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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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inline skate to ice conversion

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my friend has a pair of vapor ice skates and a pair of mission HE5500 inlines. he prefers the inline boot over the bauer boot but isnt playing inline anymore. would it be alright to get a holder and steel mounted onto his inlines? my only concern is that he does like to block alot of shots, as he normally plays goal, so im hoping that the inline boot would hold up as well as an ice boot to shots. i havent gotten the conversion done yet, but i can once i hear some opinions.

thanks for any opinions

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If he is planning on playing goal on ice, and he is also planning on using an inline players boot, he better be planning to spend some time on crutches.

That idea is just retarded, plain and simple.

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He can absolutely mount them for ice. They should have no issues...

physically he can mount them but seriously, that is ill advised. especially for a a goalie. it will cost less to go buy some real goalie skates then pay for the amount of operations he will need from getting shot in the foot.

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Just buy a pair of low end goalie skates. Im sure if the 5500's are well used it will be much the same. Plus the benefit of goalie skates like a longer runner and cowling.

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yes sorry i should have clarified. he usually plays goal in ice, has a pair of goal skates already. however hes a skater in this league, so would be using converted inlines for playing defense. sorry for any confusion

i only made the goalie comment as a reflection of his style of play, as he likes to block a lot of shots

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well based on the fact that your probably more likly to get hit in the foot as a defencemen and he likes to block shots and given what everybody has said im going to say its still a dumb idea.

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Depends on the level of play, if the guys hes against can shoot hard get an ice boot. But if these guys can barely do any shoots (ie: Beginners league) then he maybe alright for a season or so.

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I've heard people ask about this on the board before, but I've never seen actual pictures of people actually converting their inline hockey skates into ice hockey skates until this past season. This past season in the Ontario Hockey League, Nigel Williams of the Belleville Bulls converted his 2008 Mission Boss inline hockey skates into ice hockey skates. Refer to the following links for pictures of Nigel Williams converted 2008 Mission Boss inline hockey skates:





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i remember seeing that, its quite unique.

we are going to go ahead with the switch just to see how it turns out, ill post some pictures if anyone wants to see them, and we have a game on wednesday where we can get some first hand feedback

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Most of the guys on this board never built a Ice or Roller skate. I have. The internals of a roller boot are often stronger than an Ice skate. There is more stress put on a roller boot verse an ice boot. The 5500 is probably more protective than most high end Ultra Light skates.

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Looks like a bunch got owned on that one. :)

Justin's right - look at an mid to high-end inline boot - it is sturdier than an ice boot. I had read this thread and was going to post but then I got sidetracked. Guess looking for jobs is more important than posting.

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i remembering hearing somewhere that inline boots were built to last longer and take more of a beating than ice skates but its good to hear again.

thanks for all replies!

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Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I am planning on doing this to an old pair of Zoom Air roller's. Ill post pictures soon. Any recommendations on holders? I've been on Custom +'s for about 6 months now and still have some issues with the forward pitch.

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I think the toe caps have been the same on both Mission ice and the inline boots (sans the new 09 ice models that were scrapped) for a while now haven't they?

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