15yearsofhistory 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 Glad to hear nothing got out of hand Spreed. This reminds me of the MMD law we have in Colorado. If you feel threatened (i.e; by knife, gun, or any deadly/harmful weapon even IF it's fake but appears to be real) you are allowed to use deadly/brutal retaliation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goonsquad 209 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 You did what you needed to do, and unfortunately was probably on a path of last resort. Tough call, i would imagine that it would have been even more difficult coping with what had happened had it further escalated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabres48 0 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 Dumb question...but was the gun loaded? Because as far as I know (and truthfully I dont know alot about this) you are not allowed to coneal a loaded firearm, and same goes for driving with one. If you are a hunter, you must have your firearms unloaded for transportation, or at least I believe that is the law for NYS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty22 834 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 Dumb question...but was the gun loaded? Because as far as I know (and truthfully I dont know alot about this) you are not allowed to coneal a loaded firearm, and same goes for driving with one. If you are a hunter, you must have your firearms unloaded for transportation, or at least I believe that is the law for NYS.Spree is in NO, not NYC. CCW=Concealed Carry Permit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skunk 1 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 Spree, good for you. Three guys, intent on taking your belongings, or worse......hey maybe we could just talk about it right?? Can't we all just get along?? YEAH RIGHT! I take three on one, waiting to ambush me a threat on my life. Those guys were scum bags. Punks that are only tough when they outnumber you in a gang. Force is the only reason they understand. As already pointed out, situational awareness can save your life. So can being prepared. As for the police, when not there on the scene, the wait time could have been disastrous. I have 100% respect for LEOs but the bottom line is it may have been to late. Recently, we had loser's invade our loceker room at stick time and go through everyones bags, steling everything. The police were called about 2 PM and didn't show till 10:30 PM (after being called a 2nd time) They cant be everywhere. As far as the OK coral?? Maybe it's come to that in certain places, DUE TO THE LIBERAL LEFT WING lawyers and judges that let these scum bags walk when they should be in prison. Due to the liberal democratic mindset that the government will meet all your needs comrade but in the meantime strips you of your dignity and worth as a humane being in the greatest nation on earth. The slackers are victims and true victims get no justice. Guns for the good guys, peace through strengthSpree, what are you carrying for a weapon and holster? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted August 31, 2008 Gun was loaded as always, and it is perfectly legal in LA when you have a proper CCW permit. Regulations vary from state to state.My carry is a Springfield XD .40cal carried in a typical Blackhawk plastic waistband concealable holster with trigger guard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jrhky36 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 good luck with the blow comming in. i hope you were able to get ourself and your family out of dodgeand someplace safe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabres48 0 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 Gun was loaded as always, and it is perfectly legal in LA when you have a proper CCW permit. Regulations vary from state to state.My carry is a Springfield XD .40cal carried in a typical Blackhawk plastic waistband concealable holster with trigger guard.Figured it was different state to state...Good thing you were raised around guns and had one or you might not have been making this thread.And good luck with Gustov...Hopefully your evacuating Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rustpot 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 Gun was loaded as always, and it is perfectly legal in LA when you have a proper CCW permit. Regulations vary from state to state.My carry is a Springfield XD .40cal carried in a typical Blackhawk plastic waistband concealable holster with trigger guard.Figured it was different state to state...Good thing you were raised around guns and had one or you might not have been making this thread.And good luck with Gustov...Hopefully your evacuatingSpree- How many pistols did you handle and demo before making the choice? I handled an XD .45 and felt it was too boxy in the grip to get comfortable without a lot of practice and use. Do the .40 and 9mm frames downsize at all?sabres- One doesn't need to be raised around guns to decide to carry one for personal protection.In Michigan the law for regular carry is as you stated, unloaded and unreachable from the passenger area, pistols with breach locks or in locked case, can only transport to and from home, range, smith, gun store. A CCW grants permission to carry a concealed firearm at any and all times unless entering a federal, state, or private no carry zone. This does not allow open carry (carrying the gun on the hip like a cop), brandishing (holding or otherwise having the gun viewable), or discharge. Brandishing and discharge do not apply when the firearm is in use to defend one's self or property. