Sigourney Weaver in Avatar, still after I saw the previews I thought it would be a piece of crap. I was suprised that it was quite decent. Sam Worthington's American accent is improving, far less breaks in it this time around, compared to Terminator Salvation.

3D is a gimmick, didn't even notice it after 5 mins.

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His American accent is atrocious. Nevertheless I figured he'd be a lock for the new Mad Max movie but they went for substance.

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3D is a gimmick, didn't even notice it after 5 mins.

If you didn't notice it after 5 minutes that mean's its getting "good" and probably here to stay. If you noticed it throughout the whole movie chances are you would have been thinking "oh thats fun, lets reach out into the audience and make them go WHOOOOAHHHH one more time!"

The fact that you didnt notice it means it was an effective immersion factor. In 20 years when you go to the movies and you're expected to bring your own personally owned 3D glasses with you, people will remember Avatar as the first movie that did 3D "the correct way" IMHO.

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Up in the air was good, if a little predictable in my opinion. Sherlock Holmes was not the "better" movie, but I loved it, one of the few movies where the action didn't get in the way of the plot and the plot didn't get in the way of the action. Good job of balancing all the facets, in my opinion.

Also, first time I ever went to a "double feature" and was surprised that more than 5 hours in a movie chair with no snacks was pretty awesome.

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See, you have to get snacks. So long as you get snacks, theatres couldn't care less how long you're in there.

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3D is a gimmick, didn't even notice it after 5 mins.

If you didn't notice it after 5 minutes that mean's its getting "good" and probably here to stay. If you noticed it throughout the whole movie chances are you would have been thinking "oh thats fun, lets reach out into the audience and make them go WHOOOOAHHHH one more time!"

The fact that you didnt notice it means it was an effective immersion factor. In 20 years when you go to the movies and you're expected to bring your own personally owned 3D glasses with you, people will remember Avatar as the first movie that did 3D "the correct way" IMHO.

We saw A Christmas Carol in "Disney 3D" over Thanksgiving weekend. The regular show was sold out so we went to the IMAX version. I don't know whether the IMAX 3D is different but, in any event, the 3D was outstanding. The 3D was so good that they didn't have to rely on gimmicks like, "Look out, we're going to poke you in the eye!" It was more like they were able to show a thickness to the characters and scenery.

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If you didn't notice it after 5 minutes that mean's its getting "good" and probably here to stay. If you noticed it throughout the whole movie chances are you would have been thinking "oh thats fun, lets reach out into the audience and make them go WHOOOOAHHHH one more time!"

The fact that you didnt notice it means it was an effective immersion factor. In 20 years when you go to the movies and you're expected to bring your own personally owned 3D glasses with you, people will remember Avatar as the first movie that did 3D "the correct way" IMHO.

Call me old fashioned but the 3D was kinda pointless in my mind. I won't be seeing a 3D movie again.

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I thought it worked and wasn't gimmicky at all. Did it add enough to make it a must-see in 3D? No, but I've yet to see it in 2D and have no desire to until the blu-ray drops. Then after the tech catches up, I'll get the 3D version when they release it.

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It was more like they were able to show a thickness to the characters and scenery.
Call me old fashioned but the 3D was kinda pointless in my mind. I won't be seeing a 3D movie again.

I thought the 3D was amazing in Avatar. It was good because it wasn't always just jumping out of the screen at you in the gimmicky way I expected. You knew and felt when you were watching the movie that there was a real depth to what you were seeing and it did make it feel more like you were standing in the action.

Hopefully it can only get better and will be used more and more.

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If you didn't notice it after 5 minutes that mean's its getting "good" and probably here to stay. If you noticed it throughout the whole movie chances are you would have been thinking "oh thats fun, lets reach out into the audience and make them go WHOOOOAHHHH one more time!"

The fact that you didnt notice it means it was an effective immersion factor. In 20 years when you go to the movies and you're expected to bring your own personally owned 3D glasses with you, people will remember Avatar as the first movie that did 3D "the correct way" IMHO.

Call me old fashioned but the 3D was kinda pointless in my mind. I won't be seeing a 3D movie again.

Well to each his own I suppose but as a whole, 3D isn't going away. And personally I think anyone who sees avatar in less than imax 3d is doing-it-wrong. :P

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My review of "It's Complicated"

It's only entertaining when John Krasinski is on the screen. Alec Baldwin has some funny moments, but his nude scene made me forget all those and burned my eyes permanently. I couldn't get over how terrifying Meryl Streep has become. I am very glad I spent the first half of the movie walking the baby around the lobby trying to put her to sleep- not sure I could have taken the whole thing.

The cinematography was pretty good for a RomCom. John Toll is very talented (Braveheart, Last Samurai, Legends of the Fall).

Don't waste your time unless it's going to get you laid (ie date really wants to see it).

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The young ladies are out of town, so the Big D and I saw The Expendables tonight. At the end of the movie, as The Boys Are Back In Town blared over the speakers, I turned to her and said, "That was truly the anti-chick flick!" It was a lot of fun, and a somewhat smarter movie than its previews suggested.

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We saw 'Pirahna' and 'Last Exorcism'. Jaws and Exorcist are my GF's 2 favorite movies of all time...so she was hyped to see these obvious homages.

Both disappointing.

Pirahna was not 3D....but I doubt that could have saved it. It was just bad. Horrible actually! Kinda what I expected...but she thought it was going to be better. Some of the attack scenes are pretty gruesmome...


It appears the filmakers watch


Exorcism was a little better. I didn't know it was a mockumentary/docu style movie. She kinda wondered what was the movie...and what was the movie within the movie. I guess that's part of the point though.


I can only assume that the son was the possessed one all along? no? Or was he just acting on his threat to hurt them if anything happened to Nelle?

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The son was part of the cult that I assume Nell was part of as well. They impregnated her to bring a demon into the world or whatever and the only one against it were the preacher, filmmakers and the unknowing father.

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The best parts were in the trailer. Robert Rodriguez just needs to hang them up or just stick to those Spy Kids movies that no one watches.

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