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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To the Gordon Gekkos of the world.........

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I think it is safe to say that the market has gone well past a correction. Look for a lot of recent retirees lining up to apply at your local Burger King and Safeway stores.

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I think it is safe to say that the market has gone well past a correction. Look for a lot of recent retirees lining up to apply at your local Burger King and Safeway stores.

If the retirees had an advisor worth his salt, they would be properly diversified into fixed income, therefore mitigating the effect of this equities market. Its statements like yours that are fueling the fear out there. This market has gone past what it should according to economic fundamentals...it is doing this because of fear and panic....stop fueling the fire.

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We are almost at bottom folks. Did you see Apple stock today? There are a ton of great companies at great prices right now. The bulls will appear soon.

The bigger issue will be the layoffs occuring in the next 3 - 6 months. This will probably get very ugly.

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The bulls won't appear because they don't trust each other. Counter Party risk is extremely high right now. Until credit spreads come in, there will be no bottom. The market wants the Fed/Treasury to step in and guarantee inter-bank lending. By stepping in, both sides of the transaction will have the confidence to start trading with each other because the counter party risk rests on the shoulders of the Gov't.

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We are almost at bottom folks.

My guess is Tuesday or Wednesday

I thought the markets were closed for Columbus day, my bad.

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I think it is safe to say that the market has gone well past a correction. Look for a lot of recent retirees lining up to apply at your local Burger King and Safeway stores.

If the retirees had an advisor worth his salt, they would be properly diversified into fixed income, therefore mitigating the effect of this equities market. Its statements like yours that are fueling the fear out there. This market has gone past what it should according to economic fundamentals...it is doing this because of fear and panic....stop fueling the fire.

Just pointing out what I'm seeing. The people fueling the fire are the profiteers who have been manipulating the market for the past two weeks with their predictions of volatility lasting for several months. Those folks have been cashing in on the huge swings.

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I thought this was a great read, as a budding finance student he perfectly verbalized many of my thoughts on the industry and even government in general.


Oh brother. "I helped fleece America and now that I've got mine, best of luck to you."

Good bye and f-you too buddy.

But yeah.. other than the false humility, he had some good points.

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I thought this was a great read, as a budding finance student he perfectly verbalized many of my thoughts on the industry and even government in general.


Oh brother. "I helped fleece America and now that I've got mine, best of luck to you."

Good bye and f-you too buddy.

But yeah.. other than the false humility, he had some good points.

How did he 'fleece America'? He didn't sign up bunch of morons for mortgages they couldn't afford.

If there were more people out there like this guy, betting against the housing bubble, betting against the financial institutions with crummy balance sheets, then there wouldn't have been a problem.

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And it's not "America" he fleeced, he's referring to the new aristocracy that is so ill-equipped to, and is currently, running the country.

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