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 Bought the XD initially as a shooter, but it has evolved into a carry for me. The size isn't too bad for me, as I have a pretty good sized "posterior" and good curvature to my spine, so a perfect place on the small of my back to conceal and not be noticed. Would I love a PPKS in a .380 for carry....sure. But I can't currently justify the expenditure for a carry such as that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty22 834 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 Rust- the new XD's have interchangeable back straps, you may want to check that out. Spree- There are a ton of single stack 9mm coming out now- Kel tecs is around $300 and lightweight. I have one of their .380's for summer carry it runs great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PiKappaPhi 0 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 Spree- I am glad to hear that story and how it turned out! Many people today live in a jaded world where everything will be OK if you just call the police. I do not mean to take any shots at people and I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but the police are responders, not defenders. It has been tried in a few different court cases so let me remind you that the police have absolutely no responsibility in directly protecting you! I am glad that you are safely and effecting taking the necessary precautions and responsibility to protect yourself! As far as the Springfield XD, my original carry gun was the 9mm sub-compact and it is a spectacular weapon. If you want something a bit bigger, look at the .40. They are amazing and I trust my life with them (all XD's). But, recently I have found the Springfield EMP in 9mm and thats what I carry daily. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
camhockey16 5 Report post Posted September 1, 2008 sounds like you are pretty level headed - this is a perfect example of what a ccw permit should be for.the only thing i would wonder is what happened to the next person they tried this to - that would probably bug me for a while Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trooper 8 Report post Posted September 2, 2008 I guess noone wants to consider the what-if that perhaps the hooligans also could have been carrying guns. This situation could easily have turned into the OK Corral. This situation could just have easily have been solved by backing up while dialing the cops on a cell phone.No, because as much as liberals like to screech about Dodge City and any other old west scenarios they would like to draw comparisons to, it really doesn't happen. You know what they say about the police, when seconds count, they're only minutes away... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted September 2, 2008 Shame that I'm a conservative. I just don't like the idea of possibly being that other person in the parking lot who has to rely on your perfect aim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monty22 834 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 As opposed to the police? They as a whole aren't exactly known for their marksmanship. I shoot at least once or twice a month, sometimes more. Ask what your local P.D.'s schedule is for firearms training- it's normally twice a year, and most need help qualifying. Part of the permit classes in most states include a section on how you are responsible for every round that leaves the chamber. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trooper 8 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 As opposed to the police? They as a whole aren't exactly known for their marksmanship. I shoot at least once or twice a month, sometimes more. Ask what your local P.D.'s schedule is for firearms training- it's normally twice a year, and most need help qualifying. Part of the permit classes in most states include a section on how you are responsible for every round that leaves the chamber.My brother-in-law is full-time SWAT and a firearms instructor for his department of over 800 officers. He and his teammates never go to the range (the department has a private range) alone and consider running the range for qualification more dangerous than any SWAT activity.Shame that I'm a conservative. I just don't like the idea of possibly being that other person in the parking lot who has to rely on your perfect aim.I don't like the idea of getting killed by a criminal. The criminal created the scenario, not the victim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 As opposed to the police? They as a whole aren't exactly known for their marksmanship. I shoot at least once or twice a month, sometimes more. Ask what your local P.D.'s schedule is for firearms training- it's normally twice a year, and most need help qualifying. Part of the permit classes in most states include a section on how you are responsible for every round that leaves the chamber.I also prefer