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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My beer league team

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Well, Guys I thought you may find this funny as do I.

I have been skating with a group of guys at local dropins, so last fall they asked me to play on their 30+ team. We were short so I asked two other friends to play with as. Well no one really wanted to step and be team manager, so one guy did. He's very full of himself, arrgoant you name it. I being name to the team suggested to help with places to get sponsors and screen printing cheap. I have lots of friends that want to help with both. Well the fall season went well and we all got along with the exception to people liking the "manager". He would go as far correcting your english in the locker room. We didnt get our jerseys until half way through the season, never showed to group get togethers ect......

So the summer season come around and the core players want to play the summer. I step up and become the manager. I had the jersey's screen printed and sock for eveyone done before the start of the season, we all get along. we all go to the bar together. The though was that we would keep the summer guys ( most of them) and add the fall guys in.

So here is the problem, The guy is now trying to organize the fall team again and now that most people dont want to play with him, he's turning this into I'm stealing his team. He has since gone to the point of saying that we should schedule a meeting on the same day different locations and see who shows up to play for who.......... sounds kinda school yard to me. What or how should I handle it this?

I wish you could see the e-mail this guys sends me.....

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Well, Guys I thought you may find this funny as do I.

I have been skating with a group of guys at local dropins, so last fall they asked me to play on their 30+ team. We were short so I asked two other friends to play with as. Well no one really wanted to step and be team manager, so one guy did. He's very full of himself, arrgoant you name it. I being name to the team suggested to help with places to get sponsors and screen printing cheap. I have lots of friends that want to help with both. Well the fall season went well and we all got along with the exception to people liking the "manager". He would go as far correcting your english in the locker room. We didnt get our jerseys until half way through the season, never showed to group get togethers ect......

So the summer season come around and the core players want to play the summer. I step up and become the manager. I had the jersey's screen printed and sock for eveyone done before the start of the season, we all get along. we all go to the bar together. The though was that we would keep the summer guys ( most of them) and add the fall guys in.

So here is the problem, The guy is now trying to organize the fall team again and now that most people dont want to play with him, he's turning this into I'm stealing his team. He has since gone to the point of saying that we should schedule a meeting on the same day different locations and see who shows up to play for who.......... sounds kinda school yard to me. What or how should I handle it this?

I wish you could see the e-mail this guys sends me.....

School yard...yes...but it looks like he's given you the out you need.

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If you have enough guys to field your team, and you do not mind losing this guy, schedule the meeting. He can form his team and you yours. It should make for interesting match-ups during the season.

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Well if most people dont want to play with him anymore, and you would have enough people for sure to make a team, may as well go for starting your own. Sounds like your being much more responsible and organized about it all. Plus will add a great rivalry in your league if you decide to register in the same one.

Haha sounds like fun.

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I have been involved in this kind of incident, and it seems to happen a lot (from what I hear). Any time there is a scarce resource (e.g. hockey players that can pay and play) there will be politics. It looks like you will win this one; the other guy may have over-estimated what he brings to his team.

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If the guys want to play for you, keep going as the team. No need to add more drama. Inform him he can stay on (if you want) or that you won't have room on the roster for him.

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Here is the e-mail that started it all.

"Here's the story, morning glories: The team is rapidly rounding out. The drama is just about done. There will be no bake sales, no nonsense, just good old fashioned hockey and alcohol, just the way you all like it. Here is the tentitive roster as I know it: Todd,Toby,Dennis,Joe,Jim,Rob,Matt,Jeff,-IR-Out for the seasonJerry,Bob,Mike,Zak,Ryan,Tim,Jim,Matt, This is not written in stone as we're still waiting for some final commitments. The cost per man is $315 plus or minus depending on the final number. If you are friends with Jim, Ryan , Tim, Matt and Zak , please provide them with my email address to confirm or call them, tell them to get off their dead ASSES and pic up the phone. We will need to have the money together within the next 2 weeks, or by the first game, but if we want free jerseys, the sooner the better. Those who don't have an orange Black Labels jersey will have to cough up the extra dough to get one made, but we've decided to get black/orange road jerseys with the new free ones and have them made up the same way at Dan Rogers. We'll jump off that bridge when we get there. As for the Chad drama, all I can say is that Chad wants his own team and they will be called the Black Aces. I wish Chad all the best, but he attempted to break up the Black Labels in his own best interest and he's not been invited back. Jason and Jeff have chosen not to play, both of which were on last years championship game team. We wish them the best as well. Mike Zoeller has not been in contact with me and his status at this time is uncertain. In the olympic spirit, i've asked a 10 year old chinese girl to lip synch at our first game. Talk to you all very soon. Go Black Labels!!! Your fearless team representitive, B

Response to this one.

Bob, I'm not really sure where your getting your information in regards to breaking up the black labels, This is not the case. Many of us chose to play this summer, I stepped up and was the team rep. The word with everyone that's playing this summer is that yes we ALL want to continue playing together. The thing is that SEVERAL members have expressed to me that they do not want to play with YOU. I have been busy looking for sponsors for the team to relieve the the team of some of the costs. I do have a few lined up, something you refused to do for us last year or just ignored. Why not get off your dead ass and get sponsors so team members do not have to foot the bill to get orange jerseys made. Please before you try and call me out get you story and the fact in order

Second e-mail

Did you see the T-Mobile on your sleeve? Where do you think that money came from. The sponser that I lined up, deferring the costs of getting the jersey made to $5.00. Perhaps you need to hold a bake sale to raise that kind of money, but the majority of the team had no problems affording such an unreasonable amount. I'm sure there are people that don't want to play with me. I can probably name them to you: Jim and Mike probably being #'s 1 & 2. You forget,however, that you were invited onto an established team that only plays together in the Fall league as a whole. I sent you emails regarding the Fall league. You did not respond. Jason had the common courtesy to do so, but you did not. I spoke to Jim & son personally, as well as the Rigg brothers, the Surgo brothers, Jerry , Jeff , Mike and Matt , all who expressed their desire to play with the Black Labels, not the Black Aces, which is decevingly close to in name. I have my facts straight as an arrow in this matter. You may wish to think about what you said below and get YOUR facts straight. Did I line up a sponser last year? Yes. Did I organize the team, collect the fees, help design the logo, pick up and deliver the jerseys? Yes. Did I decide to start a new team with a similar name and mislead some of the Black Label players into thinking they were playing on the same team from last fall? No. I'm sorry I bring an educated point of view to the team, and that probably makes a guy like you uncomfortable, but I promise you that I have stayed on top of things. And by the way, the guys aren't playing on MY team. I'm just the guy who ended up keeping things organized. The core group is the Surgo brothers, the Rigg brothers and Matt and Jim, not me. No one is joining this team because of me, and they certainly aren't playing because of you. I guess we'll see how this thing plays out. If the guys want to play on the Black Aces instead of the Black Labels, well it's a free country and they'll play where they want to play. But I assume that one way or another, you and I won't be on the same team this fall. Sincerely, Bob

I didnt respond to his none sense.

Third e-mail from him

Chad, It is obvious that we have differing opinions on how this is all going to play out. As you have been lobbying with your summer team for them to play for the Black Aces this fall, and I have been in contact with the original Black Labels team from the past 2 years, I think everyone now has all the information they need to make up their own minds. Therefore, I think the only fair solution is for YOU to pick a day, time and place for the players involved to pay their fees for the fall season. I will chose the same day and time, but a different place. Whoever shows up to your meeting can play for the Black Aces, and whoever shows up to my meeting will play for the Black Labels. This should be done after your summer season is complete and without any influence from either one of us. Let each player have all the facts and let him decide who he wishes to play for. I don't have an email address for Mike, so I you'll forward this to him, I would appreciate it. I hope you get what your looking for, but just remember, if it doesn't work out in your favor, its not my fault. Sincerely, Bob

This guy is just mad because we didnt ask him to play during the summer and now dont want him back. We are keeping every from last year plus adding some guys from the summer team to fill spots. He's the only one out. He is going around telling the guys that I'm picking and chosing whos on my team..ect which is not the case.

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a lot of drama. Although this guy may be ass, you also need to keep in mind this person did step up into a role no one else was about to at that time. You could tell he is hurt but I also think the dude has a pride issue, and should suck it up.

If you don't want to play with him that's fine. if you want to start a team that's fine. If some of the players want to move on or want to stay on that's fine. He should get a grip.

just do this thing that he suggests and hopefully both you all can field a team.

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Ya this is a 30+ team. This is a grow ass man, acting like a kid. I dont care if his feelings are hurt. The rest of the guys need to man up and tell him what they want to do. If some one cant handle it tuff, get over it.

I have already been working on starting my own team if things with my friends dont pan out. So much drama for a 30+ team.....You'd think it's a girls team.. lol

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The explanations and complaints in these e-mails never seem to change, just the names ... :lol:

Let us know what happens in a couple of weeks! ;)

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Forget the meetings. That's childish, puts the players in an uncomfortable position, and doesn't accomplish much. I know I wouldn't want to leave my comfortable house to attend a meeting about something as juvenile as this. Just send out an email to the people you still want to play with, and invite them (given the circumstances, I'd probably invite everybody that you can get along with, because you already have some drama here, and you don't want even more bad blood when someone's feelings get hurt because they or their friend weren't invited to play). If everyone doesn't already know the other guy is starting his own team, state this matter-of-factly, but don't belabor the issue and don't drag yourself down by badmouthing the other guy.

Tell the other guy what you are doing, suggest he do the same, and be done with it.

People like that are cancers. Over time, cancers spread to other organs and eventually kill unless you cut them out - the sooner the better.

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Get the guys together in a big room, put them all in the middle, and then you and the other guy stand at opposite sides. Then you both start yelling "come here, boy!" "who's a good boy? come to poppa!" and then the better man gets to keep the dog.

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my opinion....do you thing. dont worry about scheduling a meeting at any special time or anything. You say you got guys on board and can ice a team. doesn't matter what hes doing. I'd proceed as if it never happened, it's not that big of a deal, but as others have said, will be fun come the season when the two teams match up. ;)

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UPDATE. So I find out that the "core" guys of the team have no balls to tell this guys he's not a good fit any more. So what has happened since the last time I posted is that 7 guys walked from the team(my self included). So instead of losing one guy they lost 7. Pretty stupid to me but what ever. I got tired of the back and forth shit, so I got 5 of the 7 that walked to start up and new team. Funny thing is that another team in the league split also and i picked up 4 guys from that team. I'm sure we will suck but it's better then having bad blood in our own locker room. I cant wait to play them though since they still have to find skaters and a goalie, Goalie came with me. :P

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