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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening Preferences

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Anyone like to go a long time without sharpening their skates? I find that after a month or so my blades are at optimal performance..It has been about 6 weeks since I've sharpened my skates and I dont plan on doing so anytime soon. Maybe I will when it gets a bit colder out. Edges are still pretty sharp since I'm not having any trouble at all holding an edge through turns, but I love how the "glide" factor has improved since I got them in May/June.. Anyone else go for long periods without sharpening their steel? I'm at a 7/8 hollow these days.

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No, I like to be able to turn fast without falling on my ass.

I havent had any trouble with that at all..Plus turns are a great way to get acceleration..I've got Lightspeed 2 Tuuks at an 11" radius as well..

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I'm 170lb with a 1-1/4" radius and I sharpen (more like a touch-up) before every league game (not before every pick-up session though).

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yes I usually get my skates sharpened about 4 times per year and I have been doing this since I have been playing about twice per week, and I am at 205 lbs....but obvioulsy if I get a nick or something in the steel then I have to get it out if it affects my perfromance. I think its an a aquired taste. If somebody gets their skates sharpened often, I think they get "addicted" to that

real sharp edge - and when they lose that "sharp edge" they lose a little confidence....so back to LHS for their "fix". LOL

At $7.50 a pop sometimes you got to watch the wallett too....

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I used to go months between sharpenings for many years, but that was because it was before I learned about hollows on this site and I was getting the standard cut (I think it was 1/2") which was likely too deep for me. Since then I've gone shallower - first to 5/8, then 3/4, now 7/8 and while I definitely don't get my skates sharpened as often as a lot of people I usually go anywhere from a few weeks to 2 months probably averaging once a month. I usually just get them done when I get a big nick in them or after about 10 ice times between pickup and beer league games - whichever comes first. I now no longer dread the day I have to get them sharpened like I used to before I went shallower.

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165 pounds, 5/8" hollow. Thinking of going to 3/4" hollow because the last couple times the skates felt "too sharp" for a couple ice times, but maybe the kids did them at 1/2" and I didn't know.

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One of the Pens (was on the roster last year but might have been one of the ones dealt at the deadline) used to go a month or two without sharpening. I was reading a little interview with their equipment manager who was amazed that the guy never wanted his skates sharpened.

I usually sharpened my skates every 6 games.

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