not to be in the area when police are firing away, but usually those lights and sirens clue me into the fact that something is going on and maybe I shouldn't be in the parking lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR97 2 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 Glad things turned out ok, Spree. Utah is one of the more generous CCW states. Due to some 'altercations' on my bike commute I'm tempted to get a CCW. However, it would have to be absolute life/death situation for me to even show the firearm in a situation. I"m not going to take a life if someone wants my bike, bags, etc. bad enough. I'll defend with the lock or pump but the gun will be absolutely last resort unless I"m sure the perp is after my life. (btw, cyclists carrying is a huge debate in the cycling community. plenty of anecdotal evidence to justify carrying depending on locale.)I wouldn't trust the police to write me up a parking ticket in reasonable time let alone "protect" me. But I'd probably be whipping out the phone and making the call anyway just as a deterrent. That's helped quite a few bikers in cager altercations. Especially the camera phone aimed at license plates, etc.From my understanding, you pretty much have to shoot to kill else you can be held liable for all sorts of crap. I've also heard that using in defense of property is a tough one to get out of as well unless the perp is shot and killed within your residence. But alas, you're a very responsible owner/carrier and reacted level headed in the situation. Most people wouldn't CCW or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DavidT 11 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 Ive had to pull my pistol once. It deterred the situation rather quickly to my advantage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildebeest 0 Report post Posted September 3, 2008 man, that's just like that movie I saw once! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CapsFan 5 Report post Posted February 26, 2009 Hey guys,I've been thinking about getting a handgun and later, a conceal permit. After doing some research I've narrowed it down to: Glock or Sig P229 .40 S&W, but I haven't ruled anything completely out. Do you have some suggestions on what I should look at as a firearm newbie?Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkbyte 0 Report post Posted February 26, 2009 Personally, Id go with something with an external safety. If your trained properly and practice regually it wont slow you down.Edit: IE crash :(Go shoot whatever you can, some guns feel comfortable, some dont. This can all depend on the size of your hands, whether you are left or right handed.Also, if you want to get into something like IPSC as a hobby, you may want to get something that is suitable for dual use. Good to hear you are ok Spree, that would have been very nasty by the sounds of it if you didnt have some backup. We cant carry firearms here, but thankfully, there isnt much to worry about aside from the odd drunken "locals" hurling glass bottles at you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted February 26, 2009 Not really knowledgable about handguns, but have shot a variety of weapons during my 2 and half year stint in the Army (from 5.56mm automatic rifles to 84mm recoiless tank busters)... the handgun still eludes the list, but hand grenades and RPGs are fun ;)Glad you are alright Spree, I've always heard about these incidents in the US, but never really read too much into it. Just brings it back down to earth how some areas can still be dangerous. I was about to sign my son up for mite soccer, but when I heard about the suburb they were going to train in, I thought otherwise. No point going to see your son play, and having a scrap with the locals... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spreedizzle 1 Report post Posted February 26, 2009 Hey guys,I've been thinking about getting a handgun and later, a conceal permit. After doing some research I've narrowed it down to: Glock or Sig P229 .40 S&W, but I haven't ruled anything completely out. Do you have some suggestions on what I should look at as a firearm newbie?Thanks.P229 is a great gun, even for concealed carry. I have always found the Glocks to be too blocky and wide for a decent carry weapon. But then it all depends on what you will be using it for. I find the Glock to be a very stable, and consistent shooting platform, and the ergonomics for my hand type are great. The Sig is a great shooting weapon, but doesn't fit my hand as well as the Glock, or especially my Springfield. My point....go to a range or a shop that allows you to handle, and potentially use on a range....and get the weapon that you feel most comfortable with. I used to carry my Springfield XD .40....which is a full sized weapon and a bit difficult to conceal properly. I have a fair amount of curvature to my lower spine, and a "large posterior" so I can do an in the waistband holster in the small of my back with good comfort and little to no "show". I recently purchased a Kel-Tec .380 as a smaller carry weapon and LOVE IT!! Not the stopping power of the .40, but half the size and weight and allows me to always be able to carry a weapon regardless of what I am wearing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites