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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Pad Suggestions

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Does the first number on Jofa pads (ie 8xxx) equate to the number for RBK pads (ie - 8k) ?

Are they essentially the same pad (shins, shoulder, elbow)

And what is regarded as the best out there?...I have heard 6k and 9k.

When comparing shoulderpads only, i would say 9K, 7K, 5K, 6K, 3K, 4K.

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For your beer league the Bauer XVI, Easton S-5 or the Sherwood 5030's should be fine. Your might also want to go for the Itech 455 or 655 or the Reebok 4K's. All your interested in doing in a beer league is to protect yourself from minor unintentional collisions and falls into the boards or onto the ice. Don't be foolish and wear nothing. Some protection is better than none at all.

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I'll second the Easton's. I just bought a pair of Synergy ST4's and I like them quite a bit. For a low level shoulder pad they've got a good amount of protection for the "what-if's" of rec league hockey. I also like playing with no shoulder pads, but I wanted something in case I were to take a puck or something to the ribs/chest. I looked at the Sherwood 5030's because they're so low profile, but if I was going to wear something I atleast wanted some sternum protection. The 5030's sternum protector is a pair of laces, basically. The Nike Bauer Classic shoulder pads have a sternum protector underneath the lace-up part, but they're not nearly as low profile as the Sherwoods. I didn't really like the way the Bauer Classic pads fit. They felt just as big as my ST4's, but maybe that was because they were mediums and my ST4's are size smalls.

If at all possible I'd go to a local shop and try some different shoulder pads on. All the sizing charts I looked at said that I should buy a size medium for my shoulder pads (6'1, about 170), but I ended with a small because they fit better and are more low profile. I originally started with a pair of Itech 255's, but they were too bulky for me. I bought them in a large though, and in a smaller size I bet they'd be a lot more comfortable.

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I recommend looking into Eastons. I've been in the X-Tremes (low-mid end model) for 3 years now. They're pretty stained up, but they've still got great protection and awesome mobility.

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I am debating between the Bauer defender and the bauer pro lightspeed. What are the differences in protection, mobility, and weight of the two? I see the defender has removeable caps, but the lightspeed looks more protective in the belly and back.

Anyone have experience with these two?

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oi vey.

Please keep responses to the two bauer pads. I already have the classics....looking to upgrade.


then start your own thread that way you get answers directed to your specific requests instead of posting in another persons thread and complaining when the answers are directed for him and not you.

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oi vey.

Please keep responses to the two bauer pads. I already have the classics....looking to upgrade.


then start your own thread that way you get answers directed to your specific requests instead of posting in another persons thread and complaining when the answers are directed for him and not you.

This thread was BURIED pages back when I posted and asked my question. No one had posted in it for 3 days...so dont tell me you all of a sudden were responding to the OP. And starting another thread is frowned upon here.

The question remains....anyone with experience in these two pads to help discern the differences?

This thread is for beer-league, which is what I play.....want more protection, and can get a deal on both.

Eh...forget it, I will just ask the Guru JR.

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no, none available to try on. i know JR and many others raved about the defenders, but i just wanted to see how the lightspeeds compared.

Defenders are tiny, the chest portion does not come down very far at all.

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In use the classic lineup....elbows got banged up, and took a couple shots to the upper belly, and sticks to the back. Got some nice Jofa elbows at the Panthers sale, 9k shins, and now looking to get some more front and back protection in the shoulders...with very low or removeable shoulder caps.


Easton s9?

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Thanks Chadd! Is there a set that will give good front and back protection with very small or removeable shoulder caps?

As long as you have a knife, all shoulder caps are removable. Just make sure the bicep pads are connected to the body and not to the cap if you're going to do that. I just got some new 660s because I need something a bit more sturdy for my shoulders, though I'll be looking for ways to slim them down a bit in other areas.

In use the classic lineup....elbows got banged up, and took a couple shots to the upper belly, and sticks to the back. Got some nice Jofa elbows at the Panthers sale, 9k shins, and now looking to get some more front and back protection in the shoulders...with very low or removeable shoulder caps.


Easton s9?

Farrell would be a fine lightly protective shoulders, but they're awfully expensive for the level of protection.

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Hit the boards last night and got my shoulder. I have frayed labrums and bursitis, and everytime I hit my shoulder a certain way it hurts pretty bad, and I go numb down to my hand for a couple minutes. I have made the decision to get more protection for my shoulders than my Bauer classics, plus more protection for blocking shots. I tried on all the bauers, rbk's, and CCMs. I found the bauers and RBKs to be too bukly on the caps, and the CCMs seemed really heavy. The Easton s9 seemed protective, not too heavy, good protection, and low profile. Has anyone had these, or heard a review on them? Did a search and didnt find anything specific to this model. Thanks.

Also, I saw in another thread on search, that the Defender is the best pad for shoulder protection. Since I would be obviously sacraficing belly and back protection, is the defender that much better for bum shoulders than the Easton s9?

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Hit the boards last night and got my shoulder. I have frayed labrums and bursitis, and everytime I hit my shoulder a certain way it hurts pretty bad, and I go numb down to my hand for a couple minutes. I have made the decision to get more protection for my shoulders than my Bauer classics, plus more protection for blocking shots. I tried on all the bauers, rbk's, and CCMs. I found the bauers and RBKs to be too bukly on the caps, and the CCMs seemed really heavy. The Easton s9 seemed protective, not too heavy, good protection, and low profile. Has anyone had these, or heard a review on them? Did a search and didnt find anything specific to this model. Thanks.

Also, I saw in another thread on search, that the Defender is the best pad for shoulder protection. Since I would be obviously sacraficing belly and back protection, is the defender that much better for bum shoulders than the Easton s9?

If you messed up your shoulder you need to concentrate on building up the muscle around it more than getting new shoulder pads. I've separated my right shoulder once and left one twice. It's important to be physically healthy more than band-aiding the problem.

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Hit the boards last night and got my shoulder. I have frayed labrums and bursitis, and everytime I hit my shoulder a certain way it hurts pretty bad, and I go numb down to my hand for a couple minutes. I have made the decision to get more protection for my shoulders than my Bauer classics, plus more protection for blocking shots. I tried on all the bauers, rbk's, and CCMs. I found the bauers and RBKs to be too bukly on the caps, and the CCMs seemed really heavy. The Easton s9 seemed protective, not too heavy, good protection, and low profile. Has anyone had these, or heard a review on them? Did a search and didnt find anything specific to this model. Thanks.

Also, I saw in another thread on search, that the Defender is the best pad for shoulder protection. Since I would be obviously sacraficing belly and back protection, is the defender that much better for bum shoulders than the Easton s9?

If you messed up your shoulder you need to concentrate on building up the muscle around it more than getting new shoulder pads. I've separated my right shoulder once and left one twice. It's important to be physically healthy more than band-aiding the problem.

I am not "band-aiding" the problem. I am seeing an orthopedist and recieving physical therapy and cortizone. What I also need is a pad that protects the joint the best, therefore my question. I am addressing the problem from all directions. I just need some expertise on a pad that is very protective, but also low profile and has torso protectio, and was wondering if the s9 fit the bill, or if the defender is the best option.

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Hate to bring up an old topic, but what is the sizing on the Itech SP50's like? I wear a size small in a new pair of Easton ST4's. Is the medium SP50 comparable to that size or what? I like playing with no shoulder pads, but I want something to cover my sternum. My other options are the heart/chest protector wicking shirt from WSI, or maybe trying a set of Lacrosse shoulder pads. They're low-profile and still have sternum protection.

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Don't wear anything at all but your team jersey even playing D. I played A, B, and beer and never wore even a tshirt. Too hot. You'll get some bruises and for a contact situation, lay into them with a lowered shoulder. I'm 6'4", 240 lbs and have played like this for 8 yrs. I just get too hot. Just get out of the way of slappers unless you're covering point. As a forward you will get cross checked in front of the net and boards. As long as you keep your head up an anticipate contact, you will be fine and fully unrestricted in regards to upper body and head movement.

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