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Thermablades outlawed by NHL

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Question to anyone who has put these on a pair of skates. Do the thermablade holders have the same hole pattern as LS2's?


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According to the article, it seems "suspended" or "tabled" might be a better word than "outlawed."

They are prohibited from use at this time. Any team playing against Edmonton should keep an eye on Reasoner for a while.

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What's the possibility that the bad news for Thermablades will translate to good news for a consumer looking to try these for a reasonable price? ie: not $400...

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What's the possibility that the bad news for Thermablades will translate to good news for a consumer looking to try these for a reasonable price? ie: not $400...

well, if the company goes under they'll be available on closeout ;)

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According to the article, it seems "suspended" or "tabled" might be a better word than "outlawed."

They are prohibited from use at this time. Any team playing against Edmonton should keep an eye on Reasoner for a while.

Reasoner is in Atlanta now.

I never liked the idea of a machine connected to the body improving performance, so I hope it never goes, but I think we already have a giant thread for that debate.

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According to the article, it seems "suspended" or "tabled" might be a better word than "outlawed."

They are prohibited from use at this time. Any team playing against Edmonton should keep an eye on Reasoner for a while.


EDIT: Dammit...beaten by mere seconds. :(

My bad, that was one of the moves that I forgot.

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A few did express interest in continuing to use them through the season...

I reckon there's no need for them really. But I won't get into that debate here

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