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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE95 gloves

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Ohh man the one 90 are hideous but a good glove

these remind of the rbk's and also some old jofa's

Was thinking the same thing. Old Jofa back roll.

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the one95s are going to be customizable through NBH id. the color on the bottom will be whatever color you choose for the cosmetics. for example the one95s UVM will be using this year are dark green and have a stripe of the same color on the bottom. ill see if i can snag some pictures today

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I've always loved bauer, so I buy their stuff. I can't wait till the Nike is taken out. But just like the one90 gloves... I don't like these either. I like classic style.

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There is not. I think it might be a vapor series thing


at least it makes it a bit easier to shop for this particular glove now lol...

I've been looking at retail color options, but have now moved on to looking for pro color options for these gloves. Anyone know of a color scheme that uses Black and a golden-bronze colour for the one95 gloves,at least? I can only imagine Boston's, but many say they only allow players to wear black gloves ...:S not too sure if im right, lol

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thanks for the link, checked some of the gloves out but it was a no go. and those ATL ones are ugly i thought lol, not as nice as the xxxx's ;)

however, i did browse the net a bit more and found hockeyoverstock/hockeygiant both have a "black/gold" option. unfortunately there are no display pics of any other color scheme except for the black, i believe. is there a site that might have the other color options aside from the basic ones on bauer's website?

EDIT: so i realized that there are additional color options in the bauer catalogue, and was able to "see" the gold option there. however, it is really pixeled. i hope the catalogue it person shows it in much better detail. :)Also discovered there are larger pix on the purehockey website. this whole time the black/gold combo looked like green/yellow lol

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