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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No more kids for me!

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I had a vasectomy on Friday.....a lot more painful than I thought. Hopefully it turns out to be well worth it. Anyone else here had it done? I have a 18 month old boy and a 6 week old girl. I got one of each so my Wife and I decided that we would quit while we were ahead ;)

Here's a pic of my son from today....he's ready for action!


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My buddy turned off the love spigot as well, but not before he had 2 sets of twin girls. Before they had the first set he had it all planned- "life will be great with my one child, a son...."

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LOL...yeah, we were thinking of trying for one more (another boy) but with our luck we would have gotten twins, as they run in my Wife's family.

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One of the guys that used to work for me had it done, and he and I had a good relationship outside of work also. I came over there the weekend after he had it done (like 3 days post-op) and he started giggling like a school girl. I asked him what was up and he said he was "so proud". When I asked him of what he showed me a picture he had printed off of his digital camera......it was a pic of his balls. :( I tossed it back at him and he said he had to show someone aside from his wife because they were both the size of tennis balls. He was highly amused......I was not. ;)

So please don't scar anyone for life and do what Paul did to me. The rest of the world will be greatly appreciative.

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Yeah, mine was scapel-free too but it still hurt like a bitch....

And Spree - don't worry, no pics of the damage from me ;)

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It turns out that the doc was a goalie in the local beer league where I play, so we talked about hockey while he was at "work."

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Haha....that's good. My Doc was cool.....I was trying not to talk to him so he could concentrate though. I didn't want him so slip up and render me useless.

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When I walked in to the clinic that morning, the nurse turned out to be a family friend that knows my parents well. I was generally okay with that, but wondered if she would excuse herself during the procedure...she did thankfully.

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When I walked in to the clinic that morning, the nurse turned out to be a family friend that knows my parents well. I was generally okay with that, but wondered if she would excuse herself during the procedure...she did thankfully.

Yeah..One might think that would be akward!

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your son is cute kid.


When I walked in to the clinic that morning, the nurse turned out to be a family friend that knows my parents well. I was generally okay with that, but wondered if she would excuse herself during the procedure...she did thankfully.

Yeah..One might think that would be akward!

Lucky you. My Doc had his assistant in there to help him get "set up", which had me a whole lot of naked. He had to use some tape to get a certain thing "out of the way" and I told his assistant not to laugh. It didn't help the fact that she was a total MILF! ;)

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Had it done 6 yrs ago. Had to have general after the Doc couldn't find the Vas on one of the t's. After some "light exploratory" he decided to wrap me up and send me for general surgery.

I was B&B to my mid thighs and walked like a cowboy for about 3 weeks.

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Damn....that sucks. I feel pretty good today. A little bruising and swelling but aside from that I'm ok.

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A guy I work with said he was told before hand that the biggest mistake guys make is they get home with partial freezing still in affect and they think they don't need ice or painkillers. He said he couldn't feel a thing when he got home...but he had lots of ice bags ready to go, and took Tylenol (or whatever)....by the time the medical freezing wore off his junk was so cold from ice, and the med kicked in...he said his night was pain free.

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your son is cute kid.


When I walked in to the clinic that morning, the nurse turned out to be a family friend that knows my parents well. I was generally okay with that, but wondered if she would excuse herself during the procedure...she did thankfully.

Yeah..One might think that would be akward!

Lucky you. My Doc had his assistant in there to help him get "set up", which had me a whole lot of naked. He had to use some tape to get a certain thing "out of the way" and I told his assistant not to laugh. It didn't help the fact that she was a total MILF! ;)

Hell, he should've kept her in there the entire time and not waste any tape.

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LMAO.....good point.

A funny little thing my Doctor said when he was all done - I asked if there was going to be a scar, and he said there would be, but it would be very small and hard to see. I said "Oh, ok." Then he said "I'll put it to you like one of my Professor's did in med school - 'If you've got her down there already, it really doesn't matter.'"


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Fletch, Should we be concerned about the Avi picture you are trying to load? *L*

No, 110x100 pixels and 30kb should be in his range.


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Congrats, wuss. We've got three and someone has a hankering for another. I'll just keep standing in front of microwaves for now.

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You guys could have saved some money and done it the West Virgina way.

Hows that you ask?

Well let me tell you.

First off you need one of them big firecrackers, like a M-80 or something or other.

And you also need a can of beer.

Your want to do this out behind your trailer cause it might make a slight mess.

Okay... you open the beer and drink it.

Pull down your pants and skivvies.

Put the firecracker in the opening of the can, light the fuse and start counting to 12. :lol:

My supervisor in Lexington,KY told me that one after he had his baby maker disconnected.

I didn't ask for any details but I know he complained of it being very sore the next few days.

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lol, as a louisville fan, i can truly appreciate a knock on West Virginia!

You guys could have saved some money and done it the West Virgina way.

Hows that you ask?

Well let me tell you.

First off you need one of them big firecrackers, like a M-80 or something or other.

And you also need a can of beer.

Your want to do this out behind your trailer cause it might make a slight mess.

Okay... you open the beer and drink it.

Pull down your pants and skivvies.

Put the firecracker in the opening of the can, light the fuse and start counting to 12. :lol:

My supervisor in Lexington,KY told me that one after he had his baby maker disconnected.

I didn't ask for any details but I know he complained of it being very sore the next few days.

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Congrats, wuss. We've got three and someone has a hankering for another. I'll just keep standing in front of microwaves for now.


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