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splitting the D going 1 v 2

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I know the "safe" play would be to try and take it down the side and just fire off a shot from the outside. But sometimes I get the urge to try and do something and get a clear cut to the net. Does anyone have any tips?

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I think a safer thing would be to either hold up and wait for a teammate to cross the blue line with speed or keep along the boards, behind the net, and give a pass to a teammate. I've had some success shooting between the legs of a defender while he's screening the goalie.

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Using the D as a screen is a great idea. Most well versed D's will be patient however and just wait their chance out to nail you. Some of the things I do are fake, then shoot and follow the shot through. Its a low chance scenario, but sometimes you can score or pick up your own rebound.

If you have a chance take a look behind you for support, that way you can maybe do a delay and pass through to a late rushing forward or even buy some time for say.. a slapper or maybe even a give and go with a team mate. If you have support but fail try asking your team mate to pick up the spare D, He'll concentrate on your friend in the slot and give you some room to move, thus turning a 1-2 into a 1-1 with the possibility of a dangle, shot or slot pass/give and go with your helping team mate. Sometimes we can do more without the puck then with.

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to split the D, the move i think works the best is the john toews type move. I'm right handed so if i can i try and come in from the left side and i skate straight at the D on the right side. Once he makes a move with his stick to try and poke it, i pull it back like toews and go by (down the middle) with the left D to my back. If the right D trys for the hit right away its even easier. It works especially well if you can see one of the D trying to find a trailer because the odds are that he's thinking his partner will pick you up. If you cant go left to right, try and play it so that only one of the D can make a play on you, you have to isolate one of them. As for the pull back move, here's the toews clip.


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I usually just try a tiny chip over their sticks then use speed between the two of them. Stay low so you don't get hit and twist your torso to make yourself as narrow as possible if the case where they try to close the gap on you.

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i'd try and cross over to the other side...this usually kinda throws the dmen's positioning for a little bit and it might just be enough to get u a window for a clear shot or lane. this works best 2v2

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Make sure they are far enough apart then use a quick burst of speed to get past them. Just as important as the move is realizing when you can or cannot pull it off.

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I like the chip in method. I've done that plenty of times in the beer leagues and it almost always draws a penalty when the D hold you up because they don't know what the hell just happened...

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Generally if I don't think there's enough room I'll load it up behind me and start to drag my way between them, if one challenges the puck I'll drag it by and then try to split, otherwise I'll just fire a low shot and try to chase down the rebound. To me it's pretty obvious when it's a safe play to try and split the D, which isn't often, and involves having speed or changing speeds (if you're good at that deal).

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Going outside is a great option if you've got the speed because in all likeliness you will not skate through two D.

Either use the speed or wait for a teammate cruising in and fire him a pass and go for his rebound. The odds are better when you wait for your teammates.

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Last week I scored a couple times by pushing the puck through their legs and picking it up on the other side. As they said above, sometimes you can draw a penalty doing that, and sometimes you get lucky and can knock it in.

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You have to see what the defense give you. If they are kinda flat and you can burn them then try and go for it, if they are kinda receptive and just keep creeping back keeping you in front of them try to get to the top of the circles and just rip a snap shot through the D's legs and head to the next for the rebound.

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Had a 1 v 3 rush in my game last week, used the defenseman as a screen and beat the goalie over the blocker.

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Fake the surge along the boards and speed right up to him and cross the put trough his legs/stick and take it cause most times the defense will be in a line or trying to take your head off so a change of speed would be a nice simple move.

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Had a 1 v 3 rush in my game last week, used the defenseman as a screen and beat the goalie over the blocker.

But you use XN10.

Maybe, I'm not sure what is in this particular stick. :ph34r:

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