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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X Shafts?

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Has anyone seen these around? I know they are old, but I have looking for them online for a while with no luck. I would take 77 or 87 flex if anyone sees them locally or still has them or whatever. Please let me know.

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IMO the XXXX standard shaft they are selling at the moment in Europe is exactly the same thing as the Bauer X shaft.

Same kick, weight and even the wheelbarrowhandle (hate that thing).

But it's gonna be way out of your desired pricerange (costs 150$).

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yes okay but where you have seem in any online stores ?? :unsure:

yes okay but where you have seem in any online stores ?? :unsure:

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its more or less the same, the grip isnt as tacky and i find it to be a bit lighter, having had them both in my garage recently. i didnt like the fact that they got slimmer higher up the shaft. which is why i got rid of them both. plus the price for the xxxx is ridiculous here.

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Its really a shaft that you like or you dont, Its fairly square, probably about average thickness, and it has the rounded wheelbarrow handle on top. That was a make or break for a lot of people. I really liked it.

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