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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brooklynite Almighty

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I think $179.99 is too much considering it doesn't say Easton, CCM, RBK or Bauer on it. If it's actually a good stick, great, but at this point no one knows if it's good or a pos but for $179.99 I'd just go buy an SE instead.

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Regardless of technology, 12KKKKKKK, graphics, biblical references, weight etc etc.......from a "no name" company you are going to be hard pressed to sell a stick rivaling other top manufacturers in the ballpark of their pricing. For a startup company you are going to need to be bargain basement and build from there.

Keep in mind that the national average for startup companies, small business' etc etc is 18 MONTHS before turning your first dollar of profit. Be prepared for long nights, hard work, heavy expenditure in a variety of avenues to catapult your company, and then you might have the potential of turning a profit.

Just keep in mind that the odds are heavily against you, and the vast majority of the members of MSH are incredibly well informed, well educated (well....at least with regards to hockey they are.....Wex not included of course) and extremely skeptical with regards to new companies as we have all seen new start ups spring up every other week with an attempt to differentiate themselves (unsuccessfully I might add) from their more established competition.

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Regardless of technology, 12KKKKKKK, graphics, biblical references, weight etc etc.......from a "no name" company you are going to be hard pressed to sell a stick rivaling other top manufacturers in the ballpark of their pricing. For a startup company you are going to need to be bargain basement and build from there.

Keep in mind that the national average for startup companies, small business' etc etc is 18 MONTHS before turning your first dollar of profit. Be prepared for long nights, hard work, heavy expenditure in a variety of avenues to catapult your company, and then you might have the potential of turning a profit.

Just keep in mind that the odds are heavily against you, and the vast majority of the members of MSH are incredibly well informed, well educated (well....at least with regards to hockey they are.....Wex not included of course) and extremely skeptical with regards to new companies as we have all seen new start ups spring up every other week with an attempt to differentiate themselves (unsuccessfully I might add) from their more established competition.

Hey, I resemble that remark :P

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Well the stick itself looks nice, reminds me of a Dolomite. Shame there's no 75 flex though.

My recommendation would be to work with MSH and do a few long-term review programs. You have to build confidence with the buyers before they will drop money on the stick, and that'd be the cheapest way. You're out a few sticks, but if you sell a quality product with a good price, you'll get a lot of sales. Otherwise, have a cheap introductory price, which might increase adoption.

Yep ... sent JR and/or Chadd a few demos and we all can get objective reviews.

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what do you think is a good price for a 425g stick? I m debating pricing. I am thinking179.99

Just because a stick is 425g does not mean its even remotely worth $179.99. Weight alone says nothing about quality. Truthfully I would imagine it'd be difficult to sell your stick well if it cost even half that. Like it was previously mentioned people are brand whores, but usually there is some good reason behind that. If I have the choice of choosing a new Easton for $180 or a $180 stick that I've never heard of, why would I ever choose the new one? I'd go with what has worked for me (or at the very least others who I know) in the past. If it was me (and trust me I'll never get in the business), I'd try to sell my sticks cheaper and build up a reputation among the players. Then you can introduce new products which are priced higher. But going head to head against the big boys right out of the gate seems like business suicide for someone like me who is your average consumer.

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Disclaimer: Yes, I am an admin for the BN site. I'm betting right now it will be a quality stick. How much so? I haven't used it yet so I can't say exactly. I've spoken to Joe many times, his dedication is something I won't question. As far as pricing goes, I tend to agree, I think $179 is a tad on the high side for launch. BTW, I hope you guys realize Joseph isn't just a businessman, he's a hockey lifer and an addict of the game like many of us.

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If you went that price with a 1 DAY warranty, Joe would go out of business. People can't be trusted anymore. Either $80 with no warranty, or a 90 day warranty on a full priced stick.

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For most people price = quality.

If the average hockey kid walks into a shop, sees Reebok, Easton and Warrior sticks for $200, he's going to want "the best". At $80 people will assume it's a garbage stick, on the same level as Reebok 4K, CCM V6, Easton SY11, etc.

At the same time, you can't price match, their name wins every time.

So what to do? Make a display. The 9KO, U+, S17.. they all have a dedicated display with information as to why little Johnnie's mommy should fork out 200 clams for a stick.

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I'd rather see no warranty and an inexpensive stick than a 90 day warranty. Who doesn't break a stick in 90 days? And with any sort of warranty you still have people writing fake receipts.

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I'd rather see no warranty and an inexpensive stick than a 90 day warranty. Who doesn't break a stick in 90 days? And with any sort of warranty you still have people writing fake receipts.

my fuel did after the 90 days.

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but at the same time... if it comes with no warranty at 80, and performs like that $120 CCM/NBH/Easton... you'd bet that people would spend $120 on a warrantied stick.

See, to determine pricing we'd have to assume it's actually worth as much you'd think. Also, it doesnt look expensive. Put an s17 at $120 no warranty.... it looks like a stick thats $250, people would gobble it up. it doesnt look like, say, a mission z-1, l-2 whatever.

like it or not, looks count for something.

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if it were priced right, I'd be willing to buy a rack of the same model, curve, flex over one of something higher priced, If I Liked the stick and it performed adequate enough. I'd rather have a stockpile and have that piece of mind knowing that if and when it breaks I have another one exactly like it waiting to take it's place. Rather than having to Hunt online or through the LHS to hopefully find something similar, and that gets tough to do at the end of the season.

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I'd rather see no warranty and an inexpensive stick than a 90 day warranty. Who doesn't break a stick in 90 days? And with any sort of warranty you still have people writing fake receipts.

i've never broken a stick... knock on wood.